Mr Uncle Leroy
All Star
black male bedwench LOLAn example of the typical black male bedwench.
![]() <<<<<<<<<<<<<<More black male bedwenchery available at this site!
While the black women respond to black men the least. The spread between the most responded to and the least responded to is 10 points.
Black men respond to black women the least, and there is a 20 point spread between least responded to and most responded to. That’s double the spread for black women. Yet black women are somehow negro bedwenches?
Over a period of 6 years black women rate black men POSITIVELY and MORE positively than other races of men. Over the same period black men rate black women NEGATIVELY. Over the same period NO GROUP OF WOMEN (other than black women) rate black males positively. But black women are somehow negro bedwenches?
More than 2 times as many black males date out, but black women are somehow negro bedwenches?
Facts: black males are the ULTIMATE negro bedwenches.