If yall had black men in your lives that told you that you were beautiful you wouldn't have to time nor care to police the response pattern of OKCupid.
Must be terrible for some of you to feel unloved online and off.

Always with the excuses of your brethren. You have a girl but you still find to comment on black women's low desirability and bedwenching ways.
If yall had black men in your lives that told you that you were beautiful you wouldn't have to time nor care to police the response pattern of OKCupid.
Must be terrible for some of you to feel unloved online and off.
LOL now you want to question the validity of the study? Whre was that in your first reply? Oh yeah when the data suited your agenda it was fine when it didn't it's flawed. Lol love dat male logic.Maybe because a dating site is not a sound population sample to base a study on? Nothing about this was done with sound academic methodology.
Lol you're unloved too! Other women DON'T WANT YOU, yet you still find time to bash the ONLY women who consistently do. LOL
If yall had black men in your lives that told you that you were beautiful you wouldn't have to time nor care to police the response pattern of OKCupid.
Must be terrible for some of you to feel unloved online and off.
Lol that's the thing about FACTS hey aren't bitter. Maybe you're bitter about the fact that as much as you want to sling that D onto others THEY DON'T WANT YOU. You're stuck with the women who consistently want to date you, but that you hate. Now, THAT'S bitter.look we got a bitter black woman here
were did i said i like white woman ? show me ahahaha thats why you bitter you think all black man want a white snow princess !!!Lol that's the thing about FACTS hey aren't bitter. Maybe you're bitter about the fact that as much as you want to sling that D onto others THEY DON'T WANT YOU. You're stuck with the women who consistently want to date you, but that you hate. Now, THAT'S bitter.
Black people dating white people, especially in this day and age, automatically makes me goand look at them extra suspect.
The world letting us know loud and clear how they feel about us and y'all still thirsty for white skin.
So this is like that video but graph version
When will this die out