Why east africans cant be swole/huge like west africans/haitians/bantu/jamaicans/AAs


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Language is absolutely not an indication of origin especially considering the history of colonialization in the world

Language is indeed an indication of origin. Most people who speak native Spanish, for example, are part Spanaird (think about it).

The word Swahili itself comes from Arabic, its a mix of Bantu languages and Arabic.

I don't know about this but the history of Swahili says it originates in Kenya and Tanzania, and had no Arabic input until later.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
Yes fam, Swahili is a Niger-Congo base language. If it is perverted now through colonialism, whatever, but the base form of it is undeniable:


Your tribe, the Kikyuu, is the same. Same base, same family group, etc. The lengths you East Africans will go to prove you're not black bruh

You probably been insulting nikkas this whole time thinking you weren't one.

Where are you getting this idea I'm proving I'm not black? :what:

And those stats are for current Swahili speakers. A lot of central africa adopted Swahili in modern times.

Smh at you just pulling shyt out of wiki with no comprehension. Clearly in the family tree closed to Swahili it says north east coast... This as I most painstakingly explained is where it originated from traders interaction local and foreign. Of course locals mixed in their bantu language and foreigners did their Arabic and Portuguese. When we learn Swahili and its history in Africa I have never heard it claimed singularly as a Bantu language but a language of the east coast of Africa in general. As I explained to your hard headed ass the actual Swahili people of mixed lineage and the ones who claim this as their ethnic language are not Bantu. Their traditions are a mix and their appearance as well. Their music and social customs lean towards the Arabs and they don't claim Bantu and are often Muslim.

Some things like the numerical system in Swahili are totally Arabic while other components of the language are totally Bantu. How explaining this to you is a denial of blackness is a mystery to me. A few people in this thread seem to think East African means solely Somalian or Ethiopians and also that non Bantu black Africans are not black :mindblown:

You made a lot of asanine assumptions there like a true clown. Why would I be dissing nikkaz and do you actually think you just woke me to the fact that I'm black? :wtf: :what:
Last edited:
Jan 26, 2015

We have no use for confused mutts in our midst..they are more of a liability than credit to the Black cause..can't trust them really..​
so Ethiopia being one of the only African countries to successful resist European colonizers,dfeat invading a-rabs and also the African Union are confused mutts and a liability:stopitslime:


Good Vibrations
Jun 29, 2014
East Africans 'may have up to a quarter of Asian and European DNA'

East africans are far more travelled then recorded history could show. Most east africans i know gain too much weight or look unhealthy when they stick to the 'western diet' which isnt tailored for their dna. Theyre more suited to pulses, nuts, fruits and leafy greens to get their nutrients. However, the western diet has become a staple and people are replacing more expensive organic fruits for inexpensive breads and pastas - which provide a high amount of carbs, but ultimately these starchy foods release far too much sugar as theyre so high on the glycemic index. This leads to either high insulin production and fat retention, or they feel full far quicker and dont gain much weight. Most east africans have a high amount of eurasian dna, or a lot of eurasians have east african dna (depending on how you see the world) due to their influx into europe after coursing through western asia. These africans are far closer related to the moors than other africans, and prior to the crusades, lived in europe, through spain and most of north east africa.

Western africans on the other hand have interacted with europeans a lot more recently. It goes without saying that the modern european has a high amount of neanderthal dna due to interbreeding. This genetic mixture is the most likely explanation for the 4,500 year old rh- gene, which is something quite alien to most of this planet. This gene leads to a number of conditions and physical anomolies, the main one being a lack of a protein surrounding red blood cells, making the transfer of oxygen, co2, nutrients etc more difficult. For this reason they have a high meat/blood based diet, which provides the iron and copper they need plus proteins and carbs to support their bulkier neanderthal influenced frame. These europeans were restricted to northern russia, northern europe, greece and basque regions for a while but now - and pre slavery, became far more common through europe and north america. This dna has unquestionably been introduced to the rest of africa - 'the younger/less travelled nations' leading to bulkier frames (the height was always in african dna though).

For this reason, when you observe non genetically scrambled africans, whether its egyptian cave paintings or indigenous tribes, you see tall, slender, lean physiques. This is the ideal physique for the food that is most common and beneficial, the climate of the region and the terrain they would hunt and live in.
  • Dap
Reactions: Dip
Jan 26, 2015
East Africans 'may have up to a quarter of Asian and European DNA'

East africans are far more travelled then recorded history could show. Most east africans i know gain too much weight or look unhealthy when they stick to the 'western diet' which isnt tailored for their dna. Theyre more suited to pulses, nuts, fruits and leafy greens to get their nutrients. However, the western diet has become a staple and people are replacing more expensive organic fruits for inexpensive breads and pastas - which provide a high amount of carbs, but ultimately these starchy foods release far too much sugar as theyre so high on the glycemic index. Most east africans have a high amount of eurasian dna, or a lot of eurasians have east african dna (depending on how you see the world) due to their influx into europe after coursing through western asia. These africans are far closer related to the moors than other africans, and prior to the crusades, lived in europe, through spain and most of north east africa.

Western africans on the other hand have interacted with europeans a lot more recently. It goes without saying that the modern european has a high amount of neanderthal dna due to interbreeding. This genetic mixture is the most likely explanation for the 4,500 year old rh- gene, which is something quite alien to most of this planet. This gene leads to a number of conditions and physical anomolies, the main one being a lack of a protein surrounding red blood cells, making the transfer of oxygen, co2, nutrients etc more difficult. For this reason they have a high meat/blood based diet, which provides the iron and copper they need plus proteins and carbs to support their bulkier neanderthal influenced frame. These europeans were restricted to northern russia, northern europe, greece and basque regions for a while but now - and pre slavery, became far more common through europe and north america. This dna has unquestionably been introduced to the rest of africa - 'the younger/less travelled nations' leading to bulkier frames (the height was always in african dna though).

For this reason, when you observe non genetically scrambled africans, whether its egyptian cave paintings or indigenous tribes, you see tall, slender, lean physiques. This is the ideal physique for the food that is most common and beneficial, the climate of the region and the terrain they would hunt and live in.
i'm skeptical on that considering considering i don't hold much stock in cac funded genetic studies on black and i've read what's often label as Eurasian genes is most prevalent in certain East Africans than Asians or Europeans:comeon:the Asian part would make more sense than Europeans though cause certain East Africans have ancient ties with West/South Asia..not so much Europe:yeshrug:


May 20, 2012
No you see that phenotype in Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi and many of these people did not interacted with Arabs besides the Swahili coast. Hell parts of west Africa been interacting with Arabs for centuries, but they look no different from other western Africans

That's true. Bantus/Nilotics which make up a large population of Kenya don't get that big either. That's why we make for better long distance runners. Also, West African and East African hairlines are different as well. We got the short end of that stick as well. :mjcry:


Feb 1, 2015
Nilotics are black and can become swole with protein and training.
Anyone can become swole with protein and weight training. By the way what determines strength is your muscle density so having smaller frame isnt really a drawback.


Good Vibrations
Jun 29, 2014
i'm skeptical on that considering considering i don't hold much stock in cac funded genetic studies on black and i've read what's often label as Eurasian genes is most prevalent in certain East Africans than Asians or Europeans:comeon:the Asian part would make more sense than Europeans though cause certain East Africans have ancient ties with West/South Asia..not so much Europe:yeshrug:
I'm extremely skeptical on cac funded research too. Because of shyt like this:

I’m White, but Tests Show I Have East African DNA. How?

The guy who posed the question has east african dna, yet the only conclusion the expert offered, is the most rare one - that it was introduces during slavery..

Also cacs dont like to admit there might be 'inferiorities' in their dna. Everything is geared towards their physical and mental superiority in fact. So when a study emerges that they have a huge amount of neanderthal dna or that a mystery gene appeared in their ancestory which has a huge disadvantage to african/asian/indigenous dna i do take note. They publish this shyt, they just dont celebrate it out of hopes that most people are too pacified to research the links.

Yes eurasian dna is prevalent in east africans, it could have been introduced by their well documented travels and controls of trade routes (timbuktu was the trade capital of the world) yet it may have just been given the title 'eurasian' and the ties with europe are just as well documented as the moorish conquests stretched from northern and eastern africa into southern spain - providing europe with the civilized structure they lacked pre-renaissance.