Matt come on, regardless shyt is ridiculous and insulting.
It's all contradictory nonsense. Literally in another post before that she dapped a white girl who referred to a black poster using the proverbial "race card".Insulting, yes.
She can easily be shut down if people detail exactly why she's wrong in her assertions. Trolls are so successful because people in threads like these spend more time attacking the person than the arguments.
Thats why in Europe its Britain, Latvia, Iceland, Estonia that tends to lead in the single parent household department
You do not know of what you speak.. especially in the UK you wanna talk about these problems but most of these single parent households are white They combine black people with "other ethnic minorities" (which includes white people that aren't even from the UK) and this group still isnt the majority
So since we're glorifying white people, why are they failing in relationships? Why do they have more single mothers in Europe? Please explain this since I heard that black people suck at parenting and relationships
One minute these dudes are ochi wally and the next they one mic.
They want to promote and celebrate dysfunctional personal behaviours than feign ignorance about it's consequences.
@No_bammer_weed said black men hate responsibility so there you go.
That's all I'm saying! How the fucc she gonna tell us what the fucc we doing and she's the one who's life is fucced up. We don't have any complaints about our men, our children or our families. Another popped bytch talking crazy.
I have been to southern India a few times and I will say this. The folks in south India the so called original indigenous Indians. A lot of them look like black people.
I mean their skin can be as dark as black folks and they can have very kinky hair. I was at the airport and there was one Indian lady who was probably the most beautiful Indian woman I had ever seen. She looked like she could have been a sista from Atlanta or anywhere else in America. From color to facial features to kinky hair. No lie the only difference between many of the indigenous dark Indians and black folks is they don't have the muscle definition like black people do.
Another thing people base north India and south India by the complexion of Indians. So when I am in south India people actually where coming up to me speaking Hindu and when I look at them crazy they are like oh I see you ain't Indian....
They are also the only chicks I've seen that shyt on their guys openly and viciously. Some of the ether I've seen Indian guys take at the hands of their females