Why Doesn’t Silicon Valley Hire Black Coders?


Gotta learn how to kill a nikka from the inside
Oct 19, 2015
If you knew about the racist history of these institutions why are you making excuses for blatant white supremacy by labeling it as elitism? That's exactly what cacs do, they say it's not racism it's classim.

You're using white supremacist talking points so I'm pretty sure you're a cac :manny:

You've got to be kidding me? When did I say it wasn't racist? You don't think elitism exist? There's a book about it from Otis graham about it. These companies are full of racist, however elitism persist just as equally. I swear people like you makes me lose faith in the education system.

Also Fukk boy I'm African American


Rick Fox at UNC

All Star
Dec 2, 2015
Pretty Boys
you didnt read nothing i typed. thats all you had to say. aint no excuses. there are reasons why things are what they are. and they have a lot less to do with black people and more to do with white supremacy than most of yall want to admit. but go on ahead and lie to yourself. that might make you feel better at night. **and dont respond. no need**

Actually I was going to switch my message up. I did read it, was just being an ass because I felt I needed to emphasize how much none of it mattered. I could have been clearer with my words, my fault for that.

My point still stands.

The folks in here exchanging "white supremacy" victim stories are not providing any solutions (solutions are *actionable* steps that can be taken) so the only thing I can do, is work my ass off and make moves. I may have to pivot a lot, I may have to be strategic, I may face a bunch of setbacks, but at least I own it. I make a decision and I own it.

I'll be damned if "white people" are stopping me from utilizing any one of the infinite resources out here waiting for people who truly have a desire and thirst for knowledge and the drive and discipline to see it all through.

If you want to learn the math, coding, and logic to become an elite coder, or reverse engineer, or hacker, or whatever, you can do it without much of an investment (of money, time on the other hand...).

- E-books
- Amazon Listmania
- Torrent Downloads
- Message Boards/IRC
- Community College --> Four-Year University --> Graduate School


Jun 8, 2012
Actually I was going to switch my message up. I did read it, was just being an ass because I felt I needed to emphasize how much none of it mattered. I could have been clearer with my words, my fault for that.

My point still stands.

The folks in here exchanging "white supremacy" victim stories are not providing any solutions (solutions are *actionable* steps that can be taken) so the only thing I can do, is work my ass off and make moves. I may have to pivot a lot, I may have to be strategic, I may face a bunch of setbacks, but at least I own it. I make a decision and I own it.

I'll be damned if "white people" are stopping me from utilizing any one of the infinite resources out here waiting for people who truly have a desire and thirst for knowledge and the drive and discipline to see it all through.

If you want to learn the math, coding, and logic to become an elite coder, or reverse engineer, or hacker, or whatever, you can do it without much of an investment (of money, time on the other hand...).

- E-books
- Amazon Listmania
- Torrent Downloads
- Message Boards/IRC
- Community College --> Four-Year University --> Graduate School
i already gave my 2 cents on solutions. i never come into a thread like this without both sides. but what i refuse to do is act like i dont know how difficult it is for us. and yes some people make it thru by luck and hardwork. not just by hardwork. dont lie to yourself. its luck/blessings. remember the same system you know exists and you say push on is the same system that has to ALLOW you in the club. you say i'll make my own way. not without their permission. I can go online and take classes myself or get the info myself. sure you can. who controlls the net? THEY DO. they could shut that down tomorrow and make it a pay service. they could make sure in areas where most blacks live we get the slow internet. dont say it cant be done because it has been done and its being done today. bruhs minding their own business going about their day being productive citizens still get bothered by cops(you saw that other thread right with the mail man getting sweated by the cops). that tells me that no matter WHAT you do. they are always there to EFF with you. thats all i'm saying. no lies in here. tell it like it is so people know what they are up against. otherwise some youngin will listen to you and go hard thinking "thats all i have to do" and get smacked down by white supremacy and he /she wont ever get back up again because they never saw it coming and it was such a shock to them it breaks their spirit. most white supremacy is now designed to break our spirits. and it works for the most part because its non stop. and everyone isnt born with that insane fight in them. and thats not their fault.

Rick Fox at UNC

All Star
Dec 2, 2015
Pretty Boys
i already gave my 2 cents on solutions. i never come into a thread like this without both sides. but what i refuse to do is act like i dont know how difficult it is for us. and yes some people make it thru by luck and hardwork. not just by hardwork. dont lie to yourself. its luck/blessings. remember the same system you know exists and you say push on is the same system that has to ALLOW you in the club. you say i'll make my own way. not without their permission. I can go online and take classes myself or get the info myself. sure you can. who controlls the net? THEY DO. they could shut that down tomorrow and make it a pay service. they could make sure in areas where most blacks live we get the slow internet. dont say it cant be done because it has been done and its being done today. bruhs minding their own business going about their day being productive citizens still get bothered by cops(you saw that other thread right with the mail man getting sweated by the cops). that tells me that no matter WHAT you do. they are always there to EFF with you. thats all i'm saying. no lies in here. tell it like it is so people know what they are up against. otherwise some youngin will listen to you and go hard thinking "thats all i have to do" and get smacked down by white supremacy and he /she wont ever get back up again because they never saw it coming and it was such a shock to them it breaks their spirit. most white supremacy is now designed to break our spirits. and it works for the most part because its non stop. and everyone isnt born with that insane fight in them. and thats not their fault.

Is this the type of stuff you think about on a daily basis? Are these the excuses you sit around and make about your life and where you're at?

This has to be a troll.

If not, please never have or be around children. This is the kind of negative nonsense that gets passed on in the black community.

nikkas over here acting like willing victims, refusing to take responsibility for their lives, their communities, and their decisions because *THEY* are bringing you down.

I don't mind recognizing the role *white supremacy* plays, but only after you've done everything in your power to succeed and mentor others.

Cats who sit around and complain all day get what they get...fukk 'em. Take responsibility for your life because no matter what you're up against, there is power in making decision and taking responsibility.

Victims are passive and not worthy of respect.

bytch ass nikka.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
lol, misinformed and ego driven, leads to regurgitaed incorrect rhethoric
Repeating the words like marginlized and failure in terms of Civil Rights and Affirmative action only works for folks who doesn't retain details of history

How could these concepts have failed if it achieved what it sought out to be?
-Affirmative action put qualified black folks in opportunities to get jobs
-Civil Rights affected education , voting, social, employment, and legislation to ensure equal opportunity for black folks

Some of the blac folks that were marginlaized became too comfortable in their positions, some were denied loans to become entrepanueras, and some decided to leave swtch careers
What you really mean is that these concepts did not go further by encouraging economical independence. But that is not a failure, just a limitation.

So stop worrying about the white man's opinion of you and the programs that were created to right his wrongs

Sharpton/Jackson has put in work on the national and local levels to hi-light black injustice. While you're enjoying the benefits of their efforts from behind your computer, they are doing work that benefits the community and hopefully themselves too

its very easy how they failed even though it achieved its goals......there is something wrong with the goals themselves

the civil rights/affirmative action crowd got obsessed with the notion of getting a few blacks "integrated", that goal was wrong, period

its very important to declare that it was mistake because if not you will repeat the same mistakes

Again, remixing what diversity initiates does not make you correct. Stop being afraid of what white folks think about your skills and reasons for employment

Of course I mentioned how to tackle white supremacy...
-you get the experience and build relationship via diversity initiatives, you venture out on your own

this statement is a perfect example of your delusion

diversity initiatives is just begging white people for jobs, begging white people for jobs is not confronting white supremacy

The details of "venturing out on your own" I did not provide at the time, but it simply includes partnering up with similar minds, not similar skin color, to employ qualified black candidates(but not limit your workforce to just blackfolks cause talent is talent, regardless of race), provide internships/mentorships to black college students. Encourage the students to donate their time to community outreach programs that will encourage more black youths to enter the tech field. All of this, while the entrepanuer is encouraging/investing/partnering with other black entrepreneurs in the tech industry and other industries

Like minds should include the basic understanding of what white supremacy is and how it works to place economical, social, and political obstacles in non-white. Not just the mind to wanting to be powerful and successful. There are already powerful successful black folks

this is just incoherent sentences that you are pulling out your ass because i pointed out that black people building their own companies is the only real solution

Again, save this rhethoric for those of us who doesn't grasp the details of history
That is complete BS. Diversity initiatives are geared towards allowing those with talent and qualifications to have a chance at jobs that they wouldn't be exposed to for whatever reasons. With office politics aside and racism, your skills is suppose to determine your value in the company, not how you got the job

diversity initiatives is just begging white people for jobs

Again, with office politics aside and racism, your skills is suppose to determine your value in the company, not how you got the job
So, having qualified black engineers, along with metrics that deals with employment/salary/promotions etc to expose the industry of their wrond, and a healthy job market for those engineers not comfortable and loyal to their employer, willdirectly address marginalization

so in other words you want to collect data so that you can beg white people for jobs and so that if they dont hire enoughblack people you are going to march and protest

good luck with that

You mentioned entrepreneurship to skew the convo when we were talmbowt diversity initiatives because I was schooling you on how employment was not the only measure of diversity successes. You then made a ridiculous claim about diversity initiatives wouldn't tackle white supremacy(which no one effort would be able to), but then you provided no more mention of how to tackle white supremacy. So once again, you criticizes a concept but don't provide alternatives, just like with diversity initiatives

i mentioned entrepreneurship because that is the only real solution

and again begging white people for a job is not confronting white supremacy

The reason you don't know and are not mentioning motivation is because you're not maintaining perspective on the current state of black employment, entrepreneurship and psyche. You're just focusing on those black folks that fits your argument, while ignoring those that don't

you are the one that has no clue about the state of black employment, entrepreneurship and psyche

black people have the lowest level of business ownership out of any demographic group

your assertion that black people own a significant amount of business is a plain lie and it shows you are not in touch with the situation

Why would a blackman that craves power and money limit his efforts to partner up with another blackman, i
i dont know, where did i say that black people should limit efforts to partner up with another black person?

instead of partnering up with a white or asian man, especially in tech?

white and asian are racist, so there is nothing wrong with partnering up with anybody but that shouldnt be a goal

our goal should be to form our own companies

it profitable to be a koon, not so profitable to implement conscious knowledge along with your other business goals. That's difficult as hell

yeah sure

You have yet to mention how you will get black engineers together, if they have better opportunities with non-blacks employers/partners/entrepreneurs. "Bu bu we blackfolks" motivation has already proven to not work

yeah i never mentioned how black engineers get together because what i said is that there are too few black engineers, first things first

first we have to increase the number of engineers

I already told you that black folks with businesses, money, power, jobs already exist. But yet the wealth gap and uemployment still exist. Thus motivation sparks actions, skin color alone is not enough to spark action for various reasons

thats just complete BS, black people have very few business, little money or power, black people have the lowest wealth, lowest education and highest unemployment out of any demographic group

It doesn't mean that it is racist. So stop focusing on one possibility
You done that already in terms of blackfolks owning business


agreed. But you still haven't mentioned how you finna get the money to finance the black engineers tech company

i dont know how to finance black engineers, that is something that we have to figure out, but the way to start is making sure you have good credit

if it fails, then why are these metrics used by default in all companies, employees and especially schools (so they could advertise the success rate of their graduates)

What are you suggesting to replace these metrics if they are not providing valuable data sets that these learning insittutions, companies, and indidivuals are not using?

i dont understand your question, just because metrics are being used is not evidence that metrics are working

thats dumb circular logic

and also you have to ask, what is the goal, if the goal is to get a few more black into these institutions and companies then it is working, but i never agreed that was the goal

again, you're giving me more rhetoric and less how-to

Why would a black person creating a tech company make a difference, if we already have blackfolks now with companies and money?

What's the motivation behind "our own" financial system, if black folks are not motivated now to do so. Every years black doctors, lawyers and entrpanuers graduate different schools, that are joining black doctors, lawyers, and entrepanuers from decades ago, and still there's no financing system. However, in your world, the black engineers will change all of this. stop it

but what you are saying is lie, there are very few black doctors, very few black lawyers and very few black entrepreneurs relative to other groups, i dont know why you keep spreading this lie that there are

and we do not have a financing system, we have to create our own

Affirmative action has achieved it's goal, which was to provide ways for qualified candidates to break into white corporate america
What you really mean is that these concepts did not go further by encouraging economical independence. But that is not a failure
Also, what those black folks did with that opportunity says more about them, than the success of the program

yeah i agree that affirmative action has achieved its goals, it has sprinkled a few negroes in certain areas

but i dont agree with the goals, so therefore its a failure

With no motivations to create a financial system, then all you have are black engneers with jobs OR their own company. Which is exactly what exist now in other fields, so it doesn't mean anything to have uninspired critical mass of black engineers in the tech field

actually it does mean a whole lot to have a critical mass of black engineers, because without that you cannot form black engineering companies


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
you're not going to build your own huge businesses like google/facebook. unless first off you have coders to pull it off and do a great job at it. you just stated blacks in general dont have the skillset.well let me change that. a very very very small population of blacks who code are good enough to code for a google/facebook vs their white counterparts. and i've said what you just said above long ago. most black kids dont start coding when they're in elementary school like these white kids, and some asians do. Thats slowly starting to change. But it isnt a culture yet. If you want this to be a culture the old heads(the parents of the children) have to be aware of this. THEY ARE NOT. and they would have to change the culture in their homes. You teach your kids how to code from the 2nd grade on up. teach them like you were a foreigner trying to teach your kids english for the first time. They are called computer LANGUAGES for a reason. You do this in the schools. There should be class time for coding like theirs class time for reading and writing. again this is another language. start young, makes it easier to learn and get the concepts by the time they are in highschool they are already legit enough coders to work for most people and to create their own myspace, facebook, google, etc. by the time they get into college or get their certs(they can start this in high school too) they will be right where these white kids are when it comes to coding. But to your point Twism... they still wont get hired like crazy cause we know how whites do us. aint no reason lying to yourself. so we need businesses their to hire these young black folks. and or we need to be also teaching how to own your own businesses while using your coding gifts to do it.

i was the first person in this thread that said the only solution is for black people to build their own business, i was the first person in this thread to say that there needs to be a change in the culture so that we can have more black engineers

and if you want to take it back to KTL, when you were writing essays about why college is NOT important, i was writing essays about the low number of black engineers and how we need to have a more academic culture because currently they is widespread anti academic mentalities in the black community (your anti college essays being exhibit A in anti academic mentals)

but thanks for regurgitating stuff that i have been saying

you last point is wrong, lets be clear, in no way am i saying that there isnt racism in the tech industry, but if you have a STEM degree it is relatively easy to get hired, the only exception may in the south because they have fewer technology companies, but basically any black person that comes out to cali, DC or NY will get hired if they have tech skills

getting hired is relatively easy, the real racism starts after you get hired, and thats where the inevitable conclusion is that black people need to have our companies

but as far as actual employment, i totally disagree that there are a bunch of unemployed black engineers, i have never met them or heard of them

and betting back to the college thing, a point i use to make in the KTL days against your anti college diatribes and i will repeat now is that certs and bachelors degree are the bottom of the barrel academically, the top of the heap is Masters and PhD

so when i say we need a critical mass of engineers, i dont just mean a bunch of guys with certs and programmers (we actually have that in the coli already), im talking about people with doctorates and R&D experience


Dec 11, 2015
Stop making excuses:

- I started building computers (piecing them together, not using kits) in middle school and I don't remember a single black kid being into any of what I was doing back then. No joke, not a single one. Matter fact, what I was doing was considered mad corny and lame.
- Used to watch Triumph of the Nerds (three hour doc about Silicon Valley) and Trillion Dollar Bet (hour long doc about Wall Street) religiously.
- Used to thumb through Fortune magazine every month. Again, corny and more corny.
- Used to order CDs with hacking tools so I could learn the tools and the code. Lame.
- Used to spend hours and hours, days and nights working with and on this stuff.
- Used to spend hours reading about Carmack and Gates, how they code, adopting their work ethic, etc.
- When I got my first job, I went to a Borders and special ordered The Art of Electronics (The Art of Electronics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) for fun. Corny.
- Junior College (during high-school): Only black male in Calculus.
- State School (one of the largest in the country): The only black person in advanced math classes, the only black male in engineering classes (this includes even the intro classes).
- Anytime I met other black males who were about that engineering/computer science, they were from out the country (African or British by way of Africa).
- I go to Blackhat/Defcon events, there are more black males than before but still very few. I'm pretty sure I run across more black woman than men.


Cats working in Silicon Valley or Silicon Alley (New York) or in big tech markets like Austin tend to have a background similar to mine. They were interest in tech before it became a thing to be interested in and they developed their skills by putting in hours and hours of effort. They didn't do it for money or to feel wanted (probably the exact fukking opposite), they did it because they were drawn to it and became good at it.

So now that the money is flowing toward tech all these folks want in and have the nerve to feel entitled. Women with business and liberal arts degrees feel like they deserve a position in tech without realizing who they're competing against. shyt is disgusting.

I'm sick of hearing about women and black folks not feeling "accepted" or "wanted" or whatever, as if the folks who work in tech grew up feeling wanted by their peers. :mjlol:

Do you guys actually believe that all these folks who are damn near at the end of some fukked up mental spectrum are the ideal candidates for employment at all of these companies? :scust:

There are so many weird fukks in Tech and Finance man and none of them felt "wanted" or "included" growing up; that's why they're so good at what they do.

We got nikkas in here talking about dudes can't be masculine? Tell that to cats like Stephen Watt (seven foot bodybuilding hacker).

Man, y'all are ridiculous.

Triumph of the Nerds:

Trillion Dollar Bet:


Stephen Watt (but wai wait, he's too masculine):

Good post!

1. Do you feel anyone has the talent to be as successful as you, or do you have to have innate intelligence?

2. Why did you watch Triumph of the Nerds and Trillion Dollar Bet religiously? What purpose did that serve after watching it once?

3. You mentioned you used to spend hours and hours nights and days on this stuff. How many hours a day would you say you worked on this stuff?

4. I failed College Algebra twice and on the third time, passed it with a C. Could i still be successful like you? I am 30 years old and am unemployed/broke, live with my mom, and have a two year degree in Business Management. I have 58,000 in student loan debt that I have to start paying back in June 2016. I have so much debt because I fukked around and didn't apply myself when I was at a 4yr. university. I wan tto be successful in life but I fukked up so much in my past.

5. What are your ultimate career goals? Are you already very successful?


Dec 11, 2015
Is this the type of stuff you think about on a daily basis? Are these the excuses you sit around and make about your life and where you're at?

This has to be a troll.

If not, please never have or be around children. This is the kind of negative nonsense that gets passed on in the black community.

nikkas over here acting like willing victims, refusing to take responsibility for their lives, their communities, and their decisions because *THEY* are bringing you down.

I don't mind recognizing the role *white supremacy* plays, but only after you've done everything in your power to succeed and mentor others.

Cats who sit around and complain all day get what they get...fukk 'em. Take responsibility for your life because no matter what you're up against, there is power in making decision and taking responsibility.

Victims are passive and not worthy of respect.

bytch ass nikka.

What advice would you give when it comes to dealing with "white supremacy"?

Drake is God

Nov 17, 2013
Good post!

1. Do you feel anyone has the talent to be as successful as you, or do you have to have innate intelligence?

2. Why did you watch Triumph of the Nerds and Trillion Dollar Bet religiously? What purpose did that serve after watching it once?

3. You mentioned you used to spend hours and hours nights and days on this stuff. How many hours a day would you say you worked on this stuff?

4. I failed College Algebra twice and on the third time, passed it with a C. Could i still be successful like you? I am 30 years old and am unemployed/broke, live with my mom, and have a two year degree in Business Management. I have 58,000 in student loan debt that I have to start paying back in June 2016. I have so much debt because I fukked around and didn't apply myself when I was at a 4yr. university. I wan tto be successful in life but I fukked up so much in my past.

5. What are your ultimate career goals? Are you already very successful?
loan forgiveness? military? become a nurse?


Jun 8, 2012
i was the first person in this thread that said the only solution is for black people to build their own business, i was the first person in this thread to say that there needs to be a change in the culture so that we can have more black engineers

and if you want to take it back to KTL, when you were writing essays about why college is NOT important, i was writing essays about the low number of black engineers and how we need to have a more academic culture because currently they is widespread anti academic mentalities in the black community (your anti college essays being exhibit A in anti academic mentals)

but thanks for regurgitating stuff that i have been saying

you last point is wrong, lets be clear, in no way am i saying that there isnt racism in the tech industry, but if you have a STEM degree it is relatively easy to get hired, the only exception may in the south because they have fewer technology companies, but basically any black person that comes out to cali, DC or NY will get hired if they have tech skills

getting hired is relatively easy, the real racism starts after you get hired, and thats where the inevitable conclusion is that black people need to have our companies

but as far as actual employment, i totally disagree that there are a bunch of unemployed black engineers, i have never met them or heard of them

and betting back to the college thing, a point i use to make in the KTL days against your anti college diatribes and i will repeat now is that certs and bachelors degree are the bottom of the barrel academically, the top of the heap is Masters and PhD

so when i say we need a critical mass of engineers, i dont just mean a bunch of guys with certs and programmers (we actually have that in the coli already), im talking about people with doctorates and R&D experience
uhh i actually gave you credit for saying we need to start our own. and when i was back on sohh talking about college. it still stands. nothing has changed with what i said. but you fail to realize what i actually said and run off with a talking point you're trying to push. see i'm not like you or the other guy i was replying to above. i'm Both of you. this is what your types dont get. There isnt a ONE WAY ticket in this thing called white supremacy. College will not save us all. sorry aint going to happen. so a lot of us need to hit up trade school and get a trade, work for someone for a while. then learn the business. then create our own business.

you do realize in college they have only recently started having courses for entrepreneurs. College is not there to teach you how to be a business owner. It's there to teach you how to be a worker bee. being a worker bee is fine for some but not fine for all. being a business owner is fine for some but not fine for all. It goes both ways.

and again i speak from a place of reality. not "we need to all go to school" not going to happen. so now what? i'm speaking from a place of real life solutions TODAY. not tomorrow , not next week. what can we do TODAY right now, where people are?

with all that said i'm telling you RIGHT NOW.. TODAY we will not have mass of master degreed up and Doctorates running around in Engineering, Computer science. To pull that off the elementary schools have to be tightened up, middle schools have to tigthen up and last but not least high schools have to tighten up. if they dont tighten up some how some way the word needs to get out to the parents to homeschool their kids. but this is a dream. how is that going to happen? when we know most blacks are so broke they can't take off of work to homeschool. So then what for right now? the then what means again we wont have a high number of engineers/CS folks running around like we would like to see.
Last edited:


Jun 8, 2012
loan forgiveness? military? become a nurse?
dont do that military after you have already done 4 years in college unless you really want to be a soldier.

dont become a nurse unless thats your passion. we have enough bad nurses in the field. no thank you. there are jobs you could hate and do to get chips from but not harm people in the process. nursing aint one of them.

but at least you had suggestions


Jun 8, 2012
4. I failed College Algebra twice and on the third time, passed it with a C...

Stop right there. and yet you have a degree. There's a reason or reasons you failed algebra twice and got a C the last time.

#1 you never studied at all the first 2 times. and you barely studied the last time you took it

#2 you have a learning disability

#3 You have never had the proper training that fit your needs for this subject matter. there were a few key elements you missed in alegebra that put you so far behind there was no catching up. so you quit on it early.

one of these 3 reasons are why you had your issues with math. or 2 of these 3, or all 3 of them.

start here
Algebra I

if you still find yourself taking L's in algebra after this. then start here

then start here: Math
and start with pre-algebra. and dont tell me "i passed that easy." no you didnt. or your teacher sucked. you can't be great at pre-algebra and flunk college algebra TWICE. It means your foundation wasnt tight enough happens to a lot of us especially black folks in the schools we go to on average. if pre-algebra is hurting you thru the above link. then go back a step further to some basic math. you may have holes there that are holding you back. what will happen is this. i doubt you suck at every section in algebra. you suck at certain sections and are good at some, and are average at the rest. you need to no longer suck at any of them and those you're average in, you need to be good to great at.
once you get to that point. skies the limit in math.

oh by the way, its FREE. no need to go into more debt just to learn something.

Drake is God

Nov 17, 2013
dont do that military after you have already done 4 years in college unless you really want to be a soldier.

dont become a nurse unless thats your passion. we have enough bad nurses in the field. no thank you. there are jobs you could hate and do to get chips from but not harm people in the process. nursing aint one of them.

but at least you had suggestions
jobs like what? @Dave24 needs to know
Apr 30, 2012
its very easy how they failed even though it achieved its goals......there is something wrong with the goals themselves

the civil rights/affirmative action crowd got obsessed with the notion of getting a few blacks "integrated", that goal was wrong, period

its very important to declare that it was mistake because if not you will repeat the same mistakes
lol. Now you want to criticize the goals of programs from decades ago, while not factoring in the state of black folks at the time. Your desperation is very clear. bu bu black folks should've went back to africa after slavery, to build an army and wealth, then come back to the US to buy property

Now you're mentioning integration, just like you brought up entrepreneurship, to skew the discussion cause I was schooling you

Now you're mentioning integration , though I specified the distinct goals of each program

Explain how integration alone was a bad thing
Explain how the goals of both Civil Rights and Affirmative action would have occurred without some form of integration.
Explain the alternate ways to achieve the goals of both Civil Rights and Affirmative action without Civil Rights or Affirmative Action

this statement is a perfect example of your delusion

diversity initiatives is just begging white people for jobs, begging white people for jobs is not confronting white supremacy

this is just incoherent sentences that you are pulling out your ass because i pointed out that black people building their own companies is the only real solution

diversity initiatives is just begging white people for jobs
what's delusional is that you think by repeating the same lie about the purpose of diversity initiatives, it means you're correct
Depending on who you speak to..
-Applying for a job, has been interpreted as begging the whiteman
-Working a 9-5, has been interpreted as kissing the whiteman azz
So you're just following the same lame efforts to tug at the sensitive history of race relations to make ridiculous claims

Talmbowt black folks need to open jobs, while ignoring all the necessary steps before that could happen shows that you haven't taken the time to detail a practical solution
I've included a solution that involves
-the community,
-recent and past graduates,
-future generations
-how to get them on the same goal,
-factored in current psych and socio-economical state of black folks

What did your solution involved?

so in other words you want to collect data so that you can beg white people for jobs and so that if they dont hire enoughblack people you are going to march and protest

good luck with that

Hmm, collecting data in order to have irrefutable evidence to prove your point in order to hold an industry accountable and inspiring black folks to get on the wave of implementing consciousnesses knowledge
-How would you achieve the same goals without the data?

Hmm, marching and protesting recently worked for the Asian community in the cop case, Black Lives Matter movement in getting access to presidential candidates and news coverage, and interrupting the Trump speech
-How would you achieve the same goals without marching and protesting?

i mentioned entrepreneurship because that is the only real solution
and again begging white people for a job is not confronting white supremacy
we weren't discussing entrepreneurship cause no one in this thread is arguing against
you already said that you weren't trying to tackle white supremacy in this thread, which I called you out on, so you're clearly lying

you are the one that has no clue about the state of black employment, entrepreneurship and psyche
black people have the lowest level of business ownership out of any demographic group
your assertion that black people own a significant amount of business is a plain lie and it shows you are not in touch with the situation
You desperation is so obvious...
Where in this thread or site, have I mentioned any thing about black folks owning a significant amount of business?
You have been talmbowt the lack of black businesses, while ignoring the citys and states that has black businesses, but still lack the financial structure to call their own
Comparing black folks to other demographics adds nothing to the discussion because the point of this thread is provide solutions to improve blackfolks' position in the US. So you're just arguing to just arguing

i dont know, where did i say that black people should limit efforts to partner up with another black person?
white and asian are racist, so there is nothing wrong with partnering up with anybody but that shouldnt be a goal
our goal should be to form our own companies
lol. Where is the rest of that paragraph? come on breh with the cherry picking out parts so you could have something to argue about. Now you getting on some lame shyt

yeah i never mentioned how black engineers get together because what i said is that there are too few black engineers, first things first
first we have to increase the number of engineers
You're buck dancing now
You're drowning in your own BS
You don't need to wait until the number of black engineers to increase before being able to explain how to get them together. Have you ever heard of the term, planning ahead? I explained to you how to get blackfolks in general together

thats just complete BS, black people have very few business, little money or power, black people have the lowest wealth, lowest education and highest unemployment out of any demographic group
lol. Now it's all albout other demographics
Comparing blackfolks to other demographics in order to shift the convo away from me pointing out your lame tactics of focusing on those blackfolks that fits your narrative, will not work with me breh
I've been having these type of discussions for too long with different people and have been using some of your arguments and tactics, until I was corrected and called out for being inconsistent

i dont know how to finance black engineers, that is something that we have to figure out, but the way to start is making sure you have good credit
Of course you don't know cause you're just shouting out buzz words...bu bu marginalized, whiteman, failure, entrepreneurship
Black folks have money now, they have businesses now, and they have spending power now, political access and influence now, what finna change when black engineers increase in number?

i dont understand your question, just because metrics are being used is not evidence that metrics are working
thats dumb circular logic
and also you have to ask, what is the goal, if the goal is to get a few more black into these institutions and companies then it is working, but i never agreed that was the goal
Talk about dumb logic, so companies, individuals, and schools are using metrics cause they don't work by providing each with valuable data sets for them to use? so why are they using it to make decisions and plans?

but what you are saying is lie, there are very few black doctors, very few black lawyers and very few black entrepreneurs relative to other groups, i dont know why you keep spreading this lie that there are
and we do not have a financing system, we have to create our own
lol. Again it's all about other demographics now
I did not quantify the number of black lawyers, doctors, mailmen, or actors
I told you there's no financing system, despite having black folks with jobs in various industries
AGAIN, how will a financing system of our own appear when more black engineers become employed?

yeah i agree that affirmative action has achieved its goals, it has sprinkled a few negroes in certain areas
but i dont agree with the goals, so therefore its a failure
Finally, you admitted what I knew from your first few incorrect jabs at Civil Rights and Affirmative Actions. You don't agree with the goals, but that doesn't mean they were failures.These convos don't need no more nikkas with self-serving intentions, being ego driven by injecting exaggerations lies

While you're wrongly labeling these efforts to feel empowered, you're totally ignoring any efforts that were made to build on top of those goals
-The face of Civil rights, MLK, showed clear growth in his views of integration and Civil Rights. So he had suggestions in how to build upon the progress already made
-National figures like Sharpton, Malcom X, Jackson, and Min. Farrakhan has mentioned ways to build/improve upon the gains achieved via Civil Rights and Affirmative Action

actually it does mean a whole lot to have a critical mass of black engineers, because without that you cannot form black engineering companies
There's alot of things that need to happen before and after reaching critical mass. That's what you're not understanding. No one increase of employment in an industry will change anything cause we have data gathered by metrics from various industries to prove it
Apr 30, 2012
i was the first person in this thread that said the only solution is for black people to build their own business, i was the first person in this thread to say that there needs to be a change in the culture so that we can have more black engineers

and if you want to take it back to KTL, when you were writing essays about why college is NOT important, i was writing essays about the low number of black engineers and how we need to have a more academic culture because currently they is widespread anti academic mentalities in the black community (your anti college essays being exhibit A in anti academic mentals)

but thanks for regurgitating stuff that i have been saying

you last point is wrong, lets be clear, in no way am i saying that there isnt racism in the tech industry, but if you have a STEM degree it is relatively easy to get hired, the only exception may in the south because they have fewer technology companies, but basically any black person that comes out to cali, DC or NY will get hired if they have tech skills

getting hired is relatively easy, the real racism starts after you get hired, and thats where the inevitable conclusion is that black people need to have our companies

but as far as actual employment, i totally disagree that there are a bunch of unemployed black engineers, i have never met them or heard of them

and betting back to the college thing, a point i use to make in the KTL days against your anti college diatribes and i will repeat now is that certs and bachelors degree are the bottom of the barrel academically, the top of the heap is Masters and PhD

so when i say we need a critical mass of engineers, i dont just mean a bunch of guys with certs and programmers (we actually have that in the coli already), im talking about people with doctorates and R&D experience

:mjlol: so nobody heard of this idea prior to you mentioning it in this thread?