eienaar van mans
so tarantulas don't bite?? they've got some pretty big fangs no?
here in Texas we have the "Brown Recluse" extremely poisonous. i know lady that got bitten by one in her sleep. a few days later she almost had to have her foot amputated below the ankle. (they managed to saved her foot barely...she has a ridiculous "hole" from where they had to cut away the rotten flesh)
Tarantulas and Brown Recluses, yeah they bite, their fangs are large enough to pierce human skin... all spiders are poisonous to a various degree, it's just that not all of them have fangs large enough to pierce human skin without breaking... the common house spider will bite as a last resort...and the tarantula and brown recluse will try not to...they only turn aggressive if cornered...
Sound like she had an allergic reaction to the bite...A guy I know at work got bitten by one and his hand swole up pretty large...but by the end of the week it was gone...
spray them walls ( ) with some raid every few weeks and you shouldn't have a problem...
Did it come out her face like this