cacs lostSupposedly the "average" American in 2050
cacs lostSupposedly the "average" American in 2050
These people actually exist, and the National Geographic article this comes from never claimed the "average" American will look like any of these peopleSupposedly the "average" American in 2050
That picture doesn't do her justice.
She looks great.
I just don't get what's sexually attractive about white women. I dated one once and broke up with her cause I needed to get back to black women. These were my exact words. Can someone explain the fascination with white women in the black community besides brainwashing? Black women have the best bodies and when they are actually in their right state of mind are pretty die hard for us.
They are from the mountains .White man's ice is colder
Whose said I wouldn't. I'mean just talking about the ends of the spectrum.Why date exclusively Black woman when you can date all races of women?