I honestly think the colorstruck black male, is a vocal minority who gets all the attention. Most black Men aren't colorstruck in the choosing of their mates, the ones that are, just get most of the attention. They dug through the depths of his social media to validate calling him a c00n out of nowhere. Like, c'mon..
From the comments in here, and his statements, he is still friends with her.
If you are around racist people that don't like your "kind", you are more than likely a c00n.
I bet that Latina was tempered in her racism when posting that message. I bet you she says shyt on the daily about Black people, yet you have O'shea out here
for her.
Then you have Black "men" on here trying to defend him.
Then the same Black boys make threads about Black women disrespecting Black men.
Black women are the ones making this guy's career like they do with a lot of Black males in Hollywood. Trust me, there aren't a plethora of white women wanting to see O'shea in movies. He better hope white supremacy doesn't come a knockin'.