Why does the Coli hate landlord's so much?

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I don't even think it makes any sense reasoning with you. Landlords add no value and tenants add more. I mean, I can't reason with someone who thinks like this. You should try being a landlord one day.
You're literally saying that you have no argument. :russ:

"My position is so bad I can only reason with someone who already agrees with me." :picard:

You know that water situation is coming up, breh

California Water Futures Begin Trading Amid Fear of Scarcity

And I’ll bet you a year’s rent that there will be bootlickers who will laud this as the proper working of the free market
There's literally ONE family in California that has accumulated more water rights than every household in LA County combined, but according to the posters here they must have earned it.

Meet the California couple who uses more water than every home in Los Angeles combined

"It's okay to accumulate basic needs that you didn't even create yourself and then profit off poor people for the right to use them. It's the American way! Shut up and just get rich if you don't like it!"

Wtf, a lot of these landlords who renters are not paying anymore are black:stopitslime:
Less than half of Black folk even own their OWN home, much less someone else's, and the % of Black families who own a home has continued to fall. Why brag about the relatively tiny % of Black landlords when they're owning homes at the expense of other Black families? :why:

African American Homeownership Falls to 50-year Low - National Association of Real Estate Brokers
Homeownership rate for black Americans drops to record low - HousingWire
The Great Land Robbery
From 15 Million Acres to 1 Million: How Black People Lost Their Land - America's Black Holocaust Museum

Are you saying that you're okay with the system that causes the % of Black folk who own homes to continue to drop, the system that causes the wealth gap to widen, the system that is currently causing more families to go deeper into debt and median Black net worth to trend towards zero...that's right, fukking zero...just so long as a small % of Black elite benefit along with the vast majority of White folk who do?
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Dec 9, 2014


Seduce & Scheme
Apr 30, 2012
:hhh: then leave it up to the government to provide housing. I'd love to see the crying if that happened. Landlords provide nothing to the economy? Buying a property, fixing it, maintaining it does not add to the economy? If that's the case then a renter adds even less.

Some a yall really need move to Cuba.
Man stop typing. You’re out of your depth

Lakers Offseason

May 21, 2012
You're literally saying that you have no argument. :russ:

"My position is so bad I can only reason with someone who already agrees with me." :picard:

There's literally ONE family in California that has accumulated more water rights than every household in LA County combined, but according to the posters here they must have earned it.

Meet the California couple who uses more water than every home in Los Angeles combined

"It's okay to accumulate basic needs that you didn't even create yourself and then profit off poor people for the right to use them. It's the American way! Shut up and just get rich if you don't like it!"

Less than half of Black folk even own their OWN home, much less someone else's, and the % of Black families who own a home has continued to fall. Why brag about the relatively tiny % of Black landlords when they're owning homes at the expense of other Black families? :why:

African American Homeownership Falls to 50-year Low - National Association of Real Estate Brokers
Homeownership rate for black Americans drops to record low - HousingWire
The Great Land Robbery
From 15 Million Acres to 1 Million: How Black People Lost Their Land - America's Black Holocaust Museum

Are you saying that you're okay with the system that causes the % of Black folk who own homes to continue to drop, the system that causes the wealth gap to widen, the system that is currently causing more families to go deeper into debt and median Black net worth to trend towards zero...that's right, fukking zero...just so long as a small % of Black elite benefit along with the vast majority of White folk who do?

I'm all for fighting income inequality. Go after politicians in the pocket with banks, lobbyists, etc.

Going after landlords who have an average income of 94K?


Nov 21, 2016
So let’s play this game. Everyone in America may only have 1 house.

Would all these people suddenly have money and credit and know how to buy their own homes i the areas they all want?

Hell fukking no.

Is this one house system going to make you save your money correctly for the down payment? Is it going to give you a rent free place to stay if you don’t have the money?

Stop it. You stopping your own self from getting a house. You can’t afford where you want it, such is life. I can’t afford Beverly Hills either so guess what, I don’t live there. I don’t blame my landlord and don’t blame the man who owns the house in the hills for it not being affordable.

Move around. Downgrade. Save. Borrow. Get your own fukking place
. It’s the American way

:mjlol: You oversimplify things. Just save money, don't worry about the fact that I have debt to pay off. Just move, not worrying about the fact that I need to secure a job that pays enough sustain my living. Just borrow money, who in their right mind would lend money at good rates to debters. There's way more protections for business than people.


May 6, 2012
You're literally saying that you have no argument. :russ:

"My position is so bad I can only reason with someone who already agrees with me." :picard:

There's literally ONE family in California that has accumulated more water rights than every household in LA County combined, but according to the posters here they must have earned it.

Meet the California couple who uses more water than every home in Los Angeles combined

"It's okay to accumulate basic needs that you didn't even create yourself and then profit off poor people for the right to use them. It's the American way! Shut up and just get rich if you don't like it!"

No I realize I'm dealing with someone who's completely lost. You also seem to have no idea what the difference is between a landlord and a slumlord. And lastly if you don't understand the value landlords add then there's no reasoning with someone like you. There's landlords that literally make no money and charge cheap rent and you're sitting here acting like they're destroying peoples livelihoods..

Still trying to undrstand how someone who earns has a day job and owns an extra property or two that he rents out to people is less productive to society than the people he's renting the property. Completely bewildering logic.

You calling landlords leeches? Maybe some are, but I'd call them quite the opposite. Too many people are lazy and looking to blame someone else for their problems. I didn't want to rent, so I bought my own property and I live in the biggest housing bubble on the planet. So fukk outta here.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Interesting, when I make threads about a rapper spending $XXX on jewelry or cars the first thing posters say is that was a dumb purchase why didn’t they buy land or property.
All you promote on this forum is dumb shyt and mindless that sets Black people back and doesn't benefit us. That's why they're reacting to you this way. You're a very low value poster that just wants Black people to be stereotypical, stupid, and ratchet. There's a reason why your rep is in the toilet.
Aug 3, 2012
All you promote on this forum is dumb shyt and mindless that sets Black people back and doesn't benefit us. That's why they're reacting to you this way. You're a very low value poster that just wants Black people to be stereotypical, stupid, and ratchet. There's a reason why your rep is in the toilet.

Why you keep begging for my attention breh, this like the 3rd time in a week. Take your bipolar ass on somewhere

You have high rep but begged the coli for money twice and was homeless 2 years ago. Coli rep and reality.


Jul 14, 2015
I swear y'all extra ignorant today. :dahell:

Who da fukk do you think pays the property taxes? That money comes from the fukking renter, not the landlord. :heh:

Y'all trying to talk like landlords just forgo profits and pay property tax out of their own wealth like a charitable service. :laff:

Just in the last few comments some of y'all have said shyt like "renters don't contribute to the economy" and "landlords pay the property taxes", and you think we're the ones who are retarded?

I took economics in college. That's the first place I heard about economic rents. Notice that NONE of y'all have even attempted to challenge my economic and historical arguments regarding economic rents, debt accumulation, and the history of foreclosure and stealing of property from Black and poor folk across the country....but we're the ones who need an education?
The taxes would come from whatever rent is collected dumbass, that means it eats into any potential profit. Let’s also not forget maintenance with either trips to Home Depot or paying someone to fix said items which means additional out of pocket expenses the renter doesn’t pay.


Nov 20, 2013
Yes, that landlord adds very little if anything to the economy, especially since the money to do what he does is simply siphoned off of someone else's income.

You claim the renter adds even less? Where the fukk do you think the rent money comes from? The renter adds everything the entire economic contribution of their 9-5 job AND everything you're crediting the landlord for since the renter is the one actually paying for all the shyt the landlord does.

This is one of those "poor people are too stupid to own property" arguments. :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

Y'all ignore that for most of human history, EVERYONE outside of slaves, indentured servants, and feudal serfs owned their own fukking home. It was NORMAL to own your own home. Even dumbass rednecks and Appalachian hillbillies own their own home.

The whole idea that 1/2 of society would be incapable of figuring out how to own a home didn't come until rich people got so much wealth they could buy up literally all available land and then dictate the terms for how everyone else gets to live.

I don't know how someone can talk about "The American Way" and yet have these giant gaps in their historical awarenss.

The actual "American Way" has been for the wealthy to impoverish and foreclose upon poor people so that fewer and fewer people (especially Black folk) could own land over time and the wealthy control more and more of the total. The American Way is for capitalists to rig the system so they come further and further ahead and increase the debts of the poor

It's literally impossible, under the principles of the American banking system, for the majority of the poor to get out of debt. If you don't know that then you don't know how money is created. Our system requires that there ALWAYS be more money owed than money exists - that's a fundamental property of creating money via loans at interest. So a few individuals, over time, can get out of debt, but only if other people get more and more indebted.

Please educate yourself.

"The 11th Round": A Revealing Parable On Our Money System
The Case for Reparations
:whoo:Bruh preaching that good gospel on they ass:obama::myman: