Breh, read what that broad is trolling you to say about our own women.
That's what's in his heart. When I say something you don't like it's trolling, but when he does it it's my fault. Gots ta love dat male logic.
Breh, read what that broad is trolling you to say about our own women.
The conversation is obviously fake.
Those stats are taken from a dating website. Dating websites don't have a lot of normal black people period. And on any given dating site men are gonna respond to ANY FEMALE who messages them no matter what race they are.
This is a retarded discussion. People can date whoever they feel like dating. I don't see how someone elses personal preference effects us. If you think interracial dating is wrong simply don't interracial date. Problem solved.
I'm from the land of truth.
This graph specifically shows that:
A. Black women responds to black men the least, meaning that most want nothing to do with their own better halves.
B. Black women responds to white males 10 times as more then black males, showing that bw want wm more then their own better halves.
C. Black women would respond favorably to ANYONE but black men.
D. Shows that black men are not being considered for anything and that black women think that black men have nothing to offer for black women
E. Black women love A-rabs, the same Arabs that have enslaved our ancestors to this day, and opening hate black men who would even think about dating their women but would opening loves black women.
F. Black women have succumb to white supremacy and love anyone who is nonblack and white based on the collection data provided FROM THAT SITE.
SO you trying to say that bm are the true bedwenches are fallacious based on the data you have provided.
REFUTE THE FACTS OR GTFO.*Looks at join date/post count*
OP is an agent/troll
*Ignore list*
Black women replied to black men the MOST of ANY woman.
You don't know what a negro bed wench is. A black male cannot be a bedwench. nikkas don't desire cac males nor worship them. Only women can do that. White supremacy is white male supremacy.
That's a lot of red for black people. Why do black people use internet dating?An example of the typical black male bedwench.
![]() <<<<<<<<<<<<<<More black male bedwenchery available at this site!
While the black women respond to black men the least. The spread between the most responded to and the least responded to is 10 points.
Black men respond to black women the least, and there is a 20 point spread between least responded to and most responded to. That’s double the spread for black women. Yet black women are somehow negro bedwenches?
Over a period of 6 years black women rate black men POSITIVELY and MORE positively than other races of men. Over the same period black men rate black women NEGATIVELY. Over the same period NO GROUP OF WOMEN (other than black women) rate black males positively. But black women are somehow negro bedwenches?
The same is TRUE for black males, but why aren't you talking about that? Why aren't you talking about how black males weren't even the highest group to respond highest to black women when black women WERE the highest group to respond to black males? INTERESTING.But lower than any other group of men they replied to.
HelloThat's what's in his heart. When I say something you don't like it's trolling, but when he does it it's my fault. Gots ta love dat male logic.
The same is TRUE for black males, but why aren't you talking about that? Why aren't you talking about how black males weren't even the highest group to respond highest to black women when black women WERE the highest group to respond to black males? INTERESTING.