Why were there more black on black crime in the 70s(before rap) than now?

Jan 26, 2015
This post was so damn ignorant:merchant:. Englewoods poverty rate is at or above 50% and you're excusing that because the houses look good:skip:. You sound stupid as shyt.

Breh the same thing going on in some black inner city communities is going on in hella other poverty ridden inner city communities with access to guns all over the world (Rio de Janeiro, Caracas, San Pedro Sula, Cape Town) . Culture is a factor yes, but all those cities mentioned have vastly different cultures but they have the same circumstances

Those nikkas have nice clothes but they very often can't even pay for their own funerals. I wonder why:beli:
nah dumbass i'm sahying the he poverty excuse doesn't hold water when you consider their are nations much more destitute/fukked up than Chicago an other poorest hoods in Amerikkka yet have murder rates lower in comparison and again most of the aint shyt savage niggrums doing the killing)(outside of the dangers of becoming another statistic of their thug lifestyle) live fairly well off the proceeds of drug pushing,pimping and other criminal endeavors which predominately prey on their own people

the shared similarities are a toxic thug culture taught to them by cacs...the average brother/sister from Botswana and Zambia i'm sure lack less resources than the average Chicagoan or hood anywhere USA black American yet their countries are much less violent and probably have less murders annually than the Southside of Chicago the major difference between poor communities in Zambia/Botwasana and significant segments of the black ghetto population in Chicago(among other urban concentration camps)comes down to cultural values or lack their of:ufdup:


Feb 2, 2016
i could have sworn most blues artist sing about relationship problems or the hardships of life in general but let u tell it the BB Kings ,Buddy Guys of there were singing about pushing birds and taking out the opps as their content of their music was no different from gangsta rap today:childplease:

Smh...let me tell it? When did I say that breh? Blues was famous for drug anthems...violence...illegal activities..etc..etc..the major difference the music was alot more subtle.....And BB King aint the only blues artist breh. Keep your nonsense and bias to your self in this one..your the only dumb fukk srill trying to insist that the music is cause of black violence. And a disgrace to black people. Take that shoe shine bullshyt somewhere else.


Feb 2, 2016
nah dumbass i'm sahying the he poverty excuse doesn't hold water when you consider their are nations much more destitute/fukked up than Chicago an other poorest hoods in Amerikkka yet have murder rates lower in comparison and again most of the aint shyt savage niggrums doing the killing)(outside of the dangers of becoming another statistic of their thug lifestyle) live fairly well off the proceeds of drug pushing,pimping and other criminal endeavors which predominately prey on their own people

the shared similarities are a toxic thug culture taught to them by cacs...the average brother/sister from Botswana and Zambia i'm sure lack less resources than the average Chicagoan or hood anywhere USA black American yet their countries are much less violent and probably have less murders annually than the Southside of Chicago the major difference between poor communities in Zambia/Botwasana and significant segments of the black ghetto population in Chicago(among other urban concentration camps)comes down to cultural values or lack their of:ufdup:

Hey Africans dont kill each others brehs...must be a black American thing. And who is pimping in 2016? Like seriously? When is the last time you really met a pimp in the black community.

And culture is cultivated by region its not a mass belief system. To speak on a "thug culture" that you believe thrives in the "black ghetto" collectively as an idealism that exist in a majority of black people...is c00n shyt breh...sorry. You got your opinion....but thier are countless examples of a direct correlation between violence and poverty. And last time I checked we all the same type of human that run on the same primal instinct of pride and survival. And as long as yoy make people fight for unattainable dollar...they will do whatever they have to do to do it. Dont single out blacks like we are some fukked up demon spawn who is exempt from the rule. Chicago has always been violent....especially when whites ran it. That city is cloaked in violence. Mostly for the same reason as today. Corruption..poverty..and the fascination of violence. And it exist throughout the cities entire exisistence.

Now I hate the subculture that black Chicago gangs have embraced...but I would be retarded to imply in any way that culture is a "black thing" becauae history tells me better.

AyBrehHam Linkin

First Black Brehsident
Feb 14, 2015
nah dumbass i'm sahying the he poverty excuse doesn't hold water when you consider their are nations much more destitute/fukked up than Chicago an other poorest hoods in Amerikkka yet have murder rates lower in comparison and again most of the aint shyt savage niggrums doing the killing)(outside of the dangers of becoming another statistic of their thug lifestyle) live fairly well off the proceeds of drug pushing,pimping and other criminal endeavors which predominately prey on their own people

the shared similarities are a toxic thug culture taught to them by cacs...the average brother/sister from Botswana and Zambia i'm sure lack less resources than the average Chicagoan or hood anywhere USA black American yet their countries are much less violent and probably have less murders annually than the Southside of Chicago the major difference between poor communities in Zambia/Botwasana and significant segments of the black ghetto population in Chicago(among other urban concentration camps)comes down to cultural values or lack their of:ufdup:

Breh you can't compare Botswana n African countries to a US inner city are you kidding me :mjlol:. US has far more guns than any country in the damn world.

Breh you're discussing stuff you have next to no knowledge about which is why you'really wrong on hella fronts. It's to much shyt wrong or ill-informed for me deal with. I don't feel like teaching rn so imma just let you cook :yeshrug:


Feb 19, 2014
Money is why. Blacks live better on average economically so they are less dangerous.


The Takeover
Sep 7, 2012
Deuce Dime, TX
Homicides dont really tell the story. Medical advances have saved more lives, so of course there's less murders

But show me the numbers on just shootings period, especially the non fatal ones. Im sure there's more or just as many shootings today than in that era.

Them nikkas back then were real though :whoo:. Doing drive bys while listening to The Stylistics
Jan 26, 2015
Breh you can't compare Botswana n African countries to a US inner city are you kidding me :mjlol:. US has far more guns than any country in the damn world.

Breh you're discussing stuff you have next to no knowledge about which is why you'really wrong on hella fronts. It's to much shyt wrong or ill-informed for me deal with. I don't feel like teaching rn so imma just let you cook :yeshrug:
why not some of the most violent places in the world are in Africa:comeon:it shouldn't be a fair comparison but the fact that a few dozen or so US cities(with significant AA populations) have violent rates comparable to even even outpacing some 3rd world African nations actually supports my point that poverty in and of itself is a cheap cop out/excuse for the staggering rates of bloodshed across the AA communities....being as of your thoughts on this toic aren't original and the typical poor negros in da hood resort to murder,criminality and feed on each other to survive cause they have no choice narrative/myth created by racist liberal cacs and their pacifist negro lap dogs i doubt there is much you can school me on regarding this issue:stopitslime:

AyBrehHam Linkin

First Black Brehsident
Feb 14, 2015
why not some of the most violent places in the world are in Africa:comeon:it shouldn't be a fair comparison but the fact that a few dozen or so US cities(with significant AA populations) have violent rates comparable to even even outpacing some 3rd world African nations actually supports my point that poverty in and of itself is a cheap cop out/excuse for the staggering rates of bloodshed across the AA communities....being as of your thoughts on this toic aren't original and the typical poor negros in da hood resort to murder,criminality and feed on each other to survive cause they have no choice narrative/myth created by racist liberal cacs and their pacifist negro lap dogs i doubt there is much you can school me on regarding this issue:stopitslime:

Cape Town is In Africa and is one of the most violent places in the world:skip:. It had over 2000 homicides last year I believe. By number it was #1.

nikka your understanding of the world is to clouded, black n white and sheltered for you to truly understand :manny:.

You still haven't addressed why other cities like San Pedro Sula, Caracas, hella Brazilian cities etc have the same causes that lead to gang violence but different cultures:skip:.

Only blacks Americans in poverty kill eachother brehs. You're a retard nikka
Jan 26, 2015
and what does Cape Town, and gang invested Brazilian cities have in common with shythole warzones in Chi-town and other violence ravaged ghettosof Amerikkka:patrice:it's obvious not that sharp and lack the ability to create your own independent critical thought so let me spell out for you : a sizable cac elite population and and dysfunctional gang cultures glamorized in the media(controlled by the usual suspects):

coincidence? of course not:comeon:

i never implied such you semi literate fakkit:stopitslime:point is many AA, South African, Jamaican and ghettos all over the world where black on black street violence is an is out of control share the same root causes and poverty in of of itself only one among many factors far from the sole or biggest reason for the crisis...if that were the case the vast majority of the developing world whom are just as bad economically if not worst than AAs in inner cities would have equivalent murder rates:aicmon:[/QUOTE]

AyBrehHam Linkin

First Black Brehsident
Feb 14, 2015
and what does Cape Town, and gang invested Brazilian cities have in common with shythole warzones in Chi-town and other violence ravaged ghettosof Amerikkka:patrice:it's obvious not that sharp and lack the ability to create your own independent critical thought so let me spell out for you : a sizable cac elite population and and dysfunctional gang cultures glamorized in the media(controlled by the usual suspects):

coincidence? of course not:comeon:

i never implied such you semi literate fakkit:stopitslime:point is many AA, South African, Jamaican and ghettos all over the world where black on black street violence is an is out of control share the same root causes and poverty in of of itself only one among many factors far from the sole or biggest reason for the crisis...if that were the case the vast majority of the developing world whom are just as bad economically if not worst than AAs in inner cities would have equivalent murder rates:aicmon:

nikka you assume all places in the world have the same access to guns and drugs in the first place, I already brought this up but you chose to ignore it and that's where your point rather easily falls right on its head. :skip: