Mic skills didn't come into real play until kayfabe went away during the mid 90s. Everybody that come up in the 80s were covered by naive fans and a desire to believe. CM Punk was around since 2006 and didn't have a "pipe bomb" in him until the Rock headlined WM 28 so he could cry about it on a ramp. That's not someone who has shown consistent mic greatness. He's only been seen on a legit top level since 2011? And they had him under Nash during most of that...
CM Punk could NEVER do the type of promo Rock and Austin did the Raw before Survivor Series 2011..he doesn't have it in him. He's whole template for talking is based on having lived through what others have done and accomplished and turning it against them for a new audience to think is cool and different. If his best is against their best, he'll get more lost than he was when Eve Torres had him shook last year.
CM Punk could NEVER do the type of promo Rock and Austin did the Raw before Survivor Series 2011..he doesn't have it in him. He's whole template for talking is based on having lived through what others have done and accomplished and turning it against them for a new audience to think is cool and different. If his best is against their best, he'll get more lost than he was when Eve Torres had him shook last year.