WinB83 stands up for Xbox by scolding innocents with his economic prowess, but is it enough ?


I love you, you know.
Sep 3, 2015
The Multiverse
The company will work with you if you ask for shyt, like there's no reason for Sony to not have a web browser, they just dont give a fukk about anyone.
The hell would I want a web browser on the PS5 when I have my phone right beside me???
What year is this???


A God Among Kings
May 1, 2012
Rochester Ny
Breh I’m not reading all that but you must be crazy if you think that ANY corporation would indefinitely continue on with something that’s not making money just because they are getting money elsewhere… That’s not how the corporate world works.

By your logic they would still be supporting MS Phone…and yet they are not. Deaded that shyt years ago.

Where is MS Phone???!!!???


I will respectfully leave this convo you're still talking about phones and zune and shyt, neglecting the fact that sony has folded more shyt.
You refuse to accept that Microsoft does shyt for fun, while Sony is doing shyt to gain establishment

Xbox in itself is for fun, it was to offer direct competition to Sony ... Playstation is Sony's main focus and breadwinner.
If Xbox never happened Microsoft wouldnt care this is all extra shyt, the zune, the phone. Its not company altering loses. nikkas could start making Microsoft Rockets to compete with Tesla for fun. Like I said they could buy Sony for 70 billion and throw the company out and it still wouldnt matter... they'd still have 1.6 trillion dollars after doing that.

I dont know how you are sitting here acting like a Zune or MS phone is going to collapse a 1.7 trillion dollar company
yall will easily sidestep and discredit the fact that Sony had microsoft software on its computers before that folded. Sony Vaio wasnt even a bad laptop at all. That just wasnt what they made their money on so it had to be put to rest. Sony was smart for just making parts for sound systems and phones in the early 2000s ... too much competition and you can just make raw bread off parts without fighting the companies competing with you. Playstation is Sony's bread and butter. If Microsoft just drops windows and no zune, phone, xbox, any of that weirdo shyt they did ... they still have a trillion dollars. All of that shyt is extra, if it works cool... if not fukk it. They are in your market to see what shyt they can stir up ... they dont care. You gotta be young, Sony has folded just as much if not more shyt as microsoft. Neither company is bad but there's no comparison.


Sony already failed at all the shyt you're even bringing up. I'm not here to discredit Sony or Microsoft ... its just raw facts. I think most of the moves Sony have made have been great. Sony VR needs to be kept going and Kinect for Xbox should have never got bushed. Sony should develop a better version of a handheld again too. Yall fall into the trap of choosing sides when both companies work and eat off of eachother for longevity and profit. One company does this, another does that. Now Microsoft will copy Sony's controller and make all this extra bread off people and Sony will do something else.

The fact that you tell me about microsofts failures like it effects me is wild. Like I'm gonna cry or some shyt :russ: it would be like me saying Jay-z is trash based on his reebok shoes ... or just denying the fact that the company you prop up has failed and literally jumped out the market. :usure: or the fact that Sony has raised the price and everything said in OG post has already happened over there. But what do I know :yeshrug:


Mar 5, 2013
The Scriptures
If I was a Sony stan I wouldnt let this dude speak for me

you can buy a year subscription off Cdkey for 40$ then convert your gamepass ultimate
whats the point of talking about money when Sony is half the company it was years ago, singlehandedly relying on you to keep playstation afloat
with the same price to profit loss as you spoke on hardware wise, Sony is leasing linux because they dont own an operating system. Cant even give you a web browser etc.

all the points you made have already happened to playstation from a price point, without them owning half the software they put on every console

just based on market cap ... Microsoft could buy Sony 12.6 times

How Microsoft Saved Apple From Bankruptcy
Just from acquiring those Apple stocks in 1997 (saving apple).... that stock is worth 2.7 billion now

Sony is sitting at 70 billion
Bill Gates alone has given 50 billion to away charity

I dunno why cats wanna write their own epitaph... microsoft is just making money and chilling, other companies aint built like that.

I have no clue why yall cats even bring up home subscription shyt knowing you can just buy keys everywhere, from Adobe, to Spotify to Tidal etc then gamepass matches how much you initially subscribed to

Breh wtf are you talking about , I asked about Gamepass not a company financial report ....

Xbox does not equal Microsoft as a whole , I’m not sure what your supposed to be proving here .....

And whatever has or hasn’t happened to PlayStation is irrelevant seeing as they have and will continue to win each generation, if Xbox can’t get and KEEP a substantial amount of people on Gamepass for the long term then it’s over for them

You do understand that if it wasn’t for Phil Spencer there would be no Xbox anything right now at all ... right ? They were done with the Xbox failure, heartbroken ... Phil went in and begged them to keep it going

So all this bullshyt you talking “well Sony did it , they are still around so this talking point is dumb, Xbox can do what they want” nah, Xbox was on the brink of extinction with all of Microsoft’s gazillion dollar bank account... so you’re wrong they care very much about how much that division is pulling in

Xbox head Phil Spencer told Microsoft to go 'all-in' on gaming when brand was threatened | Windows Central

CD Keys? :mjlol:

95 percent of people who will buy Gamepass have no idea what that is including these stans who I’m sure bought that shyt straight from the dashboard

give me a break
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A God Among Kings
May 1, 2012
Rochester Ny
Breh wtf are you talking about , I asked about Gamepass not a company financial report ....

Xbox does not equal Microsoft as a whole , I’m not sure what your supposed to be proving here .....

And whatever has or hasn’t happened to PlayStation is irrelevant seeing as they have and will continue to win each generation, if they can’t get and KEEP a substantial amount of people on Gamepass for the long term then it’s over for them

CD Keys? :mjlol:
95 percent of people who will buy Gamepass has no idea what that is including these stans who I’m sure bought that shyt straight from the dashboard

give me a break

juelz all you want... you're the one paying more not me.
xbox is doing better than they've ever done... you of course are gonna cry and move goal posts. You act like Xbox is gonna fold and is on the ropes and shyt

there's no reality in your shyt

Microsoft isnt dropping 7 billion on companies when "Xbox doesnt equal microsoft" be real ... like I said Sony has already increased the price. People crying about exclusives and all this weirdo shyt is the reason they dropped 7 billion in the first place. You are a direct result of Microsoft buying bethesda...not me. I was gonna buy the games anyways. I've been telling cats this for years on here, everytime you fight and kick and scream I get more free shyt. I dunno how thats an L for anyone. I'd like to thank you personally for getting me a ton of free games.

Like I said I'm not arguing money cause thats cornball shyt... I actually hate it too. I'm just showing how dumb it is to talk about a company folding, that can make money faster than they can burn it.
With the CDkeys I dunno what to tell you :yeshrug: if you wanna pay more for free shyt ... that's on you and goes against the point you're trying to make here with spending more dough in the first place. I cant speak for 20 million people like you tried to do, that's on them. Gamepass is still only worth the cost of 3 games a year, so is it oochie wally or one mic? Do you actually buy more than 3 games a year? If you do this is a no brainer. Not even accounting for the fact that, if you are my dude to game with... and we both have gamepass... that means we both own the same exact games to jump online with. People havent even brought up on this forum the new battlefield.... and how EA pass and Gamepass will allow everyone in the world with Xbox to play it for free at 12am that night. That right there saves everyone 60$ alone.

I know you wanna ride for sony and thats cool... Sony is the godfather of gaming. I'm not here to shyt on Sony, I own all that. I still got my gameshark for PS1 .. all my games for generations... its cool. I'm trying to convince cats to stop fighting a brick wall... especially if its "no big deal" :mjpls: you could be fighting to get more shyt out of Sony, instead you're just helping me out and fukking yourself over by being blindly loyal. If Microsoft starting fukking up I would 100% not support them until they fixed shyt, if everyone said "fukk microsoft blah blah" they would immediately swoop in with free shyt and more studios. If Sony stans stopped trying to fight for a decade straight and used their brains.... yall could jokingly say "Wow Gamepass seems amazing, makes me wanna switch over:shaq:" and Sony would panic and you'd have the equivalent of that too. You gotta understand the leverage you have over people just trying to take your money. Sony is more than happy to innovate and develop. Both consoles could have hit way harder tech wise.


Mar 5, 2013
The Scriptures
You know what else is sold at a loss... The PS5

Whose game division is pulling in more profit ?


It gets bleak now doesn’t it ?

Sony’s current status or future is not based on the Gamepass model

The person who goes to buy a series x and only ever buys Gamepass is Xbox’s worst nightmare as far as bottom line is concerned


Mar 5, 2013
The Scriptures
juelz all you want... you're the one paying more not me.
xbox is doing better than they've ever done... you of course are gonna cry and move goal posts. You act like Xbox is gonna fold and is on the ropes and shyt

there's no reality in your shyt

Microsoft isnt dropping 7 billion on companies when "Xbox doesnt equal microsoft" be real ... like I said Sony has already increased the price. People crying about exclusives and all this weirdo shyt is the reason they dropped 7 billion in the first place. You are a direct result of Microsoft buying bethesda...not me. I was gonna buy the games anyways. I've been telling cats this for years on here, everytime you fight and kick and scream I get more free shyt. I dunno how thats an L for anyone. I'd like to thank you personally for getting me a ton of free games.

Like I said I'm not arguing money cause thats cornball shyt... I actually hate it too. I'm just showing how dumb it is to talk about a company folding, that can make money faster than they can burn it.
With the CDkeys I dunno what to tell you :yeshrug: if you wanna pay more for free shyt ... that's on you and goes against the point you're trying to make here with spending more dough in the first place. I cant speak for 20 million people like you tried to do, that's on them. Gamepass is still only worth the cost of 3 games a year, so is it oochie wally or one mic? Do you actually buy more than 3 games a year? If you do this is a no brainer. Not even accounting for the fact that, if you are my dude to game with... and we both have gamepass... that means we both own the same exact games to jump online with. People havent even brought up on this forum the new battlefield.... and how EA pass and Gamepass will allow everyone in the world with Xbox to play it for free at 12am that night. That right there saves everyone 60$ alone.

I know you wanna ride for sony and thats cool... Sony is the godfather of gaming. I'm not here to shyt on Sony, I own all that. I still got my gameshark for PS1 .. all my games for generations... its cool. I'm trying to convince cats to stop fighting a brick wall... especially if its "no big deal" :mjpls: you could be fighting to get more shyt out of Sony, instead you're just helping me out and fukking yourself over by being blindly loyal. If Microsoft starting fukking up I would 100% not support them until they fixed shyt, if everyone said "fukk microsoft blah blah" they would immediately swoop in with free shyt and more studios. If Sony stans stopped trying to fight for a decade straight and used their brains.... yall could jokingly say "Wow Gamepass seems amazing, makes me wanna switch over:shaq:" and Sony would panic and you'd have the equivalent of that too. You gotta understand the leverage you have over people just trying to take your money. Sony is more than happy to innovate and develop. Both consoles could have hit way harder tech wise.

Your saying the same shyt

I just explained to you clear as day , posted and article on how they were about to fold, they had the same money they do now before the Bethesda deal and Nutella straight told them we probably don’t see a future with Xbox involved ...

Phil has turned to company around, I’m simply talking about the future, if Gamepass fails, Xbox fails.

This fallacy that Xbox is some nice company that loves the consumer and just gives games away is nonsense , every company will eventual come for that Tax ... I want to see what happens when it’s too much and the fairytale is over


And since when does EA play give you brand new games for free ? You get it at a discount and can play it 3 days early last I heard ... not sure what you mean with that battlefield shyt


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
So as we know Xboxes are sold at a loss.

We also know Gamepass is sold at a loss.

Microsoft tried to recoup with the Live price hike and you brothers bytched and complained ...

So with the eventual price hike coming for your precious GamePass, how much are you brothers really willing to pay to keep it ?

It cannot continue to operate at a loss down the line, your games division has already lost 3 billion dollars ...

What’s our eventual plan here ?

Even if Game Pass doubled in price if the output increases its still a deal. GameFly was more.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
I didn't ask if it was a deal or not, I'm asking basically what's the plan if it fails
You’re asking consumers what a business plans to do if their business fails? Dissolve the division or sell it off like most businesses do.

Nadella seems to have a lot of confidence in the gaming division. They clearly came to a crossroad on it. There was push to sell it from some shareholders. Spencer and Nadella had a talk and Nadella went all in on it spending billions on Minecraft and now Zenimax.

Microsoft has the balance sheet to build this and make it a success. I wouldn’t worry about it failing. Obviously the price of Game Pass will head higher over time but as it does all the assets Microsoft has purchased will help build the service.


All Star
May 29, 2012
The hell would I want a web browser on the PS5 when I have my phone right beside me???
What year is this???
I use my xbox to watch/stream Raider games during the season. fukk i look like paying for nfl Sunday tickets when link are floating online all day everyday.

I watched the last mcgregor fight on that too.

paying for ppv:picard:


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
shyt at least them shyts sold…MS Phone was asscheeks from inception to its deathbed.

MS doesn’t have any real innovation right now. So where is all that money coming from? Answer: all they do now is force you to subscribe annually to the same shyt that you could buy every five years previously. “Want MS Office? Cool, pay $120 every year now via subscription instead of $120 every five years like you used to be able to” Ho ass business practices. Buying companies cause they can’t compete via organic talent and shyt. I just can’t support ho practices like that, but y’all do y’all…
You sound kinda salty. The entire world is moving to a software as a service model. From a business standpoint it only makes sense. Buying companies vs organic talent? You think Sony doesn’t buy companies? You criticize the scale Microsoft buys at but they can afford to drop $7 billion on a company when they have $130 billion in cash and $170 billion in assets on the balance sheet.