Why Doesn’t Silicon Valley Hire Black Coders?

Rick Fox at UNC

All Star
Dec 2, 2015
Pretty Boys
Good post!

1. Do you feel anyone has the talent to be as successful as you, or do you have to have innate intelligence?

2. Why did you watch Triumph of the Nerds and Trillion Dollar Bet religiously? What purpose did that serve after watching it once?

3. You mentioned you used to spend hours and hours nights and days on this stuff. How many hours a day would you say you worked on this stuff?

4. I failed College Algebra twice and on the third time, passed it with a C. Could i still be successful like you? I am 30 years old and am unemployed/broke, live with my mom, and have a two year degree in Business Management. I have 58,000 in student loan debt that I have to start paying back in June 2016. I have so much debt because I fukked around and didn't apply myself when I was at a 4yr. university. I wan tto be successful in life but I fukked up so much in my past.

5. What are your ultimate career goals? Are you already very successful?

Will post something on this in a bit.


Aug 12, 2015
90% of American parents could care less about this dynamic. And that's why this country is failing and our people in particular.

We have kids recklessly and don't think it's a competition. If you aren't providing essential or unique goods and services your life is expendable. Period.

Asians understand this more so than other ethnicities/races.
this is one of the reasons i like trump
he may sound crazy, but at least he wants us to be competitive again, and to actually care

the USA has become so COMFORTABLE that we don't care anymore, we think the government will take care of our kids and our finances, and our health, and our housing, and everything else and we can just sit back and watch netflix :manny:

meanwhile kids in Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa, India etc, are hungry as fuk for success


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
lol. Now you want to criticize the goals of programs from decades ago, while not factoring in the state of black folks at the time.
i am factoring the state of black folk of the time and im saying its 2016 so we cannot using the same ideas from 40 years ago

everybody has good goals, the question is how effective are the programs

Your desperation is very clear. bu bu black folks should've went back to africa after slavery, to build an army and wealth, then come back to the US to buy property

thats a good idea
Now you're mentioning integration, just like you brought up entrepreneurship, to skew the discussion cause I was schooling you

now? i brought up the problem of integration and entrepreneurship from the beginning, because recognizing the problems with the integration/civil rights movement and recognizing that entrepreneurship comes first is key

you were never schooling me
Now you're mentioning integration , though I specified the distinct goals of each program

the question what has it accomplished
Explain how integration alone was a bad thing

because it destroyed a lot owned black owned business

Explain how the goals of both Civil Rights and Affirmative action would have occurred without some form of integration.

those are all the same thing
Explain the alternate ways to achieve the goals of both Civil Rights and Affirmative action without Civil Rights or Affirmative Action

well civil rights, affirmative action and integration are the same thing

the question is should integration be a goal of the black community in the first place?

what's delusional is that you think by repeating the same lie about the purpose of diversity initiatives, it means you're correct
Depending on who you speak to..
-Applying for a job, has been interpreted as begging the whiteman
-Working a 9-5, has been interpreted as kissing the whiteman azz
So you're just following the same lame efforts to tug at the sensitive history of race relations to make ridiculous claims

ive never said any such thing so i dont know what you are talking about
Talmbowt black folks need to open jobs, while ignoring all the necessary steps before that could happen shows that you haven't taken the time to detail a practical solution
I've included a solution that involves
-the community,
-recent and past graduates,
-future generations
-how to get them on the same goal,
-factored in current psych and socio-economical state of black folks

im not ignoring anything, im just saying that civil rights/affirmative action/integration/diversity etc is not the way forward

Hmm, collecting data in order to have irrefutable evidence to prove your point in order to hold an industry accountable and inspiring black folks to get on the wave of implementing consciousnesses knowledge
-How would you achieve the same goals without the data?

i never agreed with the goals of integration

Hmm, marching and protesting recently worked for the Asian community in the cop case, Black Lives Matter movement in getting access to presidential candidates and news coverage, and interrupting the Trump speech
-How would you achieve the same goals without marching and protesting?

with money

we weren't discussing entrepreneurship cause no one in this thread is arguing against

of course nobody is against entrepreneurship, but the issue is the priority, to many people in the black community do what you are doing, when there read stories like this you instantly turn to the civil rights/affirmative action/diversity crowd instead focusing on entrepreneurship
you already said that you weren't trying to tackle white supremacy in this thread, which I called you out on, so you're clearly lying

i said my response in this thread was not about fighting supremacy

You desperation is so obvious...
Where in this thread or site, have I mentioned any thing about black folks owning a significant amount of business?
You have been talmbowt the lack of black businesses, while ignoring the citys and states that has black businesses, but still lack the financial structure to call their own
Comparing black folks to other demographics adds nothing to the discussion because the point of this thread is provide solutions to improve blackfolks' position in the US. So you're just arguing to just arguing

actually you do need to compare it to other demographics, and its a lie to suggest that black people are doing ok in term of business ownership

You're buck dancing now
You're drowning in your own BS
You don't need to wait until the number of black engineers to increase before being able to explain how to get them together. Have you ever heard of the term, planning ahead? I explained to you how to get blackfolks in general together

im not buck dancing, i jut think we need to increase the number of black engineers, how they get together is a tricky question, i agree with the thread i just posted about canada http://www.thecoli.com/threads/no-canada-will-not-be-the-next-silicon-valley.413437/

i think that applies to black people too, im not really down with planning stuff per se, i am down with getting more people and whatever happens happens

lol. Now it's all albout other demographics
Comparing blackfolks to other demographics in order to shift the convo away from me pointing out your lame tactics of focusing on those blackfolks that fits your narrative, will not work with me breh
I've been having these type of discussions for too long with different people and have been using some of your arguments and tactics, until I was corrected and called out for being inconsistent

what am I shifting? what ive said from the beginning is that there arent enough engineers and there are not enough people with their own business

how am i shifting tactics by pointing out the lack of black business owners, plus the lack of doctors, lawyers engineers etc

there is no shift, i think what you are realizing is that im basically correct, and what you are saying is a lie, black people do not own business, there are very few blacks in professional fields, thats just a fact, hiding your head in the sand about that is not going to make the problem go away

Of course you don't know cause you're just shouting out buzz words...bu bu marginalized, whiteman, failure, entrepreneurship
Black folks have money now, they have businesses now, and they have spending power now, political access and influence now, what finna change when black engineers increase in number?

black people do not have a business in significant amount and black people do not have political access or influence relatively speaking

Talk about dumb logic, so companies, individuals, and schools are using metrics cause they don't work by providing each with valuable data sets for them to use? so why are they using it to make decisions and plans?

i was referring to metrics about race, obviously

lol. Again it's all about other demographics now
I did not quantify the number of black lawyers, doctors, mailmen, or actors
I told you there's no financing system, despite having black folks with jobs in various industries
AGAIN, how will a financing system of our own appear when more black engineers become employed?

there are a lot of black mailmen,i ill give you that, everything else you wrote is false, and ive already said plainly, i dont know how to create a good financing system, that is something that black people will have to figure out

Finally, you admitted what I knew from your first few incorrect jabs at Civil Rights and Affirmative Actions. You don't agree with the goals, but that doesn't mean they were failures.These convos don't need no more nikkas with self-serving intentions, being ego driven by injecting exaggerations lies

While you're wrongly labeling these efforts to feel empowered, you're totally ignoring any efforts that were made to build on top of those goals
-The face of Civil rights, MLK, showed clear growth in his views of integration and Civil Rights. So he had suggestions in how to build upon the progress already made
-National figures like Sharpton, Malcom X, Jackson, and Min. Farrakhan has mentioned ways to build/improve upon the gains achieved via Civil Rights and Affirmative Action

if it all achieved was to sprinkle some black people in a few places, then it failed

There's alot of things that need to happen before and after reaching critical mass. That's what you're not understanding. No one increase of employment in an industry will change anything cause we have data gathered by metrics from various industries to prove it

yeah a lot of things have to happen to achieve critical mass, the first step is abandoning the diversity strategy and focusing on the number of engineers overall, financing new business and entrepreneurship

going around protesting tech companies to hire black people is not efficient or effective


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
uhh i actually gave you credit for saying we need to start our own. and when i was back on sohh talking about college. it still stands. nothing has changed with what i said. but you fail to realize what i actually said and run off with a talking point you're trying to push. see i'm not like you or the other guy i was replying to above. i'm Both of you. this is what your types dont get. There isnt a ONE WAY ticket in this thing called white supremacy. College will not save us all. sorry aint going to happen. so a lot of us need to hit up trade school and get a trade, work for someone for a while. then learn the business. then create our own business.

you do realize in college they have only recently started having courses for entrepreneurs. College is not there to teach you how to be a business owner. It's there to teach you how to be a worker bee. being a worker bee is fine for some but not fine for all. being a business owner is fine for some but not fine for all. It goes both ways.

and again i speak from a place of reality. not "we need to all go to school" not going to happen. so now what? i'm speaking from a place of real life solutions TODAY. not tomorrow , not next week. what can we do TODAY right now, where people are?

with all that said i'm telling you RIGHT NOW.. TODAY we will not have mass of master degreed up and Doctorates running around in Engineering, Computer science. To pull that off the elementary schools have to be tightened up, middle schools have to tigthen up and last but not least high schools have to tighten up. if they dont tighten up some how some way the word needs to get out to the parents to homeschool their kids. but this is a dream. how is that going to happen? when we know most blacks are so broke they can't take off of work to homeschool. So then what for right now? the then what means again we wont have a high number of engineers/CS folks running around like we would like to see.

i never said that everybody had to go to college, what i said is that black people are the least likely to go to college, so therefore its silly to make speeches about not going to college in the black community

of course it starts in elementary, i dont think we have a chicken and egg problem, the problem stars with culture, i was the one that said that the issue is that black people have an anti academic culture, and that the culture needs to be changed, if you agree thats good, you should start with your self

giving speeches about not going to college is a sign of a person that has an anti academic mentality, so the first step in changing is looking at the man in the mirror

you should ask yourself as member of a group that goes to college at the lowest rate what is the point of your essays aside from from creating an anti academic environment

i dont think it makes any difference whether a college teaches entrepreneurialism or not, if it does thats great, if somebody goes to college to be a worker bee i think that's great too

but to be clear, this thread is about tech companies hiring worker bees, it begs the question of why you care if google is hiring worker bees
Apr 30, 2012
well civil rights, affirmative action and integration are the same thing
smh. This type of answer summarizes your input during this debate
It's devoid of truth, in depth analysis, and perspective, while being very intellectually lazy and dishonest

:mjlol: so nobody heard of this idea prior to you mentioning it in this thread?
nobody mentioned it before me in this thread
Hmm, no direct answer to a direct question
Now it's obvious you know the answer to that, but instead of falling back from the idea that you put nikkas on, your ego won't let you. A typical act of a self serving nikka. Your ego stroke is not more important than truth and reality


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
smh. This type of answer summarizes your input during this debate
It's devoid of truth, in depth analysis, and perspective, while being very intellectually lazy and dishonest

it isnt devoid of truth at all, ever since the civil rights era black people have been using affirmative action and integration and "diversity intitiatives" as economic plans and its time to realize that they have failed and we have to come up with new plans

Hmm, no direct answer to a direct question
Now it's obvious you know the answer to that, but instead of falling back from the idea that you put nikkas on, your ego won't let you. A typical act of a self serving nikka. Your ego stroke is not more important than truth and reality

i thought it was a rhetorical question, the direct answer is no, i was not the first person to suggest that entrepreneurship is the key
Apr 30, 2012
it isnt devoid of truth at all, ever since the civil rights era black people have been using affirmative action and integration and "diversity intitiatives" as economic plans and its time to realize that they have failed and we have to come up with new plans
It is devoid of truth because none of those concepts are the same
You have access to the innanet and I gave you the distinct goals and meaning of Civil Rights and Affirmative Action, but you still chose falsehood for your ego stoke and to argue just to argue

i thought it was a rhetorical question, the direct answer is no, i was not the first person to suggest that entrepreneurship is the key
Which clearly suggest there are certain realities and goals that are a given, so no need to mention them
For example, before we started the debate, I already referenced the idea of entrepreneurship in the thread, but not generically by saying black folks need more of them, cause that's a given. I focused on the next hurdle to jump, once the number of entrepreneurs increase

You could say the same for most profitable companies in various industries
Not all programming positions in these companies require doctorates from prestigious schools
Connections/relationships plays a major roll
The problem occurs when there's a lack of opportunity to build these relationships

The plight of an entrepreneur highlights the importance of relationships, now add race into it, then it's another obstacle that is simply based on your access to a number of multi-disciplined social circles, whose apart of those social circles, and the access of wealth, information, mentorship, employment opportunities within those circles

I could be the first to say in this thread black folks needs more billionaires,
pharmaceutical companies ,
film companies, etc.
what new concept and lesson have I injected into the convo? nothing

Sonny Bonds

Apr 24, 2014
4. I failed College Algebra twice and on the third time, passed it with a C. Could i still be successful like you? I am 30 years old and am unemployed/broke, live with my mom, and have a two year degree in Business Management. I have 58,000 in student loan debt that I have to start paying back in June 2016. I have so much debt because I fukked around and didn't apply myself when I was at a 4yr. university. I wan tto be successful in life but I fukked up so much in my past.
Have you considered going for IT certs?


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
It is devoid of truth because none of those concepts are the same
You have access to the innanet and I gave you the distinct goals and meaning of Civil Rights and Affirmative Action, but you still chose falsehood for your ego stoke and to argue just to argue

i wasnt saying they are literally the same, what i am saying is that they all spring from the same intellectual foundation and the same school of thought

Which clearly suggest there are certain realities and goals that are a given, so no need to mention them
For example, before we started the debate, I already referenced the idea of entrepreneurship in the thread, but not generically by saying black folks need more of them, cause that's a given. I focused on the next hurdle to jump, once the number of entrepreneurs increase

ok, and?

I could be the first to say in this thread black folks needs more billionaires,
pharmaceutical companies ,
film companies, etc.
what new concept and lesson have I injected into the convo? nothing

i have no idea what doctors, pharmaceutical companies, astronauts and film companies have to do with the thread topic so you are right, you wouldnt be adding anything

the topic of this thread was hiring of black by tech companies and i said that the real solution is to increase the number of engineers and focus on creating companies because i think the traditional way of addressing this (civil rights/affirmative action/diversity initiatives) dont work

so what im injecting into the convo is that we need to rethink how we approach this issue not just continue what has gone on before
Apr 30, 2012
i wasnt saying they are literally the same, what i am saying is that they all spring from the same intellectual foundation and the same school of thought
Don't buck dance with me. You repeated the same lie a few times with no perspective given, thus why the discussion skewed to those topics because I had to prove to you that you were not providing in-depth analysts and giving a fair overview of each concept

Have you noticed the use of the term "integration" has a different tone in this thread and the Germany migrant's thread? And if I were to replace Civil Rights or Affirmitive Action for "integration", it wouldn't accurately reflect the facts in the Germany case? And vice versa. So for the last time, they are not the same or from the same intellectual foundation cause they each have distinct goals and meaning

ok, and?

i have no idea what doctors, pharmaceutical companies, astronauts and film companies have to do with the thread topic so you are right, you wouldnt be adding anything

the topic of this thread was hiring of black by tech companies and i said that the real solution is to increase the number of engineers and focus on creating companies because i think the traditional way of addressing this (civil rights/affirmative action/diversity initiatives) dont work

so what im injecting into the convo is that we need to rethink how we approach this issue not just continue what has gone on before

And you getting geeked cause you mentioned an obvious goal first in a thread doesn't mean shyt and doesn't mean you know what you're talmbowt, just like if I got geeked mentioning increasing the number of doctors, pharmaceutical companies, astronauts and film companies
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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Don't buck dance with me. You repeated the same lie a few times with no perspective given, thus why the discussion skewed to those topics because I had to prove to you that you were not providing in-depth analysts and giving a fair overview of each concept

as far as the discussion the differences dont matter they all spring from the same source, its not buck dancing and im not changing anything im saying, the topic never got skewed, i said from the beginning that civil rights, affirmative action, integration and diversity initiatives have failed and therefore black people need to look at other ways

if i really wanted to skew the thread i would have pointed out that those ideas come from white liberalism, but thats a topic for another thread

all you have doe in thise thread is regurgitated ideas from 40 years ago

Have you noticed the use of the term "integration" has a different tone in this thread and the Germany migrant's thread? And if I were to replace Civil Rights or Affirmitive Action for "integration", it wouldn't accurately reflect the facts in the Germany case? And vice versa. So for the last time, they are not the same or from the same intellectual foundation cause they each have distinct goals and meaning
none of those terms are translatable to what they mean in the us, germany has completely different issues

And you getting geeked cause you mentioned an obvious goal first in a thread doesn't mean shyt and doesn't mean you know what you're talmbowt, just like if I got geeked mentioning increasing the number of doctors, pharmaceutical companies, astronauts and film companies
so the bottom line is that you think the way to get more black coders to get hired at google is to protest for more affirmative action and more diversity initiatives that have been going on for 40 years, did i miss something?