Will Smith felt broken after failure of "After Earth"

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
Wow @Rainman is really bringing race into this After Earth discussion? That's a fail brother. For one, it was a HOLLYWOOD movie, meaning the producers, outside of Will Smith, were white. Guess who would have profited off the movie if it did well? Whites. Just because black people are in a movie doesn't make it a "black movie." You what a black movie is? When all financiers are black so that all profits go in the pockets of black people. We must own the production of the movie, which rarely happens in Hollywood for obvious reasons. But back to the movie: After Earth was a mega blockbuster for Hollywood and tried to use visuals to mask the terribly boring story and wooden fukking acting from the father and son duo. People gave it a chance, but it was pure shyt. Just like Bay's movies. Stop making excuses for terrible writing, directing, and acting. A bad movie is a bad movie and After Earth is a Bad Movie.
Race has everything to do with it, especially when it comes to black people making a film that hasnt been done like this before. And no, just because it had a black face doesnt mean it was a black movie, because it was marketed towards everyone, not just black people. Meteor Man was a scifi flick that was a "black movie" because it was marketed towards black people despite it most likely had nonblacks working on the film. "I Accidently Domed Your Son" was another black movie: intentionally hillarious with black humor targeted for a black audience. Same with Dinner with the Assassin.

And its different for Bay's movies because his lily-white Transformer 4 and the movies before that stay breaking box office records, despite the fact that it was pure trash. Entertaining yes, but no where near a artistic film. And people love it hence they are making more Transformer movies and not giving a fukk about the story. You think the franchise wouldve been this hot if it had a black star in place of Shea Lebouf and Mark Walburg? Or you think it wouldnt have matter??:upsetfavre:

Im not saying that AE was a damn good film, it could have been a better film, but to think that race wasnt involved at all for its horrible ratings and reviews again isnt paying attention. The same black people who support all of Perry, Issa Rae and the woman who created Greys Anatomy and Scandal dont watch sci fi. So of course its gonna target the Transformers, xmen, and spiderman crowds along with Will Smith fans. But those comic book fans didnt come out in drove and support the movie.....and quite possibly you will never see a film with a strong black lead make as much money as transformer 4....but thats another topic all together.
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May 15, 2012
That's why Pursuit Of Happyness flopped and everybody disliked it, right?

Oh wait, that didnt happen. :patrice:

pursuit of happiness was about a homeless man who ultimately needed the white man to give him a job in order to provide for his family

the white man was the hero, who gave the poor black man a chance, what a feel good story

After Earth, Will Smith is the hero, he's the authority figure and the boss, the most respected and esteemed person

it's not the same


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Race has everything to do with it, especially when it comes to black people making a film that hasnt been done like this before. And no, just because it had a black face doesnt mean it was a black movie, because it was marketed towards everyone, not just black people. Meteor Man was a scifi flick that was a "black movie" because it was marketed towards black people despite it most likely had nonblacks working on the film. "I Accidently Domed Your Son" was another black movie: intentionally hillarious with black humor targeted for a black audience. Same with Dinner with the Assassin.

And its different for Bays movies because his lily-white Transformer 4 and the movies before that stay breaking box office records, despite the fact that it was pure trash. Entertaining yes, but no where near a artistic film. And people love it hence they are making more Transformer movies and not giving a fukk about the story. You think the franchise wouldve been this hot if it had a black star in place of Shea Lebouf and Mark Walburg? Or you think it wouldnt have matter??:upsetfavre:

Im not saying that AE couldve been done better, it could have been a better film, but to think that race wasnt involved at all for its horrible ratings and reviews again isnt paying attention. The same black people who support all of Perry, Issa Rae and the woman who created Greys Anatomy and Scandal dont watch sci fi. So of course its gonna target the Transformers, xmen, and spiderman crowds along with Will Smith fans. But those comic book fans didnt come out in drove and support the movie.....and quite possibly you will never see a film with a strong black lead make as much money as transformer 4....but thats another topic all together.

Well let's go back to your stance on reviews killing the movie though: The transformers movies are notoriously panned. I mean just raked through the mud and often compete for razzies each year they're released. Every damn year. And yet, people go see them regardless of how critics feel about them. I guarantee you you could put a black lead in them and they'd still do numbers at the box office


May 3, 2012
Race has everything to do with it, especially when it comes to black people making a film that hasnt been done like this before. And no, just because it had a black face doesnt mean it was a black movie, because it was marketed towards everyone, not just black people. Meteor Man was a scifi flick that was a "black movie" because it was marketed towards black people despite it most likely had nonblacks working on the film. "I Accidently Domed Your Son" was another black movie: intentionally hillarious with black humor targeted for a black audience. Same with Dinner with the Assassin.

And its different for Bays movies because his lily-white Transformer 4 and the movies before that stay breaking box office records, despite the fact that it was pure trash. Entertaining yes, but no where near a artistic film. And people love it hence they are making more Transformer movies and not giving a fukk about the story. You think the franchise wouldve been this hot if it had a black star in place of Shea Lebouf and Mark Walburg? Or you think it wouldnt have matter??:upsetfavre:

Im not saying that AE couldve been done better, it could have been a better film, but to think that race wasnt involved at all for its horrible ratings and reviews again isnt paying attention. The same black people who support all of Perry, Issa Rae and the woman who created Greys Anatomy and Scandal dont watch sci fi. So of course its gonna target the Transformers, xmen, and spiderman crowds along with Will Smith fans. But those comic book fans didnt come out in drove and support the movie.....and quite possibly you will never see a film with a strong black lead make as much money as transformer 4....but thats another topic all together.

Cats over here talking about "Why you brining race into it?!????"

As if Race isn't ALWAYS a factor. Out of all the factors that differentiate us as human beings, race is the VERY FIRST one you see because its the only one that's visual. People kill me with that logic gap.

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
Race has everything to do with it, especially when it comes to black people making a film that hasnt been done like this before. And no, just because it had a black face doesnt mean it was a black movie, because it was marketed towards everyone, not just black people. Meteor Man was a scifi flick that was a "black movie" because it was marketed towards black people despite it most likely had nonblacks working on the film. "I Accidently Domed Your Son" was another black movie: intentionally hillarious with black humor targeted for a black audience. Same with Dinner with the Assassin.

And its different for Bays movies because his lily-white Transformer 4 and the movies before that stay breaking box office records, despite the fact that it was pure trash. Entertaining yes, but no where near a artistic film. And people love it hence they are making more Transformer movies and not giving a fukk about the story. You think the franchise wouldve been this hot if it had a black star in place of Shea Lebouf and Mark Walburg? Or you think it wouldnt have matter??:upsetfavre:

Im not saying that AE couldve been done better, it could have been a better film, but to think that race wasnt involved at all for its horrible ratings and reviews again isnt paying attention. The same black people who support all of Perry, Issa Rae and the woman who created Greys Anatomy and Scandal dont watch sci fi. So of course its gonna target the Transformers, xmen, and spiderman crowds along with Will Smith fans. But those comic book fans didnt come out in drove and support the movie.....and quite possibly you will never see a film with a strong black lead make as much money as transformer 4....but thats another topic all together.

The movie was quite clearly a Jayden Smith vehicle which subsequently put a lot people off. People don't want to see Jayden, they want the real thing which is Will:snoop:. If it was just Will on his own in a sci-fi jungle and creatures trying to survive the film would have been a success. Case in point; I am Legend which made $585,349,010. It's just Will and a dog trying to survive for two hours:whoo:. You think people want to pay for a movie that has Will stuck in a chair, talking like he's drugged and Jayden doing fukk knows what for two hours? that "it has found you line":mjlol:

Joe Sixpack

Build and Destroy
May 11, 2012
Rotten Apple
Will Smith admits he's under a bright spotlight with his new film - fittingly titledFocus - after his last movie failed at the box office. "For me, this film really marks a transition in my life and emotionally and in my career," Smith said Sunday during a press conference for Focus at The Four Seasons Hotel in Westlake Village, California. "After the failure of After Earth, a thing got broken in my mind. I was like, 'Oh, wow. I'm still alive. Oh, wow. Actually, I still am me, even though the movie didn't open number one. Wait. I can »

I actually had high hopes for this movie. Thought Will Smith was going to be on his A+ SCI FI shyt. Also hoped M.Night could regain his Unbreakable form.

Man was I wrong...even though I knew all of the signs (no pun )

One of the few times I ever thought about leaving the theater. :huhldup:

Here's hoping Focus and Suicide Squad can get him together...
Why did you have high hopes :childplease:

It wasn't really a Will Smith flick it was a vehicle to force that clown Jaden Smith down everyone's throat :scust:

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
So just to be clear: you are saying this is a race thing; because a movie that's financed by white Hollywood decides to throw some black characters in there, write it as shytty, boring, and incomprehensible, and we as blacks (not the critics) don't like the movie...we are not supporting blacks in Hollywood? Ok....Critics only slammed the movie because Will is black? Ok....Breh, you throwing out a lot of misinformation; you need to read up on racism and how it operates before you make these ridiculous claims; People love the fukk outta Will Smith; So why would they shyt on this movie to be racist and not shyt on him before this movie? Is it because, maybe...people love the fukk outta Will Smith and the movie is just bad?

No hate breh, but your argument is illogical.
Part of it is because it wasnt the Big Willy Will they all love seeing shuck and jive on screen. Will wanted to be a more serious actor in a realm not being handled by black folks outside of the usual first dead or token always die steroeytypes. Sci fi is predomately white and to see a black actor, even someone as big as Will, venture out from his normal roles could be consider a black eye to the scifi world...how dare this niqqer make himself a general of a futuristic space faring human civilization and take his son to be his top costar. Reeks of nepotism but no one say shyt about John Voight grooming his daughter for roles and other white actors doing the same....
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Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
Well let's go back to your stance on reviews killing the movie though: The transformers movies are notoriously panned. I mean just raked through the mud and often compete for razzies each year they're released. Every damn year. And yet, people go see them regardless of how critics feel about them. I guarantee you you could put a black lead in them and they'd still do numbers at the box office
Michael Bay and the Transformer franchise before Bay is bigger then what people would say about his fims. Transformers was one of thr biggest animated franchises in America and has a immense fanbase based on nostalgic value alone. The Transformer universe was already created and all Bay had to do was to expand on the source material from all the hundreds of episodes and comics. Bay is a pariah, his movies are inconsistant, sexist, and even has a racist element, but hes a damn good action director and feeds off this brain-dead American audience who wants big explosions and bog robots tearing shyt up. So despite the razzies and poor reviews people would go and see it which is why T4 made over a billion dollars despite its hideous inconsistancy and story.

And we wouldnt know if people would support a franchise like this with a black face being marketed in this white-supremacist world....the studios has NEVER pumped that much money into a movie or franchise with a black face because of the fear of flopped. Just like AE. But since the movie was about giant robots amd not about them, it MIGHT not make as much of a difference.

But people will still no doubt bytch about it, god forbid if the black dude had a love interest like meagan fox or the blonde. Hell look at the latest Star Wars teaser for whites disapproval for a RUMORED black lead. In scifi, a nikka got to play his role, and his role is not to be the lead like a general and if he did the he must die like Samual L in Star Wars.

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
I was hyped because it was a black father and son team up. Was hoping this could be our great SCI FI story.

Maybe it was just a bad day to be in the theaters, but the shyt wasnt well executed. It had some very interesting ideas. But from the unintentionally funny scenes (like dude trying to stand up, the horrible accents, the sister scaring her brother, etc) shyt wasnt done right.

Maybe my expectations were just too high. I thought their is no way Will Smith would do a M.Night movie if he'd thought it would tank. I also thought M.Night would return to form by getting a big star like Will Smith. It just didnt happen..

Hell, I'd rather M.Night went FULL M.Night and just made the shyt a bizarre ass twist at the end to save the movie.

Idk. Maybe make him realize his father was never on the planet with him at all :dwillhuh:

Then at the end he finally sees his dad once he's saved and they work to restore/repair their relationship...

After Earth:troll: :ohhh::mindblown::pachaha:



What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Michael Bay and the Transformer franchise before Bay is bigger then what people would say about his fims. Transformers was one of thr biggest animated franchises in America and has a immense fanbase based on nostalgic value alone. The Transformer universe was already created and all Bay had to do was to expand on the source material from all the hundreds of episodes and comics. Bay is a pariah, his movies are inconsistant, sexist, and even has a racist element, but hes a damn good action director and feeds off this brain-dead American audience who wants big explosions and bog robots tearing shyt up. So despite the razzies and poor reviews people would go and see it which is why T4 made over a billion dollars despite its hideous inconsistancy and story.

And we wouldnt know if people would support a franchise like this with a black face being marketed in this white-supremacist world....the studios has NEVER pumped that much money into a movie or franchise with a black face because of the fear of flopped. Just like AE. But since the movie was about giant robots amd not about them, it MIGHT not make as much of a difference.

But people will still no doubt bytch about it, god forbid if the black dude had a love interest like meagan fox or the blonde. Hell look at the latest Star Wars teaser for whites disapproval for a RUMORED black lead. In scifi, a nikka got to play his role, and his role is not to be the lead like a general and if he did the he must die like Samual L in Star Wars.

Breh come on now you knew Sam was going to die in Star Wars tho. Like if you didn't then you hadn't been paying attention to the fact that all Jedi but two were wiped out when a new hope begins. I feel you with stuff but I feel like you're reaching with a lot