It is what it is. But as I said, it will probably be addressed within our lifetimes. Most people realize it's a problem .... but they also want lower taxes, and entitlements. The people are the problem.
It is what it is?
Terrible way to think of it. But it is the way that some people rationalize it. I hope others arent satisfied with leaving an astronomical debt to their children.
The people are not the ones that instituted the Fed nor are they the ones that agree to the defense budget among other things. But yes, we are culpable as well to a certain degree. But not more so than the people (lawmakers) that were supposed to be looking out for our best interests so stuff like that doesnt happen.
Prove that Obama was purposely deceitful, and had no intention of removing troops from Afghanistan.
He knows politics better than I do. So at best, he could have said " I will do my best" yadda yadda yadda. He didnt. He said he would do it and hen didnt. Thus, he lied.
He knew beforehand what could stop him from bringing home the troops but made his promise anyways because it looked good for his election.
Okay, and look at the first definition. "To pay no attention to". Do you know what the word "no" means?
So you use the first part I use the second part. SEMANTICS at its finest.
No, you've been jumping through hoops to avoid the fact that you said NO attention was being paid to OBE's/prayer/etc by changing what you meant by 'ignore'. THAT was the semantical game you were playing. You did it again later when I said something was a myth to say "it's not a myth but an exaggeration of a stereotype". Those things are almost so similar that it's ridiculous to even point it out. If something is exaggerating truth, then it's still a false claim.
I disagree. I said spiritual matters were being ignored. I brought up those to show examples of spiritual matters that people claim happen to them that give credence to their being a spiritual aspect to our lives.
Yes it is not a myth that absentee fathers is a problem. Its a myth the exaggerated extent that its carried out to. The problem we have here is that I never said that black fathers were leading the country in absentee dads or anything. I just said its a problem that contributes to the poor state blacks are in. WE need our families strong more so than other races since they have more communal aspects to lie back on (and institutional aspects in terms of whites).
Egypt. Syria. Sudan. Libya. Iraq. Each of these situations had foreign interests interfering in a countries own business.
Don't avoid the damn question, I want to see your proof. The banks loans it at interest, yes. So what? Why do you have a problem with credit?
So we have:
-The fed prints the money
- The fed gives the money to the US and charges interest
You have agreed with both of these so how can the US pay the interest off if each dollar they get was loaned to them at interest? That means that EVERY dollar in circulation was loaned at interest. Therefore, they could only give back the money they borrowed, they'd never have the money to pay the interest. Im honestly trying to see what you're disagreeing with when you've stated yourself the two points above?
There are no other laws except man-made laws. Again, freedom doesn't mean everyone gets to do whatever they wish. I don't know what that garden was being used for. I can only make a decision after her lawsuit is settled.
She already lost. And freedom certainly means that they can do what they want as long as it doesnt encroach on somebody elses freedom. I dont think growing a garden for self preservation does that.
But you're just arguing a strawman. No one's saying homeless people can't be given food. Most likely, that church broke some law by feeding homeless people in the manner that they did. Things aren't black and white like you make them.
No Im not. Im arguing from a humanity standpoint. Not a made up law by men who do not have to live by it. And thats exactly what they said. They said they would be arrested if they fed them
And they didnt (according to the link) even explain what law was broken.
If someone is homeless and doesnt have food, the humane thing to do is to give them food. Not go look for the law that says you can give it to them at a certain place, at a certain time, with a certain permit then give it to them. Thats just too much.