Why do some black people claim obviously mixed people as black?


Dec 2, 2012
your dumbass does realize the the AA were pregnated during slave trape were a small minority and the vastmajority AA feamael bared children with AA males our duration in this country right :aicmon: there is no such proof cause the theory is a fallacy based on ignorance/white supreamcy:camby:
be in denial brehs :francis:

On average, African-Americans have 23% European heritage. Google it.
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Mar 24, 2014
You do know that mix on the chart was for the dark skinned brother in the video right?

Poster was proving that people have no fukking clue what black is. You'd look at him and say "he's black"

But according to his dna he's 25% white but none of his parents were white and he's dark yet he's still 25% white

So is he black or mixed?

See why this is stupid? You cannot possibly tell what % someone is from looking at them or their parents. And yet we are going to walk the streets with clip boards, telling people what race they are

I cant know your genetic history, so people with white grandparents etc should own up and declare themselves mixed..why hide?


Mar 24, 2014
I can't say 100% everyone agrees but it's easy to see that many have adapted the logic.

Once again, only in America. You need to travel more and meet Black people from outside the US..they dont follow that shyt.

In American 'Black' people believe in the one drop rule because they are minorities and need more people, so are quick to accept anyone in order to offset the white majority. In Africa where Black people are the majority, they dont need the extra number so they see no incentive to accept mixed people as Blacks. Its the same mentality that exists between whites in the US.


Jun 22, 2014
Once again, only in America. You need to travel more and meet Black people from outside the US..they dont follow that shyt.

Not true...I even gave you an example from a country with a reverse one drop rule

As the IBGE itself acknowledges, these categories are disputed, and most of the population dislike it and do not identify with them.[49]:1 Most Brazilians see "Indígena" as a cultural rather than racial term, and don't describe as such if they are part of the mainstream Brazilian culture; many Brazilians would prefer to self-describe as "morenos" (used in the sense of "tanned" or "brunettes");[50] some Black and parda people, more identified with the Brazilian Black movement, would prefer to self-describe as "Negro" as an inclusive category containing pardos and pretos;[49]:2 and if allowed to choose any classification, Brazilians will give almost 200 different answers.[49]:4

According to the American scholar Edward Telles,[51] in Brazil there are three different systems related to "racial classification" along the White-Black continuum.[52]:80–81 The first is the Census System, which distinguishes three categories: "branco" (White), "pardo", and "preto" (Black).[52]:81 The second is the popular system that uses many different categories, including the ambiguous term "moreno"[52]:82 ("tanned", "brunette", or "with an olive complexion").[53] The third is the Black movement system that distinguishes only two categories, summing up "pardos" and "pretos" as "negros".[52]: More recently, the term "afrodescendente" has been brought into use.[54]

Race and ethnicity in Brazil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In American 'Black' people believe in the one drop rule because they are minorities and need more people, so are quick to accept anyone in order to offset the white majority. In Africa where Black people are the majority, they dont need the extra number so they see no incentive to accept mixed people as Blacks. Its the same mentality that exists between whites in the US.


again, not true. The reason black people in the USA believe in the so called "One Drop" is

1. They (Afro Europeans) were essentially "One Dropping" themselves before the rule existed as a law (1924)

2. It was critical/foundational to the formation of the inclusive Afram identification term known as "black" that would later spread around the world



SECRETARY POWELL: Well, I said it that way because people say, well, how will you be able to be successful in my military career and in the other things I've done in life. And I said that I grew up in a very diverse environment, and because I am not that black as a physical matter -- I am as black as anybody whose skin could be 20 shades darker than mine -- I consider myself an African American, a black man, proud of it and proud to stand on the shoulders of those who went before me. But I know that because of my background and my upbringing, I'm probably more acceptable over the years to the white power structure that I was dealing with as I came up.

Because, you see, Jim Crow and discrimination is not history to me; it's my life. I was raised in the pre-civil rights period. I've been thrown out of places because I was just black enough not to be served. So I have no illusions about who I am or what I am. But as I go about my job, what I say to people is I'm the American Secretary of State; I'm also black. I don't say I'm the black American Secretary of State, because it implies, gee, is there a white one somewhere, you know? [Laughter.] No, I am the Secretary of State. You take me as you see me, a proud American representing his country, and by the way, I'm awfully proud to be black. And I want, as a black person, to be an example and an inspiration to not just other black youngsters coming along, but to all youngsters who may think that because of their background or where they came from or their origins, somehow they can't achieve their dream. In our society you can. And I'm an example of it, out of the South Bronx, immigrant parents; you know the story. And I was able to achieve because there were people who were willing to accept me for what I was, treat me right, and allow me to demonstrate my ability. And these were white people, black people. These were people superior to me, people who worked for me, who trusted me. And that's the message I've always tried to convey to young people.

Be Heard: An MTV Global Discussion With Colin Powell

^^In old jamaica he would have been of the same type that Garvey was talking about here



that older way of identifying changed because of the influence of Afram ways of identifying that spread with Black Power/Popular Culture(see Colin Powell for example)



3) basically all Aframs descend from 1st generation biracials and therefore white people so they never based their identity on being of pure "african" stock. For example

Prodigy from Mobb Deep for example and his fair skinned Great-Great-Great-Grandfather who help Found Morehouse College @ 1:11

Mobb Deep Rapper Prodigy Reveals Great-Great-Great-Grandfather Founded Morehouse College | Welcome To KollegeKidd.com


White, William Jefferson (1832-1913): Born to a white planter and mulatto slave, William Jefferson White was a cabinetmaker by trade and minister by vocation. Born in Elbert County, Georgia, he was taken to South Carolina as a child and returned to Augusta as an adult. He trained in carpentry at the Goodrich Lumber Company and later worked as a cabinet and coffin maker for the Platt Brothers, a furniture and undertaking firm. He also worked construction and helped build several churches and schools in the area. Light skinned and blue eyed, White could have easily "passed" but chose to live as a black man. During the 1850s he he organized clandestine schools for slaves and free blacks, earning him the title of "Father of Negro Education" in the Augusta area. In the days following the Civil War, he became an important figure in the early civil rights movement. He worked hard to forge close associations with the white citizenry, started the Harmony Baptist Church, championed Republican Party causes, and sat on the Board of Trustees for Spelman Seminary. In 1867 he founded the Augusta Institute, which is now Morehouse College





The Ancestors of Tupac Shakur (1971-1996)


Ancestry of Tupac Shakur


Jun 22, 2014
Brazil has a bunch of different classifications and they treat haitians and africans like shyt. Has reggae or soca ever been considered apart of black culture? :sas2:

Most people don't know what soca is but reggae has been considered "black" music since forever:beli:


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
"black" people didn't come up with the One Drop Rule as a rule, that's a white american creation but mixed looking AfroEuopeans in the USA were definitely "One Dropping" themselves as "Black" or "negro" before white people created the rule/law.
I was told on this very forum that black people came up with it. This was said to me after I said it was a racist system invented by whites. I'll look for the post and get back to you
Jan 26, 2015
be in denial brehs :francis:

On average, African-Americans have 23% European heritage. Google it.
believe eveything you read online brehs:lolbron:

false....23% European would mean most AAs would be able to identify atleast one cac forefather/mother which just aint reality:camby:


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
believe eveything you read online brehs:lolbron:

false....23% European would mean most AAs would be able to identify atleast one cac forefather/mother which just aint reality:camby:
Many can of they do theor research. Unfortunately, a lot of black folks dont document their family history because they dont wannadig up old secrets like having a white racist rapist in the family. That's one reason why many reach to claim indian to explain their different features.

I know @Prynce and I each have a white ancestor on our trees after doing the research.
Jan 26, 2015
Not true...I even gave you an example from a country with a reverse one drop rule

Race and ethnicity in Brazil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



again, not true. The reason black people in the USA believe in the so called "One Drop" is

1. They (Afro Europeans) were essentially "One Dropping" themselves before the rule existed as a law (1924)

2. It was critical/foundational to the formation of the inclusive Afram identification term known as "black" that would later spread around the world



Be Heard: An MTV Global Discussion With Colin Powell

^^In old jamaica he would have been of the same type that Garvey was talking about here



that older way of identifying changed because of the influence of Afram ways of identifying that spread with Black Power/Popular Culture(see Colin Powell for example)



3) basically all Aframs descend from 1st generation biracials and therefore white people so they never based their identity on being of pure "african" stock. For example

Prodigy from Mobb Deep for example and his fair skinned Great-Great-Great-Grandfather who help Found Morehouse College @ 1:11

Mobb Deep Rapper Prodigy Reveals Great-Great-Great-Grandfather Founded Morehouse College | Welcome To KollegeKidd.com


White, William Jefferson (1832-1913): Born to a white planter and mulatto slave, William Jefferson White was a cabinetmaker by trade and minister by vocation. Born in Elbert County, Georgia, he was taken to South Carolina as a child and returned to Augusta as an adult. He trained in carpentry at the Goodrich Lumber Company and later worked as a cabinet and coffin maker for the Platt Brothers, a furniture and undertaking firm. He also worked construction and helped build several churches and schools in the area. Light skinned and blue eyed, White could have easily "passed" but chose to live as a black man. During the 1850s he he organized clandestine schools for slaves and free blacks, earning him the title of "Father of Negro Education" in the Augusta area. In the days following the Civil War, he became an important figure in the early civil rights movement. He worked hard to forge close associations with the white citizenry, started the Harmony Baptist Church, championed Republican Party causes, and sat on the Board of Trustees for Spelman Seminary. In 1867 he founded the Augusta Institute, which is now Morehouse College





The Ancestors of Tupac Shakur (1971-1996)


Ancestry of Tupac Shakur

Not true...I even gave you an example from a country with a reverse one drop rule

Race and ethnicity in Brazil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



again, not true. The reason black people in the USA believe in the so called "One Drop" is

1. They (Afro Europeans) were essentially "One Dropping" themselves before the rule existed as a law (1924)

2. It was critical/foundational to the formation of the inclusive Afram identification term known as "black" that would later spread around the world



Be Heard: An MTV Global Discussion With Colin Powell

^^In old jamaica he would have been of the same type that Garvey was talking about here



that older way of identifying changed because of the influence of Afram ways of identifying that spread with Black Power/Popular Culture(see Colin Powell for example)



3) basically all Aframs descend from 1st generation biracials and therefore white people so they never based their identity on being of pure "african" stock. For example

Prodigy from Mobb Deep for example and his fair skinned Great-Great-Great-Grandfather who help Found Morehouse College @ 1:11

Mobb Deep Rapper Prodigy Reveals Great-Great-Great-Grandfather Founded Morehouse College | Welcome To KollegeKidd.com


White, William Jefferson (1832-1913): Born to a white planter and mulatto slave, William Jefferson White was a cabinetmaker by trade and minister by vocation. Born in Elbert County, Georgia, he was taken to South Carolina as a child and returned to Augusta as an adult. He trained in carpentry at the Goodrich Lumber Company and later worked as a cabinet and coffin maker for the Platt Brothers, a furniture and undertaking firm. He also worked construction and helped build several churches and schools in the area. Light skinned and blue eyed, White could have easily "passed" but chose to live as a black man. During the 1850s he he organized clandestine schools for slaves and free blacks, earning him the title of "Father of Negro Education" in the Augusta area. In the days following the Civil War, he became an important figure in the early civil rights movement. He worked hard to forge close associations with the white citizenry, started the Harmony Baptist Church, championed Republican Party causes, and sat on the Board of Trustees for Spelman Seminary. In 1867 he founded the Augusta Institute, which is now Morehouse College





The Ancestors of Tupac Shakur (1971-1996)


Ancestry of Tupac Shakur

what does Jamaica mixed race population decreasing over the years and the racial identify of people of color in Brazilhave to do with blacks of America ancestry:what:mulatto have never been more than a fraction of AAs tootal popoulation hardly enough to transform our genealogy as a whole dumbass

:russ:@Tupac being part cac through his momma whom wouldn't look out of place in Zimbabwe....u we is all mixed with massa sambos are desperate:mjlol:i mean using/revisingt the history of a influential gangsta rapper to validate your white daddy delusional of grandeur as a propaganda tool would be hilarious if it wasn't so insulting to the AAs heritage/history....next your dumbass going to tell me Biggie Smalls and KRS- One had Welsh and Russian great grandfathers too so that mean all AAs are admixed:childplease:


Jun 22, 2014
I was told on this very forum that black people came up with it. This was said to me after I said it was a racist system invented by whites. I'll look for the post and get back to you

Yeah, you were told false info. It was white american creation way after slavery

Before and during the centuries of slavery, people had interracial relationships, both forced and voluntarily formed. In the antebellum years, free people of mixed race (free people of color) were considered legally white even if individuals had up to one-eighth or one-quarter African ancestry (depending on the state).[4] Many mixed-race people were absorbed into the majority culture based simply on appearance, associations and carrying out community responsibilities. These and community acceptance were the more important factors if a person's racial status were questioned, not his or her documented ancestry. Because of the social mobility of antebellum society in frontier areas, many people did not have documentation about their ancestors.

Based on DNA and historical evidence, Thomas Jefferson is widely believed to have fathered the six mixed-race children of his slave Sally Hemings; four survived to adulthood. Hemings was three-quarters white by ancestry and a half-sister of Martha Wayles Jefferson.[quote 1] Their children were born into slavery because of her status; as they were seven-eighths European in ancestry, they were legally white under Virginia law of the time.[5] Jefferson allowed the two oldest to escape in 1822 (freeing them legally was a public action he elected to avoid); the two youngest he freed in his 1826 will. Three of the four entered white society as adults, and all their descendants identified as white.[5]

Although racial segregation was adopted legally by southern states of the former Confederacy in the late 19th century, legislators resisted defining race by law as part of preventing interracial marriages. In 1895 in South Carolina during discussion, George D. Tillman said,

It is a scientific fact that there is not one full-blooded Caucasian on the floor of this convention. Every member has in him a certain mixture of... colored blood...It would be a cruel injustice and the source of endless litigation, of scandal, horror, feud, and bloodshed to undertake to annul or forbid marriage for a remote, perhaps obsolete trace of Negro blood. The doors would be open to scandal, malice, and greed.[6]

The one-drop rule was not adopted as law until the 20th century: first in Tennessee in 1910 and in Virginia under the Racial Integrity Act of 1924 (following the passage of similar laws in several other states).

One-drop rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Jun 22, 2014
what does Jamaica mixed race population decreasing over the years and the racial identify of people of color in Brazilhave to do with blacks of America ancestry:what:

that was a response to

Once again, only in America. You need to travel more and meet Black people from outside the US..they dont follow that shyt.

In American 'Black' people believe in the one drop rule because they are minorities and need more people, so are quick to accept anyone in order to offset the white majority. In Africa where Black people are the majority, they dont need the extra number so they see no incentive to accept mixed people as Blacks. Its the same mentality that exists between whites in the US.

jamaican's mixed race population went down because mulattos started identifying as the inclusive term "black". Same reason why Brazil "Black" population increased because they now include "pardos" (mixed types) along with "pretos" (dark skinned blacks). This is all because of the Afram/USA influence.

:russ:@Tupac being part cac through his momma whom wouldn't look out of place in Zimbabwe....

exactly why phenotype and genotype don't always correlate as i already showed you win Don Chealde and Blair Underwood

u we is all mixed with massa sambos are desperate:mjlol:i mean using/revisingt the history of a influential gangsta rapper to validate your white daddy delusional of grandeur as a propaganda tool would be hilarious if it wasn't so insulting to the AAs heritage/history....next your dumbass going to tell me Biggie Smalls and KRS- One had Welsh and Russian great grandfathers too so that mean all AAs are admixed:childplease:

I didn't revise anything, it's just FACTS!!:sas1::pachaha:

Jan 26, 2015
Many can of they do theor research. Unfortunately, a lot of black folks dont document their family history because they dont wannadig up old secrets like having a white racist rapist in the family. That's one reason why many reach to claim indian to explain their different features.

I know @Prynce and I each have a white ancestor on our trees after doing the research.
the vast majority can't for cause they don't exist:comeon: lol at you reaching for straws/coming up with theories why most AAs don't claim mixed/can't identify white /non black ancestors:stopitslime:stop trying to pulls us in your pity party Kizzy..since when is claiming mixed something to hide in the AA community.:what:last i checked if anything some low self esteem AA c00ns are known to make up/exaggerated mixed ancestry to feel better about themselves:scust:..just look at the way black media and a significant part of the lost ones in the black community put mixed breeds on a pedestal yet you want me to believe the majority of AAs whom don't claim mixed are hiding a cac ancestor they are ashamed of :childplease:

really who enlightened you on your mythical Neanderthal forefather ? your elders or one of those bogus cac owned ancestry website /scams:ufdup:regardless the alleged snowman in both you and that nikkais family tree is irrelevant to black Americans cause last i checked both you Carribean/not AA:yeshrug:
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Jan 26, 2015
that was a response to

jamaican's mixed race population went down because mulattos started identifying as the inclusive term "black". Same reason why Brazil "Black" population increased because they now include "pardos" (mixed types) along with "pretos" (dark skinned blacks). This is all because of the Afram/USA influence.

exactly why phenotype and genotype don't always correlate as i already showed you win Don Chealde and Blair Underwood

I didn't revise anything, it's just FACTS!!:sas1::pachaha:


nah it don't add up cause those claims' fantasy and why blacks should take all the propaganda posted about us online seriously.

okay post a pic of Pac/Afeni with their cac grandaddy or a video of them acknowledging him:comeon:obviously a peckerwood/new black loser with too much time on his hands revised Pac
bio /gave him a mythical caveman granddaddy to push an agenda:stopitslime:
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