Why I don't tip at restaurants


All Star
Jun 3, 2014
The waiting industry is fukked up but you're a piece of shyt for taking it out on the victims of the whole system.

Go be a cheap fukk, nobody on the coli gives a shyt, but don't come here with your bullshyt excuses.
Aug 27, 2015
I can understand. I agree that people should tip(when the service is satisfactory or better), but you guys haven't been on the other side of the fukkeration.... When the waitresses are making money hand over foot and the cooks are the one getting the shytty pay. After 10+ years, I finally stopped cooking for pay. At your average restaurant, cooks are constantly shytted on by wait staff, by management, and by customers. For the pay they offer, it's not worth having to work all the time because turnover is so high, being bytched at by servers who can't remember that side salads go with their meal, being bytched at by management when you're having a shytty day because you're overworked and being bytched at by a customer when something is wrong on an order, whether it's your fault or not.

I have no sympathy for wait staff that make 15-20/hr while cooks make 8.50-9.00/hr..... and cooks aren't allowed to take gratuity.

Sorry... not sorry.

Yeah this is the truth.

I always tip but you're right it's the cooks who get shafted.

But getting tipped as a waitress is hit or miss.

You know who makes bank?

The bartender! No one ever complains about tipping them, plus they get a part of the waiting tips. Them and the hosts who get paid minimum wage.


Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Sep 2, 2015
Stopped reading half way.
If you don't tip, then that's cool.
However I don't want to hear about it or hear any flack when I do.
You don't tip 'cause as far as you're concerned it's part of their job and you're not compelled to pay 'em for it. That's a Job for the employer. S'cool.

I tip because I appreciate when I'm taken care of nicely and tips do go along way for people in the service industry. It's like a monetary dap.....and we all here likes dap, don't we?:takedat:

Ms. Elaine

Spoiled Brat
Jan 10, 2016
Avocado Toast
Sure, you don't have to tip if you don't want to....but I sure as hell hope you don't plan on eating there again. :dame: I can only imagine what will happen to your food from the time it leaves the kitchen and arrives to your table. :scust: Servers have a long memory and they talk. :ufdup:

And I see, it's people like you that perpetuate the belief that black people don't tip and as a result I gotta give out 50% tips to ensure good service. :stopitslime:

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
I can understand. I agree that people should tip(when the service is satisfactory or better), but you guys haven't been on the other side of the fukkeration.... When the waitresses are making money hand over foot and the cooks are the one getting the shytty pay. After 10+ years, I finally stopped cooking for pay. At your average restaurant, cooks are constantly shytted on by wait staff, by management, and by customers. For the pay they offer, it's not worth having to work all the time because turnover is so high, being bytched at by servers who can't remember that side salads go with their meal, being bytched at by management when you're having a shytty day because you're overworked and being bytched at by a customer when something is wrong on an order, whether it's your fault or not.

I have no sympathy for wait staff that make 15-20/hr while cooks make 8.50-9.00/hr..... and cooks aren't allowed to take gratuity.

Sorry... not sorry.

My sentiments exactly. I was never a cook but one summer break I applied to be a waiter but ended up being a dishwasher instead because they were overstaffed at the waiter position (so they say :mjpls:, I had my suspicion they didn't want a nikka on the floor)

I was busting my ass way harder than the servers getting wet as shyt, staying late as hell, taking out trash hours after the servers went home, but with no share of the tips I was promised.

Half the servers were high as shyt while working yet they always tried to tell me how hard their shift was. I tried smoking up while doing dishes and that shyt was miserable.

I gots no sympathy for em


Nov 30, 2015
Sure, you don't have to tip if you don't want to....but I sure as hell hope you don't plan on eating there again. :dame: I can only imagine what will happen to your food from the time it leaves the kitchen and arrives to your table. :scust: Servers have a long memory and they talk. :ufdup:

And I see, it's people like you that perpetuate the belief that black people don't tip and as a result I gotta give out 50% tips to ensure good service. :stopitslime:
And you could be a great tipper, but your waiter could accidentally forgot to wash his hands and touch your food. What's your point?

Again if somebody doesn't tip you and that makes you angry to the point you sabotage their food the next time, it just reassures everyone that you're an unskillful loser that deserves to make $2/hr.


Sep 2, 2014
I read this thread over an hour ago and it had me fuming.

@xXOGKILLERXx I am tempted to rep you, just so I can work hard to get off 30s and neg you in 3-4 days.

McDonalds, fam. Thats where no-tip nincompoops are welcome with open arms. I have worked all areas of a restaurant FOH and BOH.

Folks bust they ass. They not robbing you, they asking you to come out them pockets:birdman:


Aug 29, 2013
Tipping should be banned because employers should pay their employees a living wage. Or at the very least, the same wage that everyone else gets.

That said, if you're one of these dikkheads who doesn't tip because a waiter didn't kiss your ass, or because the food was a bit slow out of the kitchen (which isn't their fault)....you're basically saying that they deserve the $4.25 per hour (or whatever it is) that they're getting. Which is bullshyt.

Don't sit here and tell me that a waitress needs to go above and beyond to make your fukkin Olive Garden experience amazing so that you'll tip $3 on a $20 check....but somehow the dude at Footlocker who doesn't do shyt except walk 40 feet to the back to see if there's a pair of Jordans in a Size 9 deserves $4 more per hour than the waitress.



Dec 2, 2015
One of the best servants I ever had in my life was at a olive garden and it was a retarded boy.
Ever since then I laugh when regular people cry about how hard it is as servers and waitress.
fukk em.


Aug 13, 2014
Honestly food at any level, even gourmet chefs are still doing customer service. I just get to wear a fancy jacket and hat and bring knives to work. Most top chefs make 15 dollars an hour and work shytty hours. Kitchen managers make a lot more money and have normal hours. Unfortunately cooking involves recipes and to unskilled hands a recipe means anyone can make it. What they don't realize is five people can follow the same recipe and get different results.

That's where professional cooks and chefs come in. All we do is make things consistently. My split pea soup will always taste the same. Cooks at my level are one man factories. My job is to produce food in bulk at a consistent standard. When I come into work the first thing I do is taste everything on my menu to see what I'm going to throw away and remake. I will not serve food that doesn't have my signature taste.

My 2-10 crowd comes to eat with Still Ill FC. Every sauce, drink, and vegetable cut has to reflect me. When I'm on my shyt I'll pick through the spring mix to make sure the leaves aren't wilted. I also check the temperature of my food every hour. I'm a psycho about serving temps. The movie Chef nails what we go through. It's on Netflix.

That's pretty impressive and I did not know how extremely hard it is to serve and cook consistently for people. The job you listed kinda got mi scratching my head and I cook almost 95% at home lol.

The restaurant is a very demanding industry, hence why I always tip whenever I'm out with my family or friends. Very humbling read and thanks for the information.
May 3, 2012
Tipping is a pretty fukked up and irrational practice once you peel back some of the layers, and has been proven to not even really improve service. If anyone cares to read at all, here's a pretty sound argument against tipping as a whole.

I dare you to read this and still feel good about tipping

One key quote:​
Studies have shown that tipping is not an effective incentive for performance in servers. It also creates an environment in which people of color, young people, old people, women, and foreigners tend to get worse service than white males. In a tip-based system, nonwhite servers make less than their white peers for equal work. Consider also the power imbalance between tippers, who are typically male, and servers, 70 percent of whom are female, and consider that the restaurant industry generates five times the average number of sexual harassment claims per worker. And that in many instances employers haveallegedly misusedtip credits, which let owners pay servers less than minimum wage if tipping makes up the difference.

The problems are vast, as Porter points out. They tend to afflict a very specific and unfortunate swath of the American populace: the poor and disadvantaged. And the evidence isn't merely anecdotal.
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Click to expand...​
In essence, tipping ends up being a microcosm of bunch of issues that ails American society. Subjecting workers to the whims and biases of their customers is pretty cruel if you ask me, and tipping is just a continuation of either the government or people themselves, subsiding costs for employers because they refuse to pay a living wage. You know what's really sick? That employers have found a way to pay their employees $2-$3 an hour and get away with it. There would be none of this vitriol at non tippers if employers where forced to pay what they should, and workers didn't have to wonder if they'll be tipped enough to pay their bills at the end of the week. I'm all for transparency, tack a on mandatory %15 gratuity fee, or roll that into prices, AND pay a livable wage with it.