1. No I don't have a problem. This thread is to start a conversation. You know, the kind of thing people do on a forum.
2. No. I said uncharted does a lot of the same things that are called shortcoming for Ryse, but uncharted seems to get a pass for those things
3. Well if you played the game you will understand why I'm comparing it to a cinematic shooter
5. No it doesn't. I've played both and I'm telling you they are not alike.
6. No it's not hard to understand, but if fun was the only factor plenty of games would be reviewed very differently.
7. That's not bashing uncharted its the truth, even the people who came in here and said they were big uncharted fans, said they were fans because of the graphics/production not be gameplay.
how is that bashing uncharted? Once again the "cinematics" are what's praised about the game.
And here you are repeating something you read about Ryse from someone else who has not played the game. The executions have nothing to do with kinect. To me they are more comparable to the active reload system in gears of war. They are optional timing exercises that can give you combat boosts if you use them correctly.
In a game like Assasins creed when you hit the kill button you basically watch a kill animation with no input until the animation is over. In Ryse you have the option of timed button presses during that animation in order to get some combat boosts.
People who have not played the game repeating nonsense and telling me I'm making up stuff