Why Doesn’t Silicon Valley Hire Black Coders?

Apr 30, 2012
as far as the discussion the differences dont matter they all spring from the same source, its not buck dancing and im not changing anything im saying, the topic never got skewed, i said from the beginning that civil rights, affirmative action, integration and diversity initiatives have failed and therefore black people need to look at other ways

if i really wanted to skew the thread i would have pointed out that those ideas come from white liberalism, but thats a topic for another thread

all you have doe in thise thread is regurgitated ideas from 40 years ago
none of those terms are translatable to what they mean in the us, germany has completely different issues

so the bottom line is that you think the way to get more black coders to get hired at google is to protest for more affirmative action and more diversity initiatives that have been going on for 40 years, did i miss something?
stopped reading.
smh. This type of answer summarizes your input during this debate
It's devoid of truth, in depth analysis, and perspective, while being very intellectually lazy and dishonest

Hmm, no direct answer to a direct question
Now it's obvious you know the answer to that, but instead of falling back from the idea that you put nikkas on, your ego won't let you. A typical act of a self serving nikka. Your ego stroke is not more important than truth and reality


Dec 11, 2015
Will post something on this in a bit.

You still haven't responded to the post I sent you. Here it is again:

1. Do you feel anyone has the talent to be as successful as you, or do you have to have innate intelligence?

2. Why did you watch Triumph of the Nerds and Trillion Dollar Bet religiously? What purpose did that serve after watching it once?

3. You mentioned you used to spend hours and hours nights and days on this stuff. How many hours a day would you say you worked on this stuff?

4. I failed College Algebra twice and on the third time, passed it with a C. Could i still be successful like you? I am 30 years old and am unemployed/broke, live with my mom, and have a two year degree in Business Management. I have 58,000 in student loan debt that I have to start paying back in June 2016. I have so much debt because I fukked around and didn't apply myself when I was at a 4yr. university. I wan tto be successful in life but I fukked up so much in my past.

5. What are your ultimate career goals? Are you already very successful?

6. In another thread you mentioned the system is not for us. How do you navigate around that and not get depressed/have a defeatist attitude regarding it?


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
You still haven't responded to the post I sent you. Here it is again:

1. Do you feel anyone has the talent to be as successful as you, or do you have to have innate intelligence?

2. Why did you watch Triumph of the Nerds and Trillion Dollar Bet religiously? What purpose did that serve after watching it once?

3. You mentioned you used to spend hours and hours nights and days on this stuff. How many hours a day would you say you worked on this stuff?

4. I failed College Algebra twice and on the third time, passed it with a C. Could i still be successful like you? I am 30 years old and am unemployed/broke, live with my mom, and have a two year degree in Business Management. I have 58,000 in student loan debt that I have to start paying back in June 2016. I have so much debt because I fukked around and didn't apply myself when I was at a 4yr. university. I wan tto be successful in life but I fukked up so much in my past.

5. What are your ultimate career goals? Are you already very successful?

6. In another thread you mentioned the system is not for us. How do you navigate around that and not get depressed/have a defeatist attitude regarding it?

my main advice is for the future, in the future when you get stuck in a class or you know you will get stuck, make sure you budget in a tutor

i think a lot of people try to tough it out and "study hard" when what they really need is just a personal tutor, there is no real reason for anybody to fail college algebra, you just have to be willing to pay the money for personal attention

go to Learn something new on WyzAnt.com! or The World's Online Tutoring Marketplace | Tutor Universe or Chegg.com or Online Tutoring, Homework Help and Test Prep in Math, Science, and English - Tutor.com to get help


Dec 11, 2015
my main advice is for the future, in the future when you get stuck in a class or you know you will get stuck, make sure you budget in a tutor

i think a lot of people try to tough it out and "study hard" when what they really need is just a personal tutor, there is no real reason for anybody to fail college algebra, you just have to be willing to pay the money for personal attention

go to Learn something new on WyzAnt.com! or The World's Online Tutoring Marketplace | Tutor Universe or Chegg.com or Online Tutoring, Homework Help and Test Prep in Math, Science, and English - Tutor.com to get help

I appreciate it man, thanks.

Rick Fox at UNC

All Star
Dec 2, 2015
Pretty Boys
You still haven't responded to the post I sent you. Here it is again:

1. Do you feel anyone has the talent to be as successful as you, or do you have to have innate intelligence?

2. Why did you watch Triumph of the Nerds and Trillion Dollar Bet religiously? What purpose did that serve after watching it once?

3. You mentioned you used to spend hours and hours nights and days on this stuff. How many hours a day would you say you worked on this stuff?

4. I failed College Algebra twice and on the third time, passed it with a C. Could i still be successful like you? I am 30 years old and am unemployed/broke, live with my mom, and have a two year degree in Business Management. I have 58,000 in student loan debt that I have to start paying back in June 2016. I have so much debt because I fukked around and didn't apply myself when I was at a 4yr. university. I wan tto be successful in life but I fukked up so much in my past.

5. What are your ultimate career goals? Are you already very successful?

6. In another thread you mentioned the system is not for us. How do you navigate around that and not get depressed/have a defeatist attitude regarding it?

1. What is talent? How do you define it? As far as I know, there is no real definition on or consensus around what makes someone naturally talented. There is however, a consensus on the hard work it takes to accomplish anything real. Stop worrying about "talent" and "ability," focus more on working toward whatever your goals are. If you know yourself to be "naturally" skilled or "talented" at a certain thing, then pursue it (assuming you can make money from it), otherwise, get to work.

There are guys who go to prison, study law, and end up knowing more about the legal system than 95% of lawyers out there. Do they have a natural talent?

2. Was just drawn to 'em. Can't really explain it.

3. I've lost track and a lot of it was misdirected anyway. Really has little to do with anything regarding your situation though. You seem to be looking for reasons to not even begin forward movement. This is a much bigger issue to be addressed. Whatever negative feedback loop you're in needs to be eliminated right now.

The real questions are; do I have a goal (a goal includes a plan and time constraints, a goal is not open ended), how much time and effort am I willing to put into reaching my goals, how focused am I, and how prepared am I?

Like Dr. Boyce Watkins said, you can spend 5 or 6 or 8 or 10 or 12 hours doing this stuff now or you can be stuck spending the same amount of time working shyt jobs in the future.

Again, going back to my point about prisoners who study law, you put the time in and you get something out.

4. Two things we know for sure. We know that traveling back in time is physically impossible and we know that we are not perfect. If I'm not perfect, why would I hold myself to a standard of perfection? If I can't travel back in time, why would I spend time thinking about the past? I look to control the things I have control over, the rest I leave to the wonder.

I don't know how you define "success" but I do know that I'm sure you can find employment, study, and all that if that's what you want.

I also know that you can get money in a lot of fields (especially IT) without having a bunch of education.

Again, what are your goals dude?

5. Not even close to where I want to be.

6. Even a hardcore nihilist would have to admit that complaining about a problem without taking action does absolutely nothing but create unnecessary internal pain. There are unique issues that black folks face but I'm not living like a chump just because I might run into some strife.

There is a great line from the movie Glengarry Glen Ross that goes, "You think this is abuse? You think this is abuse, you cocksucker? You can't take this -- how can you take the abuse you get on a sit?!"

In other words, if you can't handle a few issues here and there, how are you going to react when something major happens? How are you going to react when you're expected to make actual decisions? How are you going to react under pressure? Are you going to buckle and look for an excuse, or push on through damn near anything?

It's a complex issue, but unless someone physically/violently prevents me from going after my goals, I'm charging full speed ahead.

Rick Fox at UNC

All Star
Dec 2, 2015
Pretty Boys
Also #6

White people are not better than you. Don't ever feel the need to compare yourself to them. Most of 'em are mediocre. Greatness is often times an individual endeavor that the group takes credit for. Don't fall for game.