Why do you guys stare but then don't say anything?


May 6, 2012
I guess we can see how she got the role for that movie:




Looks like just another negro bed wench.
if that's how it went down, i say let her cook.


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
Sometimes us guys just like to admire from afar, we don't approach for many reasons:

We don't have the time
We're in a relationship
Don't have the courage to go up to her/too shy
Sometime we just look

It's funny how that dynamic of who approaches has a big effect on who gets together. The men that all women want who have all the confidence will usually be the womanizers/players because a man with alot of confidence will be likely dealing with a large volume of women since he has the confidence to approach all these women

Most women do not want the shy guy with the lack of confidence at approaching women but these men would probably be the better fathers/husbands/boyfriends because they don't have the confidence to get at all these women out here which will make them less likely to cheat and more likely to settle down with that one girl that took interest in them.

Meanwhile women have all these confident guys approaching them who alot of times turn out to be the players/a$$hole type that they mistake all guys to be when in reality it's only that small pool of men with confidence to approach them who they've been dealing with. Which further makes me believe that most women are having sex with the same 20% of men that just get recycled over and over again. The genuine dudes and the women looking for true love never really link up like that.

And the shy guys either luck up and find that special girl, settle with what they can get, or be alone. All I'm trying to say is that all that swag/confidence you want your man to have comes at a cost because every woman wants that type of guy.

dennis roadman

nuclear war in my bag
May 1, 2012
solsbury hill
Appreciate breh, really.

Can't really go back to CAR now, not speaking the language (and being mixed) means I'm seen as a "not-real" centralafrican, don't have anyone left there except my pops. And shyt is really real down there now :to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_African_Republic_conflict_(2012%E2%80%932013)

I actually kind of write (self-published a short stories collection with some friends back in Brussels...check the sig :win:), might have to explore that a little more in deep. And read that George Orwell book :jawalrus:
:salute: no doubt breh

:sadbron: CAR situation. damn.

keep that writing shyt up. why not? someone with little to lose is often in a better situation than they think


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Sometimes us guys just like to admire from afar, we don't approach for many reasons:

We don't have the time
We're in a relationship
Don't have the courage to go up to her/too shy
Sometime we just look

It's funny how that dynamic of who approaches has a big effect on who gets together. The men that all women want who have all the confidence will usually be the womanizers/players because a man with alot of confidence will be likely dealing with a large volume of women since he has the confidence to approach all these women

Most women do not want the shy guy with the lack of confidence at approaching women but these men would probably be the better fathers/husbands/boyfriends because they don't have the confidence to get at all these women out here which will make them less likely to cheat and more likely to settle down with that one girl that took interest in them.

Meanwhile women have all these confident guys approaching them who alot of times turn out to be the players/a$$hole type that they mistake all guys to be when in reality it's only that small pool of men with confidence to approach them who they've been dealing with. Which further makes me believe that most women are having sex with the same 20% of men that just get recycled over and over again. The genuine dudes and the women looking for true love never really link up like that.

And the shy guys either luck up and find that special girl, settle with what they can get, or be alone. All I'm trying to say is that all that swag/confidence you want your man to have comes at a cost because every woman wants that type of guy.
Yeah I can agree with this and like I said before most guys to get their confidence up just need to get more comfortable with and improve themselves. You really don't have that fear when you feel you have something to offer and chicks would be foolish not to mess with you. It's the same for girls too. Only other thing I noticed with both genders is at times both like to hide behind gender roles and religion which also limits people getting together IMO.


Dec 31, 2012
they're scared and you dont want them anyway

brehs in here, stop making excuses. she's talking to you. step up to the goddamn plate
:mindblown: What does this even mean?? Is approaching girls suppose to be something important now?? I don't get it.


92' til Infinity....
May 5, 2012
Yeah I can agree with this and like I said before most guys to get their confidence up just need to get more comfortable with and improve themselves. You really don't have that fear when you feel you have something to offer and chicks would be foolish not to mess with you. It's the same for girls too. Only other thing I noticed with both genders is at times both like to hide behind gender roles and religion which also limits people getting together IMO.
Exactly, Low self-confidence is probably the main thing that keeps me and alot of dudes from approaching women they find attractive. We feel that we don''t have much to offer to her besides sex. There's a reason why dudes with money and status get alot of women because they got that confidence.

And women need to stop hiding behind that gender role shyt because it's 2013 and 1950. Women love to say how they are advancing in fields of education, politics and how they're becoming breadwinners more often. But all of a sudden when it comes to approaching a man for a change they get get :merchant: "I'm just a woman"
And they will despise men that are shy to approach them even tho they have the same fear when it comes to approaching men, they just get to hide behind that gender role shyt. They say people are the most vicious towards others that share the same qualities they despise in themselves so it makes sense.

:beli: Women want the powers of men, the privileges of women, and the responsibilities of neither.


All Star
Jun 14, 2012
It's frustrating because there are some guys who I want to say something. I know you all will say that I should say something first but I'm shy, and besides I like it when guys take the lead.

How do I encourage guys to speak?

A smile will do for me. I don't mind striking up conversation. If a girl is looking soar faced (not saying u do) then it just sends out a signal to not approach. I know some girls unintentionally look :skip:

A smile goes a long way ... :youngsabo:


Dec 31, 2012
I hear everything you're saying. My parents aren't from a Western culture and I come from a culture that strongly encouraged gender roles and I thought they were fine. My opinion on that is changing, as I see women who recently immigrated from my parents country rejecting those traditional gender roles as they spend longer in the US. So I'm starting to think its not all hunky dory the way they portrayed it in their marriages for the longest.

But change does take time. And I'm not just bringing looks to the table... I have way more than that lol.

I also agree with everything you're saying to mbewane. You're a smart and reasonable guy.
:wtf: And what is that....degrees??


Dec 2, 2012
Yeah I understand that breh, believe me I lived in Brussels for 7 years (I'm half-Belgian) and I did try the internship at the Commission (didn't get it) and all them ngos and stuff (couldn't even get an unpaid internship). (You been to Brussels? Sounds like you're familiar with it).

Indeed competition there is crazy (you have all highly educated, multilingual younger FROM ALL OVER EUROPE coming in) so I'm nothing special there. It's mostly networking that will get you through (having been to the same school as this guy, having done an internship with that girl). That's where I suck. and people get confused because I studied economy (in France, that means theoritical economy, Keynes Smith and them, NOT finance, budgets, marketing etc.) but have never worked in that area. There's also additional stuff (a certain anti-Belgian climate in the "Euro-Bubble" for ex).

I do try the "convincing myself" thing, sometimes it works but most of the time, not that much. :yeshrug:

Oh yeah, I'm 32 :flabbynsick:

lol, you're scaring me dude, i graduated in european affairs :merchant: out of all the students from my program who applied i was the only one not to get a commission internship, and a lot of them were belgian. assuming your black too, i suspect it's not so much an anti-belgian climate but just regular 'cism :mjpls: i'm not perfect at networking, but i made a couple of connections along the way, so let's see where it takes me.

i get the no roots thing, i've lived in different places too and generally feel that if you're black and not living in the us, africa or the caribbean, you will never belong. but i think it is wearing you down too much.

as far as the ladies go: you're writer too? :mindblown: you really should have no problems.

I hear everything you're saying. My parents aren't from a Western culture and I come from a culture that strongly encouraged gender roles and I thought they were fine. My opinion on that is changing, as I see women who recently immigrated from my parents country rejecting those traditional gender roles as they spend longer in the US. So I'm starting to think its not all hunky dory the way they portrayed it in their marriages for the longest.

But change does take time. And I'm not just bringing looks to the table... I have way more than that lol.

I also agree with everything you're saying to mbewane. You're a smart and reasonable guy.

i wasn't implying that you didn't, just encouraging you to let it show ;)


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
Sometimes us guys just like to admire from afar, we don't approach for many reasons:

We don't have the time
We're in a relationship
Don't have the courage to go up to her/too shy
Sometime we just look

It's funny how that dynamic of who approaches has a big effect on who gets together. The men that all women want who have all the confidence will usually be the womanizers/players because a man with alot of confidence will be likely dealing with a large volume of women since he has the confidence to approach all these women

Most women do not want the shy guy with the lack of confidence at approaching women but these men would probably be the better fathers/husbands/boyfriends because they don't have the confidence to get at all these women out here which will make them less likely to cheat and more likely to settle down with that one girl that took interest in them.

Meanwhile women have all these confident guys approaching them who alot of times turn out to be the players/a$$hole type that they mistake all guys to be when in reality it's only that small pool of men with confidence to approach them who they've been dealing with. Which further makes me believe that most women are having sex with the same 20% of men that just get recycled over and over again. The genuine dudes and the women looking for true love never really link up like that.

And the shy guys either luck up and find that special girl, settle with what they can get, or be alone. All I'm trying to say is that all that swag/confidence you want your man to have comes at a cost because every woman wants that type of guy.

I dunno breh. I used to be not shy but i guess introverted and couldnt be bothered. Now I'm not shy and am confident I can bag pretty much any girl i want to. I get numbers with ease but still aint getting them panties lately. :beli:


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Sometimes us guys just like to admire from afar, we don't approach for many reasons:

We don't have the time
We're in a relationship
Don't have the courage to go up to her/too shy
Sometime we just look

It's funny how that dynamic of who approaches has a big effect on who gets together. The men that all women want who have all the confidence will usually be the womanizers/players because a man with alot of confidence will be likely dealing with a large volume of women since he has the confidence to approach all these women

Most women do not want the shy guy with the lack of confidence at approaching women but these men would probably be the better fathers/husbands/boyfriends because they don't have the confidence to get at all these women out here which will make them less likely to cheat and more likely to settle down with that one girl that took interest in them.

Meanwhile women have all these confident guys approaching them who alot of times turn out to be the players/a$$hole type that they mistake all guys to be when in reality it's only that small pool of men with confidence to approach them who they've been dealing with. Which further makes me believe that most women are having sex with the same 20% of men that just get recycled over and over again. The genuine dudes and the women looking for true love never really link up like that.

And the shy guys either luck up and find that special girl, settle with what they can get, or be alone. All I'm trying to say is that all that swag/confidence you want your man to have comes at a cost because every woman wants that type of guy.

Good post, but let me play devils advocate here. Being fairly bold, and having confidence are important qualities to have in life...whether its in the dating world, or elsewhere. Shy, insecure, overly neurotic types that take the easy way out and hide in the corners, typically dont make it very far in life.

If dude sees a chick across the room, but hes petrified to talk to her, then what does that say about the man and his abilities? Females recognize that, and they have a point.

Just this past weekend, I saw a bad one across the lounge. I made my way over there, spit and made small talk. When I asked about her personal situation, she politely told me she was good and in a relationship. Stung a lil, but I felt good for making the effort, and at least I know I tried rather than living with the regret of not knowing, on some "IF I" sht.

Broads, job interviews, business meetings, school presentations....hey, you got balls. Use them.


SOHH Vet since 2002
May 2, 2013
so what you are saying is that you are interested in guys but can't be bothered to make an effort to show your interest and instead expect the guys to read your mind from a distance and approach you so that you can then decide whether you like them or not? :rudy:

personally, i don't play this game because it puts the ball in the womans court and has me taking all the risks. it's 2013 and not the fifties anymore, i like woman who know what they want, make a move :manny:

the power of this post :whew:

EXACTLTY wtf I was thinking