Why does Ryse get hate for the same things the Uncharted series gets praised for?


Jul 16, 2013
1.That fine, there's nothing wrong with having that opinion. I'm talking about the general concept of the games and how they are very similar yet get treated very differently.

2. None of this is true. Go back and read my posts. I'm not trying to prove anything about Ryse and not once have I bashed uncharted.

3. No it's not. Have you played Ryse? It has more in common with COD than it does with GOW

4. The combat system and gameplay variety in GOW is far more varied than both Ryse and uncharted.

5. Greek mythology =/= Roman sudo-reality

6. I agree, but some games get a pass for this and some games dont. Why?

7. Plenty of reviewers said they had a lot of fun with Ryse, but they still subtracted a lot of points for things like repetitive gameplay. With uncharted it is the opposite the gameplay is nothing to write home about, but it gets elevated to GOTY status due to graphics/production

8. I think the fact that people knew this might have influenced their opinion going in. But the game is no more limited than uncharted or other "cinematic" games.

1. obvious you think something is wrong with having that opinion cause that's the reasoning behind the thread: trying to figure out why it got bad scores while another game you think is similar (when it's not) didn't...

2. I think you need to go back and look at your posts (including the one I just quoted)...all you've been saying is how uncharted does this/that badly, has shortcomings, only really got props for presentation/being a summer blockbuster type game, etc. while trying to make ryse look better

3 & 4. naw, haven't played It yet, will eventually...but don't try to play that card, cause before the xbox1 was released, I had more experience with it than a lot of you cats that were here defending/praising it while bashing the ps4....anyway, the game is a hack/slash, that's why I compared it to another hack/slash and not a shooter

5. never said it was the same thing, but a hack/slash game with similar themes/settings compares better to ryse than a shooter

6. it's about rather or not you have fun, that's all it boils down to...if the repeating gameplay is fun, you don't care...if it's not, you do....not that hard to understand

7. another example of you bashing uncharted to make ryse look better, which doesn't make sense....uncharted isn't a button mashing hack/slash...it's a shooter...and the gameplay isnt repetitive unless you consider shooting people repetitive...and the game gets goty mention for more reasons than just graphics/production....seriously, you're trying to hard with that shyt....anyway, the only part you should care about is that they had fun...that's all that matters when playing games...not a score others give it...

8. more shots at uncharted to help ryse...uncharted was never an eye game that got converted, it's not limited how you wanna say for this argument, nor was it just a cinematic game...seriously, you trying to hard with those and should just stop them....as for it being a Kinect game getting converted and it influencing opinion: think it's only doing that cause that conversion influenced the game...the fact that you can finish executions even if you dont get the button seq correct shows that they left a lot of the Kinect shyt in the game and didn't start completely over....I bet if they would've stuck to this being a Kinect game or jus started completely over when they decided to make the change, it wouldn't be getting bashed so bad...


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
We really need to stop throwing this "repetitive gameplay" card out as an argument. It's a spurious critique because virtually every game you play has some sort of repetition in it.
I agree, but "repetitive" is one of the most common complaints about Ryse. Why does it get this label where other games get a pass?

Going off the definition of repetitive
If you say why don't they knock Uncharted for the same reasons as Ryse got knocked for, would you use one of these synonyms to describe Ryse?? I'm pretty sure YOU wouldn't call Ryse humdrum, tiresome or tedious since you seem to like it. Again let's use more descriptive words such as shallow, simple etc.
I think both are repetitive, but both are fun.

Uncharted has plenty of combat options and a decent amount of weapons for it's campaign/MP. Hell you have the option to use a sidearm,long gun, melee, grenades and you can even stealth your way through some levels. Platforming also is pretty rampant in UC and you can still utilize it in gameplay i.e. pull someone off ledge, shoot while hanging, jump on top of someone from above. Compared to other TPS games, there's a myriad of ways to play the game. Granted not every combat scenario gives you the luxury of playing exactly how you want, the game still manages to throw in certain parts to let you do just that. From what I remember there were a couple of long guns, a couple of side arms, a sniper rifle, two shotguns, desert eagle, grenade launcher, RPG, wes 44, bow gun and a few more. How many weapons are in Ryse??
None of the guns make a real difference. You hide behind cover then pop up and shoot someone. Every once in a while you get close enough for some cinematic hand to hand.

Ryse has weapon/character upgrades and new moves to unlock

Same shyt, different genre:manny:

And the platforming in uncharted is serviceable at best. You go in the direction they long you in and you make all the jumps. There is no strategy/challenge involved

Exploration and puzzles were less frequent in UC2 but 3 had a decent number of puzzles. Exploration isn't a big focus on Uncharted as it's main attraction are set pieces, shootouts, amazing cinematography and acting as well as fun characters. Don't forget MP has a lot of meat in it.

All of this can be said about Ryse, why doesn't it get at least some of the same acclaim?

Drake, Elena, Chloe, Lazervich, Harry Flynn, Eddie Raja, Sully and to a smaller extent cutter were much better characters in terms of acting than most games I've played. Even a more serious game like TLOU has characters that get you to care about them. I actually felt for Ellie/Joel in some parts of the game and felt like they were real breathing characters. Most other games lack that and the characters come off as mocap people reading lines. Killzone SF had TERRIBLE acting my god that was a recent game with banging graphics and snorezone story.
The acting in Ryse is too notch, both the voice and the physical performance of the actors is superb. Like I said. The strengths and weaknesses of the two games run in parallel, yet the games have been received very differently.

Do you think it's just the genre of the games?


All Star
May 28, 2012
"Just a button masher"

"just a cover shooter"

Neither game has great gameplay. Both are repetitive. At least in Ryse you can upgrade your character and get new moves

Do you thing cover based shooters are just inherently better than 3rd person combat games?

Did you even read my post? With your definition EVERY game is repetitive. And again, Uncharted add other elements than "aim and shoot at random enemies".


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
:ohhh: So a TPS shooter based around excavating treasures and exploration with cinematic set pieces and an ancient hack and slash game are more similar to each other than another hack and slasher in an ancient setting with mythological creatures and humans??

Yes. Due to the design philosophy of the games. GOW and Ryse are nothing alike outside of the fact that they are 3rd person with swords.

The Ryse campaign is more comparable to a cinematic shooter than a 3rd person action game. It's fast paced, filled with set pieces, and you push forward toward the objective killing everyone in your path as the war rages around you. It's not really like any other 3rd person brawler


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Did you even read my post? With your definition EVERY game is repetitive. And again, Uncharted add other elements than "aim and shoot at random enemies".

The majority of uncharted gameplay is "aim and shoot at random enemies"

Just as the majority of Ryse is hand to hand combat.


May 6, 2012
I agree, but "repetitive" is one of the most common complaints about Ryse. Why does it get this label where other games get a pass?
*Keeps reading*

I think both are repetitive, but both are fun.
:childplease: I KNEW you were going to just find some leeway and say something to this extent. if you think they're both repetitive in the sense that I explained to you then hats off to you.

None of the guns make a real difference. You hide behind cover then pop up and shoot someone. Every once in a while you get close enough for some cinematic hand to hand.
Umm yes they do, weapon damage, rate of fire and bullet spread differs across each weapon. Using a weapon with low weapon damage, fast rate of fire and lots of bullet spread is ineffective against certain types of enemies. You'll be shooting all day trying to pop off the helmet of some of the soldiers with armor in UC2/3 with a para 9 or raffica considering these weapons have smaller reticules.

Ryse has weapon/character upgrades and new moves to unlock

Same shyt, different genre:manny:
And?? How are you saying "same shyt" when Uncharted doesn't have weapon upgrades and character upgrades in the SP campaign??

And the platforming in uncharted is serviceable at best. You go in the direction they long you in and you make all the jumps. There is no strategy/challenge involved
Is there platforming in Ryse?? Why would there be a need to have strategy and challenge in a game like Uncharted where platforming is simply a means to an end i.e. get up top of something or quickly navigate the environment?? Uncharted isn't Super Mario, there's no sense in making the game harder for something that's supposed to be as seamless as possible. The game isn't about timing jumps and landing on top of enemies with precision because those scenarios hardly occur.

All of this can be said about Ryse, why doesn't it get at least some of the same acclaim?
I don't know about shootouts happening in Ryse. Again Uncharted is greater than the sum of its parts. You can't just expect Ryse to get scored highly because you felt that the acting was great because the acting being great is just one part of the game.

The acting in Ryse is too notch, both the voice and the physical performance of the actors is superb. Like I said. The strengths and weaknesses of the two games run in parallel, yet the games have been received very differently.
Read my last retort.

Do you think it's just the genre of the games?
I don't think it's any of that, I think something is wrong with you.


All Star
May 28, 2012
Yes. Due to the design philosophy of the games. GOW and Ryse are nothing alike outside of the fact that they are 3rd person with swords.

The Ryse campaign is more comparable to a cinematic shooter than a 3rd person action game. It's fast paced, filled with set pieces, and you push forward toward the objective killing everyone in your path as the war rages around you. It's not really like any other 3rd person brawler

My question is, why choose the Uncharted series? There are plenty of other highly praised shooters that more closely align with your description of Ryse. Again, why not say Call of Duty, or Battlefield. Those games lack the platforming elements of Uncharted, and are essentially games that mostly focus on killing over and over while the war rages around you. Yet, for this thread, you decided to single out Uncharted...? I think that's very telling.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
1. obvious you think something is wrong with having that opinion cause that's the reasoning behind the thread: trying to figure out why it got bad scores while another game you think is similar (when it's not) didn't...

2. I think you need to go back and look at your posts (including the one I just quoted)...all you've been saying is how uncharted does this/that badly, has shortcomings, only really got props for presentation/being a summer blockbuster type game, etc. while trying to make ryse look better

3 & 4. naw, haven't played It yet, will eventually...but don't try to play that card, cause before the xbox1 was released, I had more experience with it than a lot of you cats that were here defending/praising it while bashing the ps4....anyway, the game is a hack/slash, that's why I compared it to another hack/slash and not a shooter

5. never said it was the same thing, but a hack/slash game with similar themes/settings compares better to ryse than a shooter

6. it's about rather or not you have fun, that's all it boils down to...if the repeating gameplay is fun, you don't care...if it's not, you do....not that hard to understand

7. another example of you bashing uncharted to make ryse look better, which doesn't make sense....uncharted isn't a button mashing hack/slash...it's a shooter...and the gameplay isnt repetitive unless you consider shooting people repetitive...and the game gets goty mention for more reasons than just graphics/production....seriously, you're trying to hard with that shyt....anyway, the only part you should care about is that they had fun...that's all that matters when playing games...not a score others give it...

8. more shots at uncharted to help ryse...uncharted was never an eye game that got converted, it's not limited how you wanna say for this argument, nor was it just a cinematic game...seriously, you trying to hard with those and should just stop them....as for it being a Kinect game getting converted and it influencing opinion: think it's only doing that cause that conversion influenced the game...the fact that you can finish executions even if you dont get the button seq correct shows that they left a lot of the Kinect shyt in the game and didn't start completely over....I bet if they would've stuck to this being a Kinect game or jus started completely over when they decided to make the change, it wouldn't be getting bashed so bad...

1. No I don't have a problem. This thread is to start a conversation. You know, the kind of thing people do on a forum.

2. No. I said uncharted does a lot of the same things that are called shortcoming for Ryse, but uncharted seems to get a pass for those things

3. Well if you played the game you will understand why I'm comparing it to a cinematic shooter

5. No it doesn't. I've played both and I'm telling you they are not alike.

6. No it's not hard to understand, but if fun was the only factor plenty of games would be reviewed very differently.

7. That's not bashing uncharted its the truth, even the people who came in here and said they were big uncharted fans, said they were fans because of the graphics/production not be gameplay.

8. :mindblown: how is that bashing uncharted? Once again the "cinematics" are what's praised about the game.
And here you are repeating something you read about Ryse from someone else who has not played the game. The executions have nothing to do with kinect. To me they are more comparable to the active reload system in gears of war. They are optional timing exercises that can give you combat boosts if you use them correctly.

In a game like Assasins creed when you hit the kill button you basically watch a kill animation with no input until the animation is over. In Ryse you have the option of timed button presses during that animation in order to get some combat boosts.

People who have not played the game repeating nonsense and telling me I'm making up stuff:snoop:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
My question is, why choose the Uncharted series? There are plenty of other highly praised shooters that more closely align with your description of Ryse. Again, why not say Call of Duty, or Battlefield. Those games lack the platforming elements of Uncharted, and are essentially games that mostly focus on killing over and over while the war rages around you. Yet, for this thread, you decided to single out Uncharted...? I think that's very telling.
:what: did you read the op?


May 6, 2012
This is Meach in a nutshell

*Makes a thread about two games, One Sony and M$ exclusives or Nintendo*

*Compares unrelated games by simplifying games down to individual elements*

*Says "why is this game praised when X game does the same thing??" as if the part of the game is it's sum*

*gets refuted and called out*

*Says :mindblown: "I'm not bashing it!"

* Says nobody can have a rational discussion without being a fanboy*
*:heh: and :ufdup: thrown in the mix somewhere*

Eat a dikk breh :pacspit:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Umm yes they do, weapon damage, rate of fire and bullet spread differs across each weapon. Using a weapon with low weapon damage, fast rate of fire and lots of bullet spread is ineffective against certain types of enemies. You'll be shooting all day trying to pop off the helmet of some of the soldiers with armor in UC2/3 with a para 9 or raffica considering these weapons have smaller reticules.
And different enemies require different strategy in Ryse. Yet it still gets called repetitive
Is there platforming in Ryse?? Why would there be a need to have strategy and challenge in a game like Uncharted where platforming is simply a means to an end i.e. get up top of something or quickly navigate the environment?? Uncharted isn't Super Mario, there's no sense in making the game harder for something that's supposed to be as seamless as possible. The game isn't about timing jumps and landing on top of enemies with precision because those scenarios hardly occur.

Being a "means to an end" is not game design that should be praised. You brought it up like it was some great addition to the gameplay. In Ryse you jump over shyt on your way to kill people as well.

I don't know about shootouts happening in Ryse. Again Uncharted is greater than the sum of its parts. You can't just expect Ryse to get scored highly because you felt that the acting was great because the acting being great is just one part of the game.

That's exactly what I'm talking about. One game is given the benefit of the doubt due to its stellar production values and the other isn't