Did you miss the part where I purposely put many instead of most?
And i did the ancestry thing and tools my grandmother of my findings which she already knew. My family comes from Camilla, GA then Knoxville, TN.
@Prynce's fam is also from GA. We both have immigrant fathers but our maternal side of our trees have long histories in the states.
And yes it is a thing. I wouldn't mention it if it wasn't true. How many people you hear talking about or proud of their white racist ancestors. Many dont talk about it now because a lot of people dont know there history. But it was more of an issue the more recent the incident happened.
People like red babies but people didnt talk much about how they got that way.
Even if you watch those DNA youtube vids you see people talking about how they know that their native and then find out they got way more Euro blood in them than native.