I thought I just explained it? They print money that they loan to the US at interest. That means every dollar in circulation could not ever pay off the interest because each of those dollars was loaned at interest to the US. Breh, there is nothing positive about the amount of debt the US has. Why you're trying to argue otherwise, is dumbfounding.
It's dumbfounding because you don't understand monetary policy. You see borrowing as a total loss, and ignore the benefits.
Who's talking conspiracy theories? What kind of role model says one thing but does another? Remember when Barack said we would remove the troops from Afghanistan when he got into office? A role model is a man that stands on his own two feet. Not pandering to other people's interests.
I'm not going to debate the president's policies. What he's accomplished is admirable in it's own right.
Intentionally disregard means to purposely not take notice. Too much of semantics breh.
Not taking notice and taking
a little notice are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. Just admit you were wrong, and move on.
So you can play semantics with "ignore" but I cant with "myth"? Not that I was though. Myth implies false/untrue. It is not false to say that the black community has a problem with absentee fathers. Its often exaggerated, but there is truth to it.
No, you were playing semantics with "ignore" just as you're doing with "myth". It's all just you.
Absenteeism of black fathers does not occur at a significantly higher rate than any other race. The notion that it does is a myth. That's all I said.
Yes I have. But people think that because we have cool amenities like AC, phones, or whatever that its not. I've already pointed out that imperialism is happening across the world. I mean, what do you think the end goal is of imperialism? Freedom for the whole world?
But, as we've already pointed out, the things you complain about are trending towards occurring less frequently. Imperialism, police brutality, overall racism -- You're just listing things without explaining anything. There have been empires that ended. What makes you think it will go back to the way it was?
You keep pleading for evidence from others, but I have yet to see you post anything that supports your claims through-out this thread.
You have a warped sense of freedom then. In no way is making a garden that feeds people and provides natural means of medicine supposed to be against the law. And feeding the homeless Again, there is no way that feeding the poor, sick, needy etc... is supposed to be against the law.
I have no idea what was in that garden, nor do I know the statues around keeping a garden where she lived. If such a law is in place, then it's probably because the consenus decided it would be better that no one grew things in that area. If she wanted a garden that bad, she's certainly free to MOVE and do what she wants where it IS allowed. Freedom doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want, where ever. As far as I know, she might have been growing an illegal drug. Again, I don't know, nor care about the specifics of that story.
I see the world a bit differently than you. I see the pros and cons for every issue. I can understand why a community might not want to allow some of these things. If you want to grow a garden, I'm sure they allow that in certain other places around OK. If you want to feed homeless, I'm betting there are ways to do so without giving it to them in the park. Nothing is wrong with those things, but they are probably more complicated than just "government harassing people exercising their rights".