Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Well really the concern is not that it will end anything, but that this show will create a series of timeline and character plot fukkery that will be confusing to follow, and quite frankly, a load of crock shyt that will spiral the MCU into the same mess that the comic universe finds itself in time and time again.

But I'm mostly optimistic, they haven't let us down so I'm not gonna assume they will. Supposedly the first few eps of WandaVision are nothing crazy so we'll probably know wassup by late spring.

Insightful optimistic post. Salute.

art barr


Jun 6, 2012
New York

I can tell you do not read.
you skim.

plus i know you are not successful with that for real.
as i know how to be successful from reading and knowing and learning a rubrick and brain trust. Plus i can post a person who can easily debunk you do not read as well.
you do not know this source material. As you do not read in full to know it. Plus you are lost. From not reading in full.

don't continue to let your udc base education show.

this emo display of you don't understand is because you failed to read.

if you did read. You would have hit the quote button. Then highlighted that which you did not understand.

can't fool me breh.

I know how and why you got here.

rather expertly well. As i closed to make it possible for you to eventually log in.

so complain about not reading in full to some other peanut gallery.

art barr

someone inform this nikka...this forum,...my network and tv show
Fukk it, I'll play along.
I don't understand any of the bolded. But usually I just don't care enough to ask for more explanation. :yeshrug: But I got time today;
  • What does a rubric and/or brain trust have to do with anything?
  • What's 'udc education'?
  • How do you expertly know how I got here? And what do you have to do with me logging in?
  • Someone inform me? Why don't you inform me? You have a network and TV show?

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Dunno, I cram to understand him most of the time. Not only does he use weird off the wall syntax dude is long-winded as hell. lol

Also,...to add to this.

you do realize. By you complaining like this.
you are easily saying you are not a prodigy. As you can not read sumfin and perform that task immediately. As a prodigious child can take information and process and do by just taking in information. You are showcasing thr atypical behavior of a non-prodigious child. As you are incapable of even taking in the information and then processing it.

So you really exposing yourself.

like real talk...i know this because i was a outsider art self taught prodigious art student sir. Which lead me to be a Keith haring Maggie dsley gallery 37 year one darling with museum pieces based on xmen's havoc in 1990 at thirteen years of age. I am how xmen first even got in thr museum. When in that beaugouise realm. comics were not even respected as real art, job or career. See how far comics have come since.
we are discussing issues from 1989. This will never be a short discussion in entry or conclusion. There are too many instances and theoretical time taking place as well.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Fukk it, I'll play along.
I don't understand any of the bolded. But usually I just don't care enough to ask for more explanation. :yeshrug: But I got time today;
  • What does a rubric and/or brain trust have to do with anything?
  • What's 'udc education'?
  • How do you expertly know how I got here? And what do you have to do with me logging in?
  • Someone inform me? Why don't you inform me? You have a network and TV show?

you can google this forum and get my threads.
that offer a visual aid to most of what you asked.
if you want me to post the guy who debunks. The fact you do not read.
I can as well.

he is a military guy and i know he succeeded because he learns how we are all supposed to learn in general. When not subject to being a prodigious child base criteria wrongly and erroneously in our school system.

I was just in a thread earlier. where i had to publically state. The need to google everyone.
from Mauro rannelo's picture, to authenticate a lawyer identity.

art barr


Jun 6, 2012
New York
you can google this forum and get my threads.
that offer a visual aid to most of what you asked.
if you want me to post the guy who debunks. The fact you do not read.
I can as well.

he is a military guy and i know he succeeded because he learns how we are all supposed to learn in general. When not subject to being a prodigious child base criteria wrongly and erroneously in our school system.

I was just in a thread earlier. where i had to publically state. The need to google everyone.
from Mauro rannelo's picture, to authenticate a lawyer identity.

art barr
Dude, no one is that interested in you or what you are talking about to do research on it.
And you explained 0 of what I highlighted in my previous post. Were you lying or just not focused enough to remember your previous statement?

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Dude, no one is that interested in you or what you are talking about to do research on it.
And you explained 0 of what I highlighted in my previous post. Were you lying or just not focused enough to remember your previous statement?

First off...
This is a hiphop pillar culture based board.
so you supposed to have knowledge of self.
yet since you wanna make an offbrand personal attack. All because you failed to read well.
like a drive thru patron ordering buttermilk pancakes. Like he had an order at the crabby shack. Then trying to act like you know wtf you talembout. When it is obvious you do not. Plus you don't even know comic book source material. When you living in the gateway of the blockbusters. being derived solely from comics. Plus since 1994, comics have been adapted in high quality in film since Brandon lee'a the crow. where this thread is about.
even exec's not even being keen enough.
to know their own acquisitions, licenses, and properties.

two,...since you PUBLICALLY.

ARE saying all these issues you seem to be having digesting.
or retaining material. That is on you tho.
did you go to college? if so..you know damn well.
it is not my job so you retain the material.
that is on you.
You emo as fukk to come on the board and complain about.
what you obviously did not read and still will not.
to the point...imma link you the thread on udc. So you can see how many replies are there.
To show just how ignorant people can be when given a visual aid. To explain why things are.

plus be given the link that explains in visual aids.
why america is a remedial ignorant nation by pre-req.

after that maybe we can discuss my twenty four.
almost twenty five year internet history.
Where I am the exact reason you on the fukk'n internet in a capitalistic country.
As i created the profitability of every product you use to get on the net.
Since you can not take in long winded detail as you say.
I won't list the products. Just know when you go to type in that white box, derived from a nt FrontPage based field. just know...i am the nikka who closed to get you ther internet. As none of this shyt would still be here. If i had not of made a profit for it. Not to mention when you watch a sports show. Then see those major league level ads. Just know some of that placement came from my company also being the first endorsed internet company in major league baseball with the cubs too. which came because i was thee closer at chicago's oldest and largest internet service provider.

we can go further than you are willing to read.

so i will post the links.
gimme a sec.

imma go to a real terminal to hook you up. With that which you will not use to better yourself. As i have seen for twenty four Plus years nonprodigious people refuse to use any tool to better themselves. When it is accessible right in front of them in numerous mediums.

whichever way you wanna talk about how you here.
I am the headlining grassroots draw in that shyt, frfr.

art barr

on a terminal..you got the first link.
about the udc.
do you want the military navy seal guy posted for you too,.
or is this enough to satiate your emotional based outburst.
as you conclusively tell us you are not a prodigious level kid.
which is fine if you admit you not a prodigious level kid like that.
yet, is bogus and you goofie cap as fukk. if you continue to belly ache about what you failed to actually read in full and retain.

if you take in the info on the udc.

you should at me to post the navy seal. who tells you how he made it over the hump. which was by doing that which most will not. which is read, and then re-write that which you can not retain in your own verbiage. it is obvious i know this source material. as i can cite and post verbiage based on the content rather robustily. as i have prodigious talent as an artist and some gifts..that i know for sure that other people are not blessed inherently with. nor are not that cognitive. in the same frame of space as i as well.

art barr

awarded the wisest kid award at five.

art barr
Last edited:

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
oh and for anyone else.

if you come tell us publically you do not understand.

you ain't doing nuffin but telling us publically you are not a prodigious child.
as a prodigious child retains and then can execute flawlessly an act from being presented information.
all you telling me is.
you not a prodigious child and a fukk'n emo crybaby cause you will not do what everyone needs to do.

which is read..then, if they do not comprehend.
go re-read in full. then take the information and write it out in your own verbiage, till you retain the information.
it is a long tedious process to learn information you are not familiar with.
plus are not prodigious and are not versed in how to retain information.

art barr


Jun 6, 2012
New York
First off...
This is a hiphop pillar culture based board.
so you supposed to have knowledge of self.
yet since you wanna make an offbrand personal attack. All because you failed to read well.
like a drive thru patron ordering buttermilk pancakes. Like he had an order at the crabby shack. Then trying to act like you know wtf you talembout. When it is obvious you do not. Plus you don't even know comic book source material. When you living in the gateway of the blockbusters. being derived solely from comics. Plus since 1994, comics have been adapted in high quality in film since Brandon lee'a the crow. where this thread is about even exec's not even being keen enough to know their own acquisitions, licenses, and properties.

two,...since you saying all these issues you having digesting or retaining material. That is on you tho. You emo as fukk to come on the board and complain about what you obviously did not read and still will not.
to the point...imma link you thr thread on udc. So you can see how many replies are there.
To show just how ignorant people can be when given a visual aid. To explain why things are.


after that maybe we can discuss my twenty four almost twenty five year internet history. Where I am the exact reason you on thr fukk'n internet in a capitalistic country. As i created the profitability of every product you use to get on the net. Since you can not take in long winded detail as you say. I won't list the products. Just know when you go to type in that white box, derived from a nt FrontPage based field. just know...i am the nikka who closed to get you thr internet. As none of this shyt would still be here. If i had not of made a profit for it. Not to mention when you watch a sports show. Then see those major league level ads. Just know some of that placement came from my company also being the first endorsed internet company in major league baseball with the cubs too.

we can go further van you are willing to read.

so i will post the links.
gimme a sec.

imma go to a real terminal to hook you up. With that which you will not use to better yourself. As i have seen for twenty four Plus years nonprodigious people refuse to use any tool to better themselves. When it is accessible right in front of them in numerous mediums.

whichever way you wanna talk about how you here.
I am the headlining grassroots draw in that shyt, frfr.

art barr

on a terminal..you got the first link.
do you want the military navy seal guy posted for you too,.

art barr
I never personally attacked you. I said I don't understand a lot of what you say, your syntax usage is weird and your posts are long. That's all true and none of it is personal. Who is really acting 'emo'?
And dude I don't care about you or your accomplishments just a given topic being discussed. If you have some information regarding WandaVision I'm interested in that. But we have screen names for a reason anonymity. Please don't waste your time going to a terminal to post links about shyt I won't read. lol If you think that makes me an unprodigious child or whaterthefukk your talking about. Fine by me. :yeshrug:


Jul 17, 2018
Avengers Disassembled, House of M, knowing Disney they'd do a movie retcon and make Wanda the genesis of Age of Apocalypse instead of Legion...all kinds of possibilities.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
it's only three days left.




oh shyt..

that my winter hat.

that made that appearance in the poorly costumed wonderwoman 84 movie.
man, spliff star got on my hat too.

this was in that exact era i owned this hat.

this is wild.....

who has the still of that lil boy's hat.
that whomever was on wardrobe fukked up getting a kufi for this scene.
shawty got on me an spliff star winter hat from 1996.

art barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I never personally attacked you. I said I don't understand a lot of what you say, your syntax usage is weird and your posts are long. That's all true and none of it is personal. Who is really acting 'emo'?
And dude I don't care about you or your accomplishments just a given topic being discussed. If you have some information regarding WandaVision I'm interested in that. But we have screen names for a reason anonymity. Please don't waste your time going to a terminal to post links about shyt I won't read. lol If you think that makes me an unprodigious child or whaterthefukk your talking about. Fine by me. :yeshrug:

this is just an admission you skim.
plus you are a victim of your udc education too.

i may have some issues from typing on those weak as touchscreens.
which eliminate real actual communication and people need to pick up their phones.
yet this is a message board, and if you have an issue.
bold what you have an issue with.
all that other shyt is your udc base level education rearing its head.
we all have udc education issues.

we are all american here.
yet in that...you not about to take out your social issues from that udc education out on me tho.

i already know what you not gon do.
i went to public school and did not like classically trained school and i am a bboy,.
so it is against going to parochial culturally for me.
so, i been in the worst environment with nikkaz affected by both theory to destroy black boys and the education and books supplied by the udc.

you not foolin me..
nobody else really gives nobody this shyt but me.
it is striking cause now you gotta read.

now read.

art barr

nikka in a thread about a comic book movie talking about having issues from reading.
like nikka...that is your emo ass problem. you going public about.
why should i care past showing you why you like that.
when i already did it and you not even real enough to read that which you obviously lack and not prescient too,

fool somebody else..
not me...i am done adulting for the day with you.

art barr


Jun 6, 2012
New York
this is just an admission you skim.
plus you are a victim of your udc education too.

i may have some issues from typing on those weak as touchscreens.
which eliminate real actual communication and people need to pick up their phones.
yet this is a message board, and if you have an issue.
bold what you have an issue with.
all that other shyt is your udc base level education rearing its head.
we all have udc education issues.

we are all american here.
yet in that...you not about to take out your social issues from that udc education out on me tho.

i already know what you not gon do.
i went to public school and did not like classically trained school and i am a bboy,.
so it is against going to parochial culturally for me.
so, i been in the worst environment with nikkaz affected by both theory to destroy black boys and the education and books supplied by the udc.

you not foolin me..
nobody else really gives nobody this shyt but me.
it is striking cause now you gotta read.

now read.

art barr

nikka in a thread about a comic book movie talking about having issues from reading.
like nikka...that is your emo ass problem. you going public about.
why should i care past showing you why you like that.
when i already did it and you not even real enough to read that which you obviously lack and not prescient too,

fool somebody else..
not me...i am done adulting for the day with you.

art barr