Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Art Barr can you update us on your thoughts now that we are pretty much halfway through this series?

shyt is just as asinine and as confusing for no reason at all as the comic.
story has no reason to be told.
it is more of that bicepless mouse trying to revenue grab.
while having no real wherewithal for actually making properties.
now you have to mine the property frfr.
now whut!??!!!!

art barr


Feb 21, 2014
Duval County
@Art Barr called it :mjlol:



Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Jack Kirby's work on celestials is needed from a world building perspective. Yet whenever marvel goes cosmic, alternate dimension, mental swap or pisspoor skrull handling. They lose readers. As readers want the grounded marvel universe attached to nyc and real life. Not the meaning of it all.
pushing forward above the grassroots nyc hero's.
In this case. Marvel's lack of attention to detail in this phase. to the west coast is going to destroy them. Imma give you a hint. West coast is a clue.

coupled that west coast e with jack Kirby.
where marvel is coupling with. the very shyt that killed them.
dead as fukk in the long term.
plus they should have never harped on again. As it is not needed. Plus never be adapted to film. as it can not be written well. It just needed to never be introduced in the first place. then re-introduced,.....now.

Art Barr

Witness that prophecy.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
WE got the avengers made cool from this.

yet we could be facing the entirety of marvel reduced to this.


why are we even visiting this.
most that should happen is wanda feels sorrow and that is it.
trying to go down the rabbit hole. to chase what eventually leads to marvel not owning themselves anymore. plus the actual crossover. that signaled the actual end of high quality storytelling in marvel concurrently issue to issue. instead of series built on making graphic novels ala vertigo.

marvel...you already killed vision.
plus wanda was never a factor.

why are we re-visiting the actual content that ruins the ability for any marvel reader to suspend belief. plus is heralded as the actual thing that ruined marvel like a nonremedied poison.

hopefully feige can work this out,.

yet there is no high quality content to pull from to make this better at all.

so why are they doing this,........

we shall see.. we can hope and pray.

i just hope the new marvel fans don't get treated't like the star wars fans.

art barr


i would hate for them to do y'all like star wars..
yet here it is...another foreshadow to disney's droid level of bullshyt.

never forget,...breh's..

you up on saturday getting the first star wars shyt.
since jedi left the movie theatre. you up early on saturday debut cartoon morning with all your tapes ready. plus your little tv schedule list, to tape and watch everything.
back before vcr's were cheap, or even in a household consistently.
i don't even think star wars was originally on vhs just laser disc or maybe beta.
you would have had to been white to have a laser disc or beta. or your pops was a world beater at corporate in that era.
so this is the first time in general.
the regular consumer has seen anything star wars again.

you see this shyt, and like wtf...is this garbage.
you listen to the lyrics.

no weapon in hand...fukk you mean.
this better not be like all those jedi figures.
i passed up because they don't have a blaster. they have a stick.
from those punk bytch made now we know udc funded mother's groups.

never forget breh's never forget.

stay on that bicepless ass mouse's head. as he will lie cheat steal and anything else under the magic kingdom rainbow. to fukk it up and act like he never had no hand in this shyt at all.
just like droids. then try to act like they know wtf they doing. when they never knew wtf they were doing long term at all.

Witness the prophecy

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
why revisit any of the henry p'ym robot stuff anylonger.
after ultron was a hiccup in the avengers franchise as a movie.
why revisit henry p'ym's other creation that is a robot.
when they already wrote p'ym into a middle aged guy.
to get around p'ym being a level above iron man, and daredevil on the bytchmade superhero movie list.
when they wrote out he was an actual physically abusive guy to his woman.

why revisit the bad era you wrote around on film to a blockbuster.
plus you know...following a pym robot lead you down a negative drawing pattern on the second avengers with ultron.

why flirt with poison.
when you already moved past any threat of the poison?

shyt is stoopid as fukk....
yet here we are.
in itemized spreadsheet fukkup corporate greedy big wig think they know but have disconnect and inept zone.
when we already skipped over this stoopid part of the franchise rather expertly.

yet we back here now tho.


it is like being what twelve all over again.
then ten years later watching this dumb shyt still ruin marvel. in the late nineties completely make marvel unreadable. then well in the 2000's as unreadable. this bullshyt was still ruining marvel. till it ruined the real marvel from owning itself.
this is after blade saved it too. that is why this shyt is so fukk'n stoopid to revisit as well.

art barr

More prophecy.

Art Barr
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One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Apr 1, 2013
New York City
Can’t front he called this shyt and Marvel is meandering and going no where.

We about to get a movie of three female superheroes no one really likes with a musical number in the middle of the film.


Meanwhile Black Widow (who was popular) is dead, daredevil was a sneaky link, and Thor bombed because they were deadset making it a comedy. Gunn is gone, Antman built up an individual Kang to kill him, they made a Nick Fury series just to introduce a female super skrull. They just doing stuff to do it at this point.

If Loki season 2 sucks…. Marvel is fukked until FF comes out

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
what do you think they should do?

They have to make power pack and ground the marvel universe into what marvel is ultimately about.
which is family.
By bringing in fantastic four and Franklin with a power pack movie.

To hammer home the family aesthetician.

You can not have a marvel universe with the level of cosmic and intergalactic big bad without Reed Richard's. It just does not work and it is a main reason.
why the current movies and series. have been met with such disdain.

Art Barr
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
you both are correct.
by revisiting the vision in this wanda series. It goes to far down the rabbit hole of her powers. Which once bryne ruined the original tranquility of the west coast avengers mag. By destroying the idea of family in marvel's at the time best avengers team book. Plus ruining the idea of migration of the avengers in a different locale other than nyc. Granted locale may not mean much to the film viewer. Yet in print at the time. It limited the expansive ideals of marvel. To create a family based ideal in marvel and media which was needed. Including breaking up a home that did not need to be broken. Or even explained. As the readership was perfectly fine suspending belief.
that vision could be this real man. who could have kids but was an android. Originally the vision character was the most sound character. to the central hero like Hawkeye. similar to what fans would see on dc television with martin manhunter. to even kirk and spock. It created a print based dynamic that hit the sweet spot of the reader. Plus presented a what if version of higher quality than ironman and p'ym put together. While offering a stoic voice of reason to the other avengers. Plus the character who was a hard hitter who acts with heroic urgency. by going down the rabbit hole of this wanda series. It shakes up the same unsettling content and ideals that bryne ruined. Plus systemically in the hands of anyone after is incapable of weilding or making good of. It is the story in marvel that should have never occurred and one that should have been removed from cannon. Not continue to unravel. Till marvel no longer owns themselves. where the worst angle in marvel history is still centrally attached. to the death of the company and it's later acquisitions in print. Plus every lowbrow low quality take. or rendition to this Wanda vision content. Has still ruined marvel. As the xmen and all the titles are relaunched. Under this idea. They can use Wanda's Byrne based powers as the story catalyst to fix the marvel universe. When in reality. They should never have allowed bryne's radical change based content. into the fold of all of marvel comics. From west coast avengers being a brand new mag, experiment. Yet the readership power of that mag in grassroots appeal held weight. That bryne used from experience to possibly create and ruin marvel as well. As bryne did the same with dc. Then soon after went to make his own mags. Which imo, fail but been going on for so long. He would be the next person in line. to benefit from the superhero cinema boost in draw and finances. That real talk,...if marvel flirts with this wanda vision shyt. It can not be re-written better. Plus once you open Pandora's box. This will cause anyone who does not know marvel from the real pulse of its readership. To alienate the viewership. just like the readership. has been running for the hills since west coast avengers #42. Plus trickle down from west coast avengers to eventually every mag in marvel. That i have to ask. Why are people who never read comics and hacks. So into the idea of wanda'a powers being too powerful and used as a literary failsafe. When if anyone knows marvel frfr. Knows this is the poison in Pandora's box. That if flirted with. Leads to the actual systemic death of the entire everything attached to marvel. To this day...readership has plummets because of the missue of this wanda vision content. Which SHOULDN'T HAVE EVER BEEN INSTITUTED WHATSOEVER. so i have to ask. What makes wanda's powers and the possibilities. so interesting to noobs to marvel. That they continue. To flirt with this poison? That marvel currently with Disney has no idea how to sell comics. After continuing to allow hacks to hack away. using the wanda vision vison quest john bryne storyline. Not to mention, once bryne was exposed as needing Claremont. To create magic in principle at marvel. resulting In the number one readership. next to spidey in the industry with xmen. now after jb's vision quest and jb's Superman failed. Which both resulted in versus battles to the death of the flagship of supes in a destruction of draw cash grab. Just like marvel had to eventually cashgrab in their destruction of th draw with xmen and avengers. You would think Disney being a real art company opposite dc. would steer clear of material that ruined dc and makes warner pedestrian all together. Instead we are about to watch Disney and marvel. Make the same mistakes that ruined warner and dc. with the same creator behind it all. when marvel is not failed vertigo graphic novel models struggling with a dc logo on them originally. Before bryne came and ruined marvel with vision quest.. Plus Byrne ruined dc. So why would anyone even make material. That ruined two corporate print houses. Plus continues to keep the other largest print house from drawing well enough. Not to mention,...it feels like bryne created this shyt content. For his own ripoff brand of comics to have a alternative draw. Plus all his material is written like what if i made xmen and avengers by myself.[his entire univers of shyt sucks imo.] That also all these years later. Is the next in line for a shot at being the new mcu. Especially if you follow in this creator's content based poisonous footsteps. It just reeks and feels of disconnect. Plus corporate greed. That obviously no one has done the proper discovery on. to realize how dangerous. using this creator's content is. If not done exactly right or perfectly neutered.
now i think about it. Using bryne even over at fox. In regards to xmen. If his material is not amalgamated correctly lead to the death of two xmen film franchise. Including made the film version of Apocalypse dumb as fukk too. As the type of storytelling marvel took to was based on the same whatif now 616 universe model. That eventually came to destroy marvel. as well with the Incorrect adaptation of phoenix as well. Why are we to trust marvel gets this Wanda vision mess right. When anyone in the know,knows not to use Byrne based storylines. unless you have a complete grasp on high quality dynamic comic book storytelling. Where you are named CHRIS Claremont. Which is not found in an art school literary writing course. Nor is it found in some indie hack. Who. Was never. Really taught comics in the marvel way of creation as well. By following this bryne content. It moves marvel into danger. When we are already past this point in the mcu. That it makes no reason for us to even have wanda vision as a property or made into this thing. As MakinG a huge draw of wanda and vision. leads to the death of marvel in readership systemically even to this day. Plus opens up Pandora's box. That no one has been able to shut properly. Which leads systemically to the death of every wing of marvel. Like a poisonous wave.

art barr

More prophecy.

Art Barr
Mar 16, 2013
Kevin Feige needs to put Jim Shooter in the driver's seat. I don't think it's a coincidence that all of these bizarre retcons and character regression with the Scarlet Witch/Vision happened after he left. I like John Byrne but those changes shouldn't have been allowed. The further the MCU gets away from following Jim Shooter's era and the stories of that time (1979-1986), the worse things are going to get.

Roger Stern on Spider-man, Avengers >
Walt Simonson Thor >
Claremont and Byrne on X-men >
Frank Miller Daredevil >
John Byrne Fantastic Four >

@Wargames said:

Can’t front he called this ____ and Marvel is meandering and going no where.

We about to get a movie of three female superheroes no one really likes with a musical number in the middle of the film.

Meanwhile Black Widow (who was popular) is dead, daredevil was a sneaky link, and Thor bombed because they were deadset making it a comedy. Gunn is gone, Antman built up an individual Kang to kill him, they made a Nick Fury series just to introduce a female super skrull. They just doing stuff to do it at this point.

If Loki season 2 sucks…. Marvel is ____ed until FF comes out

Disney is getting too arrogant, and they don't think they need the source material anymore. The storyline is aimless.
Joss Whedon, RDJ, Chris Evans, James Gunn, and the Russo Brothers are all gone.
All the best characters are compromised.

Steve Rogers is retired.
Iron Man and Black Widow are dead.
Hawkeye is injured and half-retired by this point.
Spider-man is partially owned by another studio. (Sony)
They should have recast Black Panther. (RIP Chadwick Boseman)
Disney made Thor and Hulk soft.
From the look of things, Daredevil is getting ready to go the same way.
Dr. Strange became a sidekick in his own movies.
The writers made She-Hulk boring.
They're taking way too long with the Fantastic Four/Silver Surfer/Doom/Galactus.
We should have BEEN had Blade by now.
(Allegedly) They can't do X-men yet because of the contracts with the old Fox actors.

They have no real "big draw" characters who are active right now (that Disney hasn't ruined), and they aren't following any of the iconic or memorable story arcs in the comics. It feels like they're just winging it.

On a side note, Reed Richards is actually that guy in the comics... he's the linchpin of the entire Marvel universe and the MCU only introduced him just to get jobbed out. Reed Richards is not a jobber, he's a character that should have been showing up across multiple movies. If they had kept him around, he could have been way more important and could have been the guy who facilitated and connected these storylines to help everything make sense. Reed is a way more crucial character than people think.
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