Why Doesn’t Silicon Valley Hire Black Coders?


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012

You're clearly one of these ungrateful ego types that feels empowered by minimizing the benefits and shytting on Civil Right, Dr. King Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and affirmative action. Which is lame since all these efforts and individuals were trying to improve the black experience. You claiming certain legacies of civil rights need to be done away with, but not being able to provide alternate solutions
Talmbowt what was wrong with these programs and individuals, while ignoring the positives and goals of their efforts,is not hard to do. But what's hard is maintaining perspective on their positive outcomes, building upon their positives and adjusting the direction as needed

Remixing what I said about diversity initiatives, doesn't make you correct. Especially when you're claiming racism but then boasting about an incorrect 100% employment rate for black engineers.

Yes that is correct, i find it empowering to realize the limitations and failures of the civil rights movement/jesse jackson/al sharpton/affirtivac action

Realizing that its a failure is the first step toward coming up with better ideas, if not we will end up like you, just regurgitating things that we already know will fail

You maybe feel comfortable being part time when addressing white supremacy, I'm not. No matter what thread or discussion I'm apart of, I maintain perspective about white supremacy

You haven't said one word in this whole thread about comfronting white supremacy

how does going around begging for a job confronting white supremacy?

Your half-azz ways shows by your generic answers of "bu bu they get a job," while then criticizing diversity initiatives providing marginal jobs, which is not correct, but I'll play along to prove your flawed thinking

Diversity initiatives do provide marginal jobs and marginal benefits, that is why they are a failure

What ways will you ensure that the black engineers "when they get a job" will not be marginalized?

i wont ensure that and black people engineers will not continue to be marginalized, the only way to solve it is by black people forming our own technology companies

what are you going to do to ensure black engineers are not marginalized?

Like I already said, have you been to Atlanta or the Carolinas?
focusing on those black folks that fit your narrative while ignoring others, continue to prove your lack of knowledge and perspective on this matter
Everything I mention factors in both the entrepreneur type and the employee type

you never said anything about entrepreneurship until a brought it up, the only thing you were talking about is diversity initiatives

Nope. Motivation sparks actions, skin color alone is not enough due to various reasons

i dont know what you are referring to

What's gibberish is claiming an industry is racist, while claiming it has 100% employment rate for black folks

there is no contradiction in that statement, just because i company hires a black person doesnt means the company isnt racist

What's gibberish is claiming the lack of finances to open black engineering firms, while not factoring in the lack of motivation by black folks with money to want to open a black engineering firm

i never said anything either way about motivation, all i said is that you need a critical mass of black engineers to start black technology companies

What's gibberish is claiming blackfolks isn't about power and money, while ignoring those that are

some are, but some are like you, they are not about power and money, they are about civil rights and diversity initiatives

What's gibberish is talmbowt white supremacy and racism existing in all work places, while mentioning solutions that doesn't address neither one

there is no solution to white supremacy and racism in the work place, the only solution is to have your own company

What's gibberish is criticizing and requesting the abandonment of the metrics used by default in all companies, employees and especially schools (so they could advertise the success rate of their graduates), because you wanna shyt on civil rights to stroke your ego

whats gibberish is ignoring that fact that yo are doing something that has been known to fail

Stop claiming black folks need to stop supporting anything without providing an alternate

i did provide an alternative, the alternative is for black people to form our own technology companies and to create our own financial systems
Stop minimizing the effects and purpose of affirmative action cause you feel white folks finna judge you

i minimize affirmative action because it has marginal benefits for black people and a lot of non black benefit from it

lol. A good credit score and high black engineering graduates does what?

you need good credit to finance your company

the bottom line is that there is no solution to the white supremacy and racism in the tech industry aside from black people forming our own technology companies, anything else is a band aid

we already know what diversity initiatives and affirmative action ends, it ends with marginal benefits for black people aka failure, what is the point of doing something that we know will fail?
Apr 30, 2012
Yes that is correct, i find it empowering to realize the limitations and failures of the civil rights movement/jesse jackson/al sharpton/affirtivac action

Realizing that its a failure is the first step toward coming up with better ideas, if not we will end up like you, just regurgitating things that we already know will fail
lol, misinformed and ego driven, leads to regurgitaed incorrect rhethoric
Repeating the words like marginlized and failure in terms of Civil Rights and Affirmative action only works for folks who doesn't retain details of history

How could these concepts have failed if it achieved what it sought out to be?
-Affirmative action put qualified black folks in opportunities to get jobs
-Civil Rights affected education , voting, social, employment, and legislation to ensure equal opportunity for black folks

Some of the blac folks that were marginlaized became too comfortable in their positions, some were denied loans to become entrepanueras, and some decided to leave swtch careers
What you really mean is that these concepts did not go further by encouraging economical independence. But that is not a failure, just a limitation.

So stop worrying about the white man's opinion of you and the programs that were created to right his wrongs

Sharpton/Jackson has put in work on the national and local levels to hi-light black injustice. While you're enjoying the benefits of their efforts from behind your computer, they are doing work that benefits the community and hopefully themselves too

You haven't said one word in this whole thread about comfronting white supremacyhow does going around begging for a job confronting white supremacy?
Again, remixing what diversity initiates does not make you correct. Stop being afraid of what white folks think about your skills and reasons for employment

Of course I mentioned how to tackle white supremacy...
-you get the experience and build relationship via diversity initiatives, you venture out on your own

The details of "venturing out on your own" I did not provide at the time, but it simply includes partnering up with similar minds, not similar skin color, to employ qualified black candidates(but not limit your workforce to just blackfolks cause talent is talent, regardless of race), provide internships/mentorships to black college students. Encourage the students to donate their time to community outreach programs that will encourage more black youths to enter the tech field. All of this, while the entrepanuer is encouraging/investing/partnering with other black entrepreneurs in the tech industry and other industries

Like minds should include the basic understanding of what white supremacy is and how it works to place economical, social, and political obstacles in non-white. Not just the mind to wanting to be powerful and successful. There are already powerful successful black folks

Diversity initiatives do provide marginal jobs and marginal benefits, that is why they are a failure

Again, save this rhethoric for those of us who doesn't grasp the details of history
That is complete BS. Diversity initiatives are geared towards allowing those with talent and qualifications to have a chance at jobs that they wouldn't be exposed to for whatever reasons. With office politics aside and racism, your skills is suppose to determine your value in the company, not how you got the job

what are you going to do to ensure black engineers are not marginalized?
you never said anything about entrepreneurship until a brought it up, the only thing you were talking about is diversity initiatives
Again, with office politics aside and racism, your skills is suppose to determine your value in the company, not how you got the job
So, having qualified black engineers, along with metrics that deals with employment/salary/promotions etc to expose the industry of their wrond, and a healthy job market for those engineers not comfortable and loyal to their employer, willdirectly address marginalization

You mentioned entrepreneurship to skew the convo when we were talmbowt diversity initiatives because I was schooling you on how employment was not the only measure of diversity successes. You then made a ridiculous claim about diversity initiatives wouldn't tackle white supremacy(which no one effort would be able to), but then you provided no more mention of how to tackle white supremacy. So once again, you criticizes a concept but don't provide alternatives, just like with diversity initiatives

i dont know what you are referring to
i never said anything either way about motivation, all i said is that you need a critical mass of black engineers to start black technology companies

The reason you don't know and are not mentioning motivation is because you're not maintaining perspective on the current state of black employment, entrepreneurship and psyche. You're just focusing on those black folks that fits your argument, while ignoring those that don't
Why would a blackman that craves power and money limit his efforts to partner up with another blackman, instead of partnering up with a white or asian man, especially in tech? it profitable to be a koon, not so profitable to implement conscious knowledge along with your other business goals. That's difficult as hell

You have yet to mention how you will get black engineers together, if they have better opportunities with non-blacks employers/partners/entrepreneurs. "Bu bu we blackfolks" motivation has already proven to not work

I already told you that black folks with businesses, money, power, jobs already exist. But yet the wealth gap and uemployment still exist. Thus motivation sparks actions, skin color alone is not enough to spark action for various reasons

there is no contradiction in that statement, just because i company hires a black person doesnt means the company isnt racist
It doesn't mean that it is racist. So stop focusing on one possibility
You done that already in terms of blackfolks owning business

some are, but some are like you, they are not about power and money, they are about civil rights and diversity initiatives
nothing I mentioned suggest being anti power and money, I'm just not afraid of admitting the successes of civil rights and how diversity initiatives are used by non-blacks folks, companies, and schools

there is no solution to white supremacy and racism in the work place, the only solution is to have your own company
agreed. But you still haven't mentioned how you finna get the money to finance the black engineers tech company
whats gibberish is ignoring that fact that yo are doing something that has been known to fail

if it fails, then why are these metrics used by default in all companies, employees and especially schools (so they could advertise the success rate of their graduates)

What are you suggesting to replace these metrics if they are not providing valuable data sets that these learning insittutions, companies, and indidivuals are not using?

i did provide an alternative, the alternative is for black people to form our own technology companies and to create our own financial systems
again, you're giving me more rhetoric and less how-to

Why would a black person creating a tech company make a difference, if we already have blackfolks now with companies and money?

What's the motivation behind "our own" financial system, if black folks are not motivated now to do so. Every years black doctors, lawyers and entrpanuers graduate different schools, that are joining black doctors, lawyers, and entrepanuers from decades ago, and still there's no financing system. However, in your world, the black engineers will change all of this. stop it

i minimize affirmative action because it has marginal benefits for black people and a lot of non black benefit from it
Affirmative action has achieved it's goal, which was to provide ways for qualified candidates to break into white corporate america
What you really mean is that these concepts did not go further by encouraging economical independence. But that is not a failure
Also, what those black folks did with that opportunity says more about them, than the success of the program

you need good credit to finance your company
the bottom line is that there is no solution to the white supremacy and racism in the tech industry aside from black people forming our own technology companies, anything else is a band aid
we already know what diversity initiatives and affirmative action ends, it ends with marginal benefits for black people aka failure, what is the point of doing something that we know will fail?
With no motivations to create a financial system, then all you have are black engneers with jobs OR their own company. Which is exactly what exist now in other fields, so it doesn't mean anything to have uninspired critical mass of black engineers in the tech field


Jun 8, 2012
i dont agree with the premise and title of the article but its an interesting read

for one i think its false that black coders arent hired, any black person that goes out to cali with a CS degree will get hired

but i think the obstacles noted in the article are true, its that people are being introduced to programing in college when a lot of people are introduced to it at home when they are young

the cultural issues are true, but the only way to fix that is by people making our own companies

i agree with the professor trying to work with google but i dont agree that there needs to be an obsession with them, the obsession with google and facebook by the professor and students is corny and detrimental
you're not going to build your own huge businesses like google/facebook. unless first off you have coders to pull it off and do a great job at it. you just stated blacks in general dont have the skillset.well let me change that. a very very very small population of blacks who code are good enough to code for a google/facebook vs their white counterparts. and i've said what you just said above long ago. most black kids dont start coding when they're in elementary school like these white kids, and some asians do. Thats slowly starting to change. But it isnt a culture yet. If you want this to be a culture the old heads(the parents of the children) have to be aware of this. THEY ARE NOT. and they would have to change the culture in their homes. You teach your kids how to code from the 2nd grade on up. teach them like you were a foreigner trying to teach your kids english for the first time. They are called computer LANGUAGES for a reason. You do this in the schools. There should be class time for coding like theirs class time for reading and writing. again this is another language. start young, makes it easier to learn and get the concepts by the time they are in highschool they are already legit enough coders to work for most people and to create their own myspace, facebook, google, etc. by the time they get into college or get their certs(they can start this in high school too) they will be right where these white kids are when it comes to coding. But to your point Twism... they still wont get hired like crazy cause we know how whites do us. aint no reason lying to yourself. so we need businesses their to hire these young black folks. and or we need to be also teaching how to own your own businesses while using your coding gifts to do it.
Apr 30, 2012
Black people need to stop expecting our enemies to hire us.
agreed. But then you could say we need to stop expecting our enemies to buy/use/build upon our business

Entrepreneurship is the ultimate goal, but not the only goal
Like the breh suggested, while black engineers are doing their thing now, you still need to create a climate of programming in the communities, in addition to injecting the motivation to want to create opportunities (financial, employment, real estate etc) for your community members

Newly graduated or not, black engineers still need ways to gain experience and build relationships, so why not utilize diversity initiatives for that sake. Why not be apart of hacking competitions and workshops that are not black organized, to learn and network


Jun 8, 2012
Stop making excuses:

- I started building computers (piecing them together, not using kits) in middle school and I don't remember a single black kid being into any of what I was doing back then. No joke, not a single one. Matter fact, what I was doing was considered mad corny and lame.
- Used to watch Triumph of the Nerds (three hour doc about Silicon Valley) and Trillion Dollar Bet (hour long doc about Wall Street) religiously.
- Used to thumb through Fortune magazine every month. Again, corny and more corny.
- Used to order CDs with hacking tools so I could learn the tools and the code. Lame.
- Used to spend hours and hours, days and nights working with and on this stuff.
- Used to spend hours reading about Carmack and Gates, how they code, adopting their work ethic, etc.
- When I got my first job, I went to a Borders and special ordered The Art of Electronics (The Art of Electronics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) for fun. Corny.
- Junior College (during high-school): Only black male in Calculus.
- State School (one of the largest in the country): The only black person in advanced math classes, the only black male in engineering classes (this includes even the intro classes).
- Anytime I met other black males who were about that engineering/computer science, they were from out the country (African or British by way of Africa).
- I go to Blackhat/Defcon events, there are more black males than before but still very few. I'm pretty sure I run across more black woman than men.


Cats working in Silicon Valley or Silicon Alley (New York) or in big tech markets like Austin tend to have a background similar to mine. They were interest in tech before it became a thing to be interested in and they developed their skills by putting in hours and hours of effort. They didn't do it for money or to feel wanted (probably the exact fukking opposite), they did it because they were drawn to it and became good at it.

So now that the money is flowing toward tech all these folks want in and have the nerve to feel entitled. Women with business and liberal arts degrees feel like they deserve a position in tech without realizing who they're competing against. shyt is disgusting.

I'm sick of hearing about women and black folks not feeling "accepted" or "wanted" or whatever, as if the folks who work in tech grew up feeling wanted by their peers. :mjlol:

Do you guys actually believe that all these folks who are damn near at the end of some fukked up mental spectrum are the ideal candidates for employment at all of these companies? :scust:

There are so many weird fukks in Tech and Finance man and none of them felt "wanted" or "included" growing up; that's why they're so good at what they do.

We got nikkas in here talking about dudes can't be masculine? Tell that to cats like Stephen Watt (seven foot bodybuilding hacker).

Man, y'all are ridiculous.

Stop it with your one off stories bruh. i told yall about doing this before. lets remember blacks were forced to NOT READ in the same US of A we're in today. that means we already started off BEHIND. WAYYYYYY BEHIND. we know how they did our schools when they were segregated made sure we were too broke to get the proper materials ,etc. we know what happened after integration. white flight and back to what it use to be. bad tools or no tools or tools without the knowledge to use them.

Do you realize that in the 80's before computers were a big deal to the masses. only a select few people could afford a computer. but a lot of white kids had them? why? because whites on average make more money than blacks on average. we know why that is. due to systematic white supremacy. only recently the price/cost of computers have gone down and everyone has a cell phone which is a mini computer.

i'm a prime example of who you are talking about and who i'm talking about all in one. I had a computer as a young kid. i was a cool guy who loved sports but was a nerd when it came to that computer(computer pocket dictionary on deck all day erry day.. was teaching myself fortran, was debugging programs from computer magazines when i was in the 3rd grade.) I was lucky enough to have a moms that worked in education. i was lucky enough to have a pops that was a very smart dude who was an eletrician who worked around white people and computers. i was lucky enough to have an older bro that was also very smart who requested our folks by him that computer for christmas. i ended up falling in love with it more than he did. but moms and pops were not together. not even then at the time of purchase but pops was still cooperating at the time. so the chips were rolling in properly. see that broken home + your folks are black meaning their job situation can be pretty good but change on a dime and end up a bit worse like nothing. is not something most white people back in those days had to deal with or go thru.

next thing you know, we move and my computer was broken in the moving process. it would've cost 100's of dollars to get it fixed. pops not cooperating like he had been in the past means he aint kicking it for a fix, not that expensive. moms little check aint enough to be getting extras like that. So ya boy rapbeats could've easily been the black bill gates or steve jobs. not joking. dead serious. thats how ill i was with the computers at such a young age. i told yall before. my white teacher(at this school my mom had me bussed to again the only reason she knew the computer science school existed is cause she worked in education. how many parents dont even know it exists in the black community? most of them dont.) anyway my raicst white teacher use to do me dirty all the time. but thats cause she was mad that i was smarter than the entire class full of white kids. they thought little hood boy is going to come here and get this great eye opening experience and he may not even be able to handle the school part. wrong dude. straight A's, easy. light work. But that white racist teacher kept putting a young bruh in the corner and sending a young bruh in the office. what saved me? my mother who knew the game(in education, understood that cism and actually knew that racist white lady from another school) AND that school by luck had a black principal. as racist as that broad was, she couldnt fight it for long. she let me teach the computer class we had. thats right my 8 year old self was teaching a class in computers to the rest of the kids. cause i knew more about computers than my 35 year old teacher. and she did everything in her power to hold me back.

Remember above when i said i use to debug programs. i got them out of a computer magazine. i asked the teacher could i make copies of these magazines she had in class(no one ever read them or used them. not her either). i was the only one looking at them. she said no. for no reason. its like she knew i liked the stuff in them and didnt want a bruh to have that access. so i said eff it. i started neatly tearing out the pages and taking them home. i would even finish my classwork fast so i could manually write down these 100's of lines of code, then copy it when it got home. then bring the paper back and tape it back in the mag. Bruh i was not playing. i was dead serious about coding. Truth is my mom should've got a subscription to that magazine or those magazines. but how would she know? i'm lucky her pops and my older bro got the computer to begin with. they didnt know about all that stuff. and again how much extra doe does moms have now that pops aint doing his part? If my mother with her same intellect was a white women she would've been making 20k more a year back then. pops as well as he was doing he would've been making an addtl 30k doing what he was doing. thats an addtl 50k per year. money to toss at your kids for more computers, magazines, books, etc. but nope. white supremacy friends.

long story short i had enough of that racist environment and took it back to my local hood school. no computers at all. i didnt see another computer until i was in the 11th grade and we had this engineering program that i joined that were teaching us how to use CAD( or autocad at the time). Ran by a black man that worked for MTA out in L.A. he was an engineer. we got internships as high school kids to work for MTA in the summer. did that, suited and booted on the daily working 40+ hours a week in the summer. had $$$ and office work experience. we moving up ....NOPE. budget cuts... Bruh being black is the first to lose his job. program is a wrap. that program was supposed to give us some scholarship money for college and be there for us all thru college for jobs in the summer. non of that happened.

^^^these are the types of obstacles i had to deal with and i loved computers as a kid and had folks who actually somewhat knew they existed. what about regular joe blow bruhs out there? their situation is 10 times worse than mines.

So please miss us with these one off success stories. i'm glad it worked out for you and all. but we know thats not the case for most black folks. period.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
agreed. But then you could say we need to stop expecting our enemies to buy/use/build upon our business

Entrepreneurship is the ultimate goal, but not the only goal
Like the breh suggested, while black engineers are doing their thing now, you still need to create a climate of programming in the communities, in addition to injecting the motivation to want to create opportunities (financial, employment, real estate etc) for your community members

Newly graduated or not, black engineers still need ways to gain experience and build relationships, so why not utilize diversity initiatives for that sake. Why not be apart of hacking competitions and workshops that are not black organized, to learn and network

Creating a climate of programming won't help if you still have to go to white people to employ you. The reason black engineers have a hard time getting experience is due 100% to their race. I've been in IT for over a decade and I've been told by countless recruiters that I have one of the strongest resumes in the country....until they realize I'm black.

On numerous instances I've walked into interviews and had both the white secretary and Hiring manager say "You're bdizzle :dahell:" I've been low key accused of lying on my credentials and my background on several occasions.

Entrepreneurship is the only solution because despite how talented and incredible we are, white people do not want to hire us, and when they do hire us we typically get paid less. Once we get to the point where we can once again employ ourselves, the majority of our employment problems will disappear.

No matter how you slice it, the only option is for black men with the will and desire to start and grow firms that can employ the black engineers that are out there.

It's why with my company, I only hire black people. The graphics designers, developers, and people I use to help with marketing are all black.

Rick Fox at UNC

All Star
Dec 2, 2015
Pretty Boys
Stop it with your one off stories bruh. i told yall about doing this before. lets remember blacks were forced to NOT READ in the same US of A we're in today. that means we already started off BEHIND. WAYYYYYY BEHIND. we know how they did our schools when they were segregated made sure we were too broke to get the proper materials ,etc. we know what happened after integration. white flight and back to what it use to be. bad tools or no tools or tools without the knowledge to use them.

Do you realize that in the 80's before computers were a big deal to the masses. only a select few people could afford a computer. but a lot of white kids had them? why? because whites on average make more money than blacks on average. we know why that is. due to systematic white supremacy. only recently the price/cost of computers have gone down and everyone has a cell phone which is a mini computer.

i'm a prime example of who you are talking about and who i'm talking about all in one. I had a computer as a young kid. i was a cool guy who loved sports but was a nerd when it came to that computer(computer pocket dictionary on deck all day erry day.. was teaching myself fortran, was debugging programs from computer magazines when i was in the 3rd grade.) I was lucky enough to have a moms that worked in education. i was lucky enough to have a pops that was a very smart dude who was an eletrician who worked around white people and computers. i was lucky enough to have an older bro that was also very smart who requested our folks by him that computer for christmas. i ended up falling in love with it more than he did. but moms and pops were not together. not even then at the time of purchase but pops was still cooperating at the time. so the chips were rolling in properly. see that broken home + your folks are black meaning their job situation can be pretty good but change on a dime and end up a bit worse like nothing. is not something most white people back in those days had to deal with or go thru.

next thing you know, we move and my computer was broken in the moving process. it would've cost 100's of dollars to get it fixed. pops not cooperating like he had been in the past means he aint kicking it for a fix, not that expensive. moms little check aint enough to be getting extras like that. So ya boy rapbeats could've easily been the black bill gates or steve jobs. not joking. dead serious. thats how ill i was with the computers at such a young age. i told yall before. my white teacher(at this school my mom had me bussed to again the only reason she knew the computer science school existed is cause she worked in education. how many parents dont even know it exists in the black community? most of them dont.) anyway my raicst white teacher use to do me dirty all the time. but thats cause she was mad that i was smarter than the entire class full of white kids. they thought little hood boy is going to come here and get this great eye opening experience and he may not even be able to handle the school part. wrong dude. straight A's, easy. light work. But that white racist teacher kept putting a young bruh in the corner and sending a young bruh in the office. what saved me? my mother who knew the game(in education, understood that cism and actually knew that racist white lady from another school) AND that school by luck had a black principal. as racist as that broad was, she couldnt fight it for long. she let me teach the computer class we had. thats right my 8 year old self was teaching a class in computers to the rest of the kids. cause i knew more about computers than my 35 year old teacher. and she did everything in her power to hold me back.

Remember above when i said i use to debug programs. i got them out of a computer magazine. i asked the teacher could i make copies of these magazines she had in class(no one ever read them or used them. not her either). i was the only one looking at them. she said no. for no reason. its like she knew i liked the stuff in them and didnt want a bruh to have that access. so i said eff it. i started neatly tearing out the pages and taking them home. i would even finish my classwork fast so i could manually write down these 100's of lines of code, then copy it when it got home. then bring the paper back and tape it back in the mag. Bruh i was not playing. i was dead serious about coding. Truth is my mom should've got a subscription to that magazine or those magazines. but how would she know? i'm lucky her pops and my older bro got the computer to begin with. they didnt know about all that stuff. and again how much extra doe does moms have now that pops aint doing his part? If my mother with her same intellect was a white women she would've been making 20k more a year back then. pops as well as he was doing he would've been making an addtl 30k doing what he was doing. thats an addtl 50k per year. money to toss at your kids for more computers, magazines, books, etc. but nope. white supremacy friends.

long story short i had enough of that racist environment and took it back to my local hood school. no computers at all. i didnt see another computer until i was in the 11th grade and we had this engineering program that i joined that were teaching us how to use CAD( or autocad at the time). Ran by a black man that worked for MTA out in L.A. he was an engineer. we got internships as high school kids to work for MTA in the summer. did that, suited and booted on the daily working 40+ hours a week in the summer. had $$$ and office work experience. we moving up ....NOPE. budget cuts... Bruh being black is the first to lose his job. program is a wrap. that program was supposed to give us some scholarship money for college and be there for us all thru college for jobs in the summer. non of that happened.

^^^these are the types of obstacles i had to deal with and i loved computers as a kid and had folks who actually somewhat knew they existed. what about regular joe blow bruhs out there? their situation is 10 times worse than mines.

So please miss us with these one off success stories. i'm glad it worked out for you and all. but we know thats not the case for most black folks. period.

I don't give a fukk about none of what you typed man.

Stop making excuses and get to work. Shut up with the litany bytch.
Apr 30, 2012
Creating a climate of programming won't help if you still have to go to white people to employ you. The reason black engineers have a hard time getting experience is due 100% to their race. I've been in IT for over a decade and I've been told by countless recruiters that I have one of the strongest resumes in the country....until they realize I'm black.

On numerous instances I've walked into interviews and had both the white secretary and Hiring manager say "You're bdizzle :dahell:" I've been low key accused of lying on my credentials and my background on several occasions.

Entrepreneurship is the only solution because despite how talented and incredible we are, white people do not want to hire us, and when they do hire us we typically get paid less. Once we get to the point where we can once again employ ourselves, the majority of our employment problems will disappear.

No matter how you slice it, the only option is for black men with the will and desire to start and grow firms that can employ the black engineers that are out there.

It's why with my company, I only hire black people. The graphics designers, developers, and people I use to help with marketing are all black.
agreed 100% .
Respect for your conscious decision to employ and support black folks while still trying to make bank. Hopefully you r company will continue to grow along with your employees desire to want to create businesses for themselves too, while maintaining the same conscious decision to employ and support black folks

Again, entrepreneurship is the ultimate goal, but not the only goal
There are not enough companies like yours that is about profit and consciously making the decision to combat the unjust workforce. Until then, we gotta build towards such a realty, thus those suggestions, cause self-serving and being a koon are very profitable


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
agreed 100% .
Respect for your conscious decision to employ and support black folks while still trying to make bank. Hopefully you r company will continue to grow along with your employees desire to want to create businesses for themselves too, while maintaining the same conscious decision to employ and support black folks

Again, entrepreneurship is the ultimate goal, but not the only goal
There are not enough companies like yours that is about profit and consciously making the decision to combat the unjust workforce. Until then, we gotta build towards such a realty, thus those suggestions, cause self-serving and being a koon are very profitable

When I say entrepreneurship is the only goal, I don't mean every black person needs to be an entrepreneur. I mean that we need more black entrepreneurs to be able to employ the black labor force.

The largest employer of black people in this country are black owned businesses because black people hire black people just like whites hire whites, Asians hire Asians, Arabs hire Arabs, etc.

And it's not just technology as we all know. You see the same issue in education, finance, accounting, and every other industry that's out there.

So unless we have black owned law firms, black lawyers will always struggle. Unless we have black owned hospitals, blacks in healthcare will always struggle, etc.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
It really is about elitism when it comes to where these students get their college degrees. It sucks, but it is what it is. :yeshrug:

it's not about elitism it's about racism because all of the so called elite institutions are white and have histories of not allowing black people to join.

And many of those institutions, like Yale, directly benefited from the enslavement of black people.

Slave Traders In Yale's Past Fuel Debate On Restitution

But despite centuries of evidence and proof people like you keep deflecting away from white supremacy.
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Jun 8, 2012
I don't give a fukk about none of what you typed man.

Stop making excuses and get to work. Shut up with the litany bytch.
you didnt read nothing i typed. thats all you had to say. aint no excuses. there are reasons why things are what they are. and they have a lot less to do with black people and more to do with white supremacy than most of yall want to admit. but go on ahead and lie to yourself. that might make you feel better at night. **and dont respond. no need**


Gotta learn how to kill a nikka from the inside
Oct 19, 2015
it's not about elitism it's about racism because all of the so called elite institutions are white and have histories of not allowing black people to join.

And many of those institutions, like Yale, directly benefited from the enslavement of black people.

Slave Traders In Yale's Past Fuel Debate On Restitution

But despite centuries of evidence and proof people like you keep deflecting away from white supremacy.

First of all you don't know Shyt about me to make that accusation. I know the Ivy League benefitted from Slavery ( See the name of Browm university, and the sugar trade from Harvard). So I don't need your BS Yale lesson. Try teaching your lesson somewhere else.

The nerve of some people.:scust:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
First of all you don't know Shyt about me to make that accusation. I know the Ivy League benefitted from Slavery ( See the name of Browm university, and the sugar trade from Harvard). So I don't need your BS Yale lesson. Try teaching your lesson somewhere else.

The nerve of some people.:scust:

If you knew about the racist history of these institutions why are you making excuses for blatant white supremacy by labeling it as elitism? That's exactly what cacs do, they say it's not racism it's classim.

You're using white supremacist talking points so I'm pretty sure you're a cac :manny: