Why does the Coli hate landlord's so much?

Paper Boi

May 15, 2013
Landlords are running out of money. 'We don't get unemployment'

Over the past 30 years, Maral Boyadjian has built up a family real estate business consisting of eight homes in Southern California that she and her husband rent out.

"Some people spend their money on a bigger home or better car or travel, but we live modestly," said Boyadjian. "Whatever money we can put together, we spend it on buying another single-family home to rent."

Typically, the rents from the homes enable the couple to cover all their expenses and earn income. But now tenants in three of their properties in the San Fernando Valley, haven't paid their rent for months. The couple can't remove those tenants because of a state eviction moratorium, which was extended untilJanuary 31.
Of the three tenants that are behind, one has arranged to pay 25% of rent now and the rest later. Boyadjian said she is happy to work with that tenant, because at least an effort is being made and she's getting something. Others, like those who have not paid any rent since August, leave her feeling like she's being taken advantage of.

"Owning a property and collecting rent on it is my way of making a living," she said. "There has been no government aid coming my way. Our income has been sliced. We don't get unemployment."

So far, she has been able to continue to meet her financial obligations. She makes property tax payments and pays the insurance. She not only pays for utilities like water, but also for gardeners and pool maintenance.

"We've been able to pay our mortgages, but we're really in danger of not being able to on two properties," Boyadjian said. "This is not sustainable."

Eviction moratoriums causing uncertainty

As the coronavirus pandemic drags on -- with unemployment still high, government support dwindling and the status of future stimulus unknown -- landlords are suffering.
An estimated 9.2 million renters who have lost income during the pandemic are behind on rent, according to an analysisof Census data by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. And renter households with a job loss will owe an estimated average of $5,400 in back rent by this month, according to a report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
ban on evictions, put in place by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to stop the spread of the virus, has meant many landlords must continue to pay to maintain and finance their properties with less rent coming in and no recourse to remove non-paying tenants.
"This is becoming a concern for landlords," said David Howard, executive director for the National Rental Home Council, which advocates on behalf of the single-family rental industry. "With the eviction moratorium, you don't know what the next step is. There is no certainty about when you're going to get paid."

If the CDC order is allowed to expire, as many as 5 million renters could face eviction across the country in January, with as many as 14 million renterhouseholds at risk of eviction, according to Stout, a global investment bank and advisory firm. But advocates for property owners doubt there will be anywhere near that many people facing homelessness.
"The stories are heartbreaking for everyone -- people with medical problems or who have lost their jobs," said Howard. "But I don't see an eviction tsunami or an apocalypse coming. I think that message is coming from housing advocacy groups as a way to prevent any evictions."

Still, there is an incentive to support property owners and to keep tenants in safe housing, Howard said. But finding the solution is tricky. He advocates for rental assistance in the form of direct payments to landlords or payments to tenants earmarked for rent.

Single-family homes account for half of all rental housing, he said, and the majority of those property owners are mom-and-pop landlords, many of whom may be operating on razor-thin margins, relying on rental income to cover the costs of the property and using what's left as their income.

"The government is putting property owners in a situation where they are supposed to be the back-stop," Howard said. "And many will say, 'I can no longer afford to be in this business.' "

Unable to maintain property

Peter Gray, president of Pyramid Real Estate Group in Stamford, Connecticut, is not only a property owner collecting rent on 30 of his own properties, but also a property manager who handles maintenance and rent collection for other landlords. While only a couple of his own tenants have stopped paying, some of his landlord clients are having trouble paying him.

"Usually we're one of the last ones they stop paying," he said. "We're the ones collecting the rent. If they can't pay their subcontractors, they are hurting."

Peter Gray of Pyramid Real Estate Group says most of his tenants are able to pay rent. But in the property management side of his business, landlords are struggling to pay for repairs, trash removal or heat.

If landlords are struggling, tenants will also be affected as home maintenance slides.

"I'm seeing landlords who can't pay for trash removal," Gray said. "We're getting 'no heat' calls. They aren't paying real estate taxes. They aren't paying their mortgage."

He said one property his company manages had a plumbing problem that cost around $38,000. The owner did not pay the bill.

"We had to get an attorney involved and say we would no longer do maintenance or repairs for them," he said. "We paid $38,000 for repairs and they'd like to owe us one?"

I'm seeing landlords who can't pay for trash removal. We're getting 'no heat' calls. They aren't paying real estate taxes. They aren't paying their mortgage."

Peter Gray, president of Pyramid Real Estate Group

For the typical landlord in trouble, which he said is someone who bought their property in the last five years and is leveraged to the hilt, there are no reserves. "Despite tenant protection laws, these landlords don't have the cash reserves, nor the equity in their building to get loans," he said. "With the moratoriums, they're taking hit after hit."

Some landlords, he said, are being paid less and seeing the wear and tear on their property increase as grown children or friends double up after losing their own housing. Routine maintenance that was supposed to take place this year has in some cases been delayed or canceled because landlords just don't have the money, said Gray.

"They can legislate the need to do timely repairs," he said. "But for many landlords, there is no money."

Gray said he has some non-paying tenants he is not able to evict because of the moratorium. But he's found most of his tenants are communicating with him and making their best efforts to pay.

"It isn't my style to take the last penny off the table," he said. "I want my tenants to do well. I thought early in my career it may have been bad business not to be more aggressive. But it turns out it is good business to work with people."
amazon is hiring

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
All ima say is, if you a landlord and if you are struggling while charging the highest rent prices in RECORDED HISTORY, and still not as profitable as you desire, then maybe real estate should be off the table :hubie: . If mortgages are that hard to pay off, then yeah, get out of renting towards the less fortunate and go into stocks or something else. This "free money" by preying the less fortunate to take 40% to 60% of their monthly income at record high rates is now backfiring in this late stage capitalism, cause tenants cannot save money and own houses of their own.

Too mant greedy hands in real estate. Time to get them out, cause decent housing is a human right and the source of a stable society. Without that, violence will skyrocket.


Feb 24, 2013
All ima say is, if you a landlord and if you are struggling while charing the highest rent prices in RECORDED HISTORY, and still not as profitable as you desire, then maybe real estate should be off the table :hubie: . If mortgages are that hard to pay off, then yeah, get out of renting towards the less fortunate and go into stocks or something else. This "free money" by preying the less fortunate to take 40% to 60% of their monthly income at record high rates is now backfiring in this late stage capitalism, cause tenants cannot save money and own houses of their own.

Too mant greedy hands in real estate. Time to get them out, cause decent housing is a human right and the source of a stable society. Without that, violence will skyrocket.

Funny how it's only the tenants and poor folks that get told to eat a dikk, but landlords and corporations deserve empathy. Regular people are told "you knew what you signed up for" but landlords and corps deserve to get bailed out :dead:

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Funny how it's only the tenants and poor folks that get told to eat a dikk, but landlords and corporations deserve empathy. Regular people are told "you knew what you signed up for" but landlords and corps deserve to get bailed out :dead:

Your parents and grandparents generation didn't pay more than 15% of their monthly income on rent, and managed to save for a house back from the 60s to 90s, but expects this generation to do the same in a shytty economy and hyper inflated price of goods.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
All ima say is, if you a landlord and if you are struggling while charging the highest rent prices in RECORDED HISTORY, and still not as profitable as you desire, then maybe real estate should be off the table :hubie: . If mortgages are that hard to pay off, then yeah, get out of renting towards the less fortunate and go into stocks or something else. This "free money" by preying the less fortunate to take 40% to 60% of their monthly income at record high rates is now backfiring in this late stage capitalism, cause tenants cannot save money and own houses of their own.

Too mant greedy hands in real estate. Time to get them out, cause decent housing is a human right and the source of a stable society. Without that, violence will skyrocket.

Your parents and grandparents generation didn't pay more than 15% of their monthly income on rent, and managed to save for a house back from the 60s to 90s, but expects this generation to do the same in a shytty economy and hyper inflated price of goods.
\close thread


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Your parents and grandparents generation didn't pay more than 15% of their monthly income on rent, and managed to save for a house back from the 60s to 90s, but expects this generation to do the same in a shytty economy and hyper inflated price of goods.
Just like these landlords telling renters that they should have prepared for a “rainy day”, landlords should have contingencies in place as well- any landlord totally dependent on rent as a sole source of income and willing to put people out for circumstances beyond their control that could potentially expose people’s health and lives to a pandemic crisis that the govt can’t even get under control, then they weren’t all that financial stable to begin with.

if they could do this for free, you know very well that most of the rental market is focused on overpricing, profit and greed:

The Four Seasons on Billionaires' Row, the most expensive street in NYC, is set to house doctors and nurses for free during the coronavirus pandemic

The Four Seasons hotel on Manhattan's Billionaires' Row will be used to house nurses, doctors, and other medical personnel free of charge, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced on Wednesday. Cuomo's press release said the hotel would be the first of several in New York to house healthcare workers at no cost.

"The 350 room hotel will provide medical personnel currently working to respond to the coronavirus outbreak lodging free of charge," the governor's office said in the press release. In Chicago, empty hotel rooms are used to house coronavirus patients and those awaiting test results.

The hotel is on the swanky Billionaires' Row. Business Insider's Katie Warren previously reported that the area includes a set of eight ultraluxury skyscrapers along the southern end of Central Park, as well as Central Park South, which was the most expensive street in the city in 2019. Condos there start at about $3 million and can fetch upward of $60 million.