Why is it so hard for some Dudes to get laid


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
It's because women aren't interested in sex. Not like men are. It's a fun thing for them to do sometimes but they don't need it like we do. Men want puzzy so it's value skyrocketed. Women want money, money and more money. So any man with money has options.

That's not really true.

Yes, women want money, but if you really think women aren't interested in sex then you probably haven't been close with many women.


May 6, 2012
Performance anxiety/fear of rejection covers a large percentage of men by themselves. A man without the 2 i mentioned will never really get that, they will look to the times they get rejected and swear that these other dudes bat 001%. Thats just not possible


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Never said that I was a failure. :sas1:

Just saying that dudes that don't travel outside their comfort zone often, it is much harder to build yourself. I learned that years ago and thank God that I go at least a few new places every year. The average dude in their 9-5 job/ school/ bills are trapped financially and they can't go out as often.
According to the quote I never said you were a failure so honestly what are you talking about? :sas1: Good for you I'm glad that you have built yourself but a lot of cats can even if its just doing simple stuff like getting in shape and feeling like they can bring stuff to the table. A lot of,dudes deep down don't think they can do this and that holds them back.

These days, a lot of lost ass dudes think that p*ssy = money. More people become rappers for getting easy p*ssy than financial freedom. Some dudes are broke as shyt, but they say "I'm getting p*ssy." p*ssy in general is overinflated as it is and it is fukking the entire dynamics of society up.

Yeah, you gotta make these big booty/ pretty faced females know that they ain't nothing special and a few of them that are on IG and go to Dubai, they can't even be decent mothers because their (future) kids will research it and see what they moms have done. :scust:
I agree some dudes do equate p*ssy=money when its definitely not. In defense of them dudes I don't think they do it all the time its mostly when its appropriate at least when it usually happens. I guess dudes done dropped the "I'm getting p*ssy" line on you huh and that's your come back they broke? I see that at times but just laugh it off as just guys stuff. I don't believe the rappers part at all sounds like some hater shyt my dude. That's like lifting weights you are doing it for yourself but your oblivious that having a nice body will help with the women too.

Also breh whats up with you and the IG type broads? You don't like apparently but then equate all chicks this person. shyt looking funny in the light cause if that's not even the types you going for how are they affecting how you make moves regarding chicks?

Never said they don't give chances, just that rarely do they walk up to you and ask you out straight-forward. They do the hint things cause they're more shook of rejection than we are, and it's 'tradition' to. If they didn't give hints or provide an opportunity, they'd be in trouble if we decided today we gave up.

It is what it is. I don't blame some people for getting a little jaded. But that's how things work, and you just have to keep it humble and not let it get to your head.
I know what you said and told you so when I quoted you. My point was that's chance enough and you shouldn't need a chick to holla at you like a dude. If it happens great but any chance will work if you take advantage of it. shyt most dudes would be in trouble if they didn't do those things cause most dudes are p*ssy when it comes to this and only approach when they 1000000% sure a chick feeling them so it goes both ways.

Mainly it's just that a lot of people (probably including myself) just don't leave out of the crib enough and find socializing to be too much work. :manny:

I've been told that based on looks, I should easily be able to pull women, but I really only do occasionally mainly because I'm a homebody and don't really get out enough. Is what it is.
Well at least your honest and know or at least think you know why its not working out for you instead of a lot of dudes trying to blame that shyt on any and everything but themselves. I always respect that cause this is a problem a person can deal with on their own for the most part.


Feb 8, 2015
That's not really true.

Yes, women want money, but if you really think women aren't interested in sex then you probably haven't been close with many women.

Save it. I been with badder chicks than you.

I didn't say women didn't want sex. I said they don't want it like men do. That's a verifiable fact. Ask yourself why married couples whose sex life has died down, the woman is always okay with sex once a month while the man is over there :sadcam: We probably wouldn't care for sex that much either if we could never nut. And you're delusional about the money part. It's not a rich man alive without several women after him. A good honest man that's a janitor or a rich billionaire cheater. Which one women choosing? No point to ask because they been choosing the latter for centuries nikka.
Feb 10, 2015
I caught a severe case of "one-itis" a few years back that like totally fukked me up. Being adopted and already having attachment issues, and dealing with the experiences of my "one-itis"..I battled with an self prescribed (fukk a therapist, the googles is all i need) extreme case of depression. It caused me to just totally shut down my human experience and go into "hibernation mode" for a while. I was on probation for a weed case, so I really couldn't go out, which pushed me further down the rabbit hole so to speak....porn, K2 (legal weed b.s which fed into my paranoia) on the daily. I fukked around and found an ad on back page. An asian massage parlor. I went and had my epiphany (pun intended) as Chun Li was fondling my balls, I came up with the realization like dude, I'm a college graduate, great job, just started a audio/video production hustle, ladies say that im handsome and I have what's the equivalent of a febreeze can hanging between my legs (rant) .... that it's more than one chick out there who's willing to fondle your balls. You shouldn't have to chase, I mean, don't get me wrong "courting" is the shyt, if the feeling's are mutual, but that unreciprocated love is the devil's pie....fukk that noise....I'll never again chase the p*ssy ....I'll go to Chun Li when in need. Work on my craft, and let the chick find me. Cause yeah, really it aint that serious.....:myman:you're welcome.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
We probably wouldn't care for sex that much either if we could never nut.

You're telling on yourself breh. Sounds like you need to work on your sex game if the women you're with never get off. :mjlol:

And I didn't say women don't want money (it's obviously true that they do), I said it's not true (as a general rule) that women aren't interested in sex. There are some women who are frigid, but there are just as many women out there with high sex drives that want sex as much as a typical man. People make billions of dollars in the sex toy industry and most of them are for women.


Your Favorite Tio!
May 3, 2013
Sabado Gigante
Confidence. There are a lot of factors that go into low confidence and lack of game. These factors include: unhealthy lifestyle, overweight, crappy job, no real hobbies, lack of education, lack of being well rounded, low self-esteem, and trying to hard to get women. Once you solve some of these factors, women come to you and it is a lot easier to get laid. Also you gotta learn body language and when women send you signals. When they do send you signals, be bold and go for it.


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
I caught a severe case of "one-itis" a few years back that like totally fukked me up. Being adopted and already having attachment issues, and dealing with the experiences of my "one-itis"..I battled with an self prescribed (fukk a therapist, the googles is all i need) extreme case of depression. It caused me to just totally shut down my human experience and go into "hibernation mode" for a while. I was on probation for a weed case, so I really couldn't go out, which pushed me further down the rabbit hole so to speak....porn, K2 (legal weed b.s which fed into my paranoia) on the daily. I fukked around and found an ad on back page. An asian massage parlor. I went and had my epiphany (pun intended) as Chun Li was fondling my balls, I came up with the realization like dude, I'm a college graduate, great job, just started a audio/video production hustle, ladies say that im handsome and I have what's the equivalent of a febreeze can hanging between my legs (rant) .... that it's more than one chick out there who's willing to fondle your balls. You shouldn't have to chase, I mean, don't get me wrong "courting" is the shyt, if the feeling's are mutual, but that unreciprocated love is the devil's pie....fukk that noise....I'll never again chase the p*ssy ....I'll go to Chun Li when in need. Work on my craft, and let the chick find me. Cause yeah, really it aint that serious.....:myman:you're welcome.
I need to visit an Asian massage parlor. Get Rubbed while they rub one out.