No, I am citing the data you link in your OP.
No, they don't:
As you can see, the lowest response male response rates from BLACK FEMALE SENDERS is 31% Asian - Male, 32% White - Male, 32% Pacific Islander- Male.
Black Males have higher response rate than all of those groups at 37%, which is mid tier. But this response rate is partly explained by a Black Male group that's nerdier than average from their preference for Asian women and influenced by black female's low response rate for black men."
No, it isn't (look at the graph above). Men respond differently than women (this explains why the male response graph is far more green than the female response graph). You can't judge black men by response rates which are unnatural to their gender (i.e. the female response trend). You have to judge black men by general male response trend, which are generally higher than women's. Black male's response rate is mid tier and coerced lower than presumedby black women's absurd low response rate in the first place in addition to the general nerdiness of the black male sample in this study.
This is wrong as I explain above. Just factually wrong and propagandistic as such. Black women respond the least to black men; black male with a geek bent actually respond more. This nerdy black men sample are the only male group which consistently rates black females as more attractive than cac females. Other groups drop black females like an anvil.
I'm starting to feel bad for you, so I'll break it down in layman's terms with numbers and everything!
Going down the list of how black males respond to ALL women (Go to Black-Male on graph, put your little finger on the first square and slide down for all the data on how BLACK MALES respond to FEMALE SENDERS of DIFFERENT RACES). They respond to black women the least with 37% and Pacific Islander women the MOST with 57%. That is a spread of 20 POINTS.

Follow the same method for data mining in the last graph for this graph, but go to black female. Black females respond the LEAST TO black males with 28% (ALSO NOTE: this is the HIGHEST response rate from ANY FEMALE group to black men, something you DON'T see for black males responding to black women). Black females respond highest to Pacific Islander males with 39%. That's an 11 point spread almost half that of black males.

Also, please don't even try to quantify your "nerdiness" crud. It's ILLOGICAL.