You should put weave in the title. Guaranteed 10 pages
Or bedwench
Those are you reason why BW are invisible
You should put weave in the title. Guaranteed 10 pages
Or bedwench
Because I don't sit here and agrer with everythings that passes through this forum as fact I white, possible black man and/or ugly and fat and or troll. Are we in grade school?
how frequently do you crossdress to know this information?black women arent carded, frisked and stopped, and aren't viewed as threatening
f outta here
I am not separating in fact I am doing quite the opposite I am trying to bring attention that the black community is not acting as a community but as fragmented group competing on who's suffers more when we suffer equally but perhaps differently. I don't understand how this generation thinks that black men are the only ones suffering in the black community. I don't get it and not only are posters refusing to acknowledge their hypocrisy they're trying to silence me. I would never say that black men don't suffer in this society and have never said that. But BLACK men can say take black women are not affect by racism and then in the next breath mock black women for entertaining being with a white man due to racism. So which is it?I don't understand this. Are we acting like black males and not the primary targets when it comes to white supremacy and things like that? They have been attacking the black male since we got here. That is how you break a community. Do sympathies not go to the families of victims? I am trying to get what you are saying but I am not seeing it. Especially with the most recent situations in our community Renisha Mcbride, Eric Garner, and Mike Brown. Was there not just as much outrage on all victims? I think Mike Brown is just the braking point.
What I don't like on here is how we are trying to separate ourselves from each other. Its already happened in this thread on both sides. There will always be the bias on here. I don't see that in the real world though in relation to these stories.
My titles expresses exactly what I will address. If male posters use it as a way to mock black women thats on them not me.You're bringing no new discussion, your not articulation your argument and you using bait to keep your thread relevant. This is troll behavior.
I think u need one of theseMy titles expresses exactly what I will address. If male posters use it as a way to mock black women thats on them not me.
Lol thats nice of you. I am not hurt if anything it proves my point of the hypocrisy of the posters on this site and this is supposed to be a black male site...its very opening.I think u need one of these.
I am not separating in fact I am doing quite the opposite I am trying to bring attention that the black community is not acting as a community but as fragmented group competing on who's suffers more when we suffer equally but perhaps differently. I don't understand how this generation thinks that black men are the only ones suffering in the black community. I don't get it and not only are posters refusing to acknowledge their hypocrisy they're trying to silence me. I would never say that black men don't suffer in this society and have never said that. But BLACK men can say take black women are not affect by racism and then in the next breath mock black women for entertaining being with a white man due to racism. So which is it?
I disagree that the target is less than another. It is large disservice that their struggles are less because that means that they cannot admit that they suffer as well without being told that their male counterparts suffer more. Again that is counterproductive, in my opinion and minimizes how deeply black girls suffer. It is very dangerous thing to say.You will be waiting forever for some poster's to acknowledge their hypocrisy. I have never seen a black male say black women don't suffer racism. The your arguments, to me and the examples you use don't match. I have seen them have seizures on here over a black woman wearing weave or dating a white man. I have yet to see anyone saying black women don't suffer racism. You can't completely throw out how black men are disproportionately targeted. We are all suffer racism but black males have the biggest target on their back. I fear more racism for my son in this country, more than I would a daughter for that reason. But I will still fear and acknowledge racism for them both.
Now if you want to say that a lot of "pro-black" males on here are hypocrites... yes, yes they are.
I disagree that the target is less than another. It is large disservice that their struggles are less because that means that they cannot admit that they suffer as well without being told that their male counterparts suffer more. Again that is counterproductive, in my opinion and minimizes how deeply black girls suffer. It is very dangerous thing to say.
Their plight is ignored or minimized do you not read what people are writing here?Why is it Black women in the internet continue to think their plight are ignore?
They forgot that is was a group effort with both black men and women join together to help Marrisa Alexander to appeal her conviction.