Where are your facts and articles you love so much to support this claim?
Nothing about it in implicit nor explicit terms has ever designated affirmative action to descendants of slavery. You would have had a better argument that it was for jews.
Why don't you feel the white (immigrant or otherwise) enrollments aren't theft? It's not like this belief is built on anything but emotion anyway.
Why is it only their admissions that you feel are stolen from us?
Their skin right?
affirmative action, that aspect of it was and is for African Americans, what do you think African American means, Jessie Jackson created the term of us, descendants of slave
and it' not feeling, it is fact.
I'll make easy, let's say Kenya was colonized by the english, after that ended they granted reparations or special priledges to Kenyans due to that oppression.
what would I look like as a African american going to kenya and claiming those priledges
for Kenyan and there descendant?
your being disingenuous and disrespectful if you can't understand that the term African American =descendant of slaves in america.
the civil right acts and legislation created in the 60's was done for African Americans descendants of slave, which during that time you guys were not even here.
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