Why do so many blacks care about Arab causes like Palestine when most Arabs think we aint shyt?


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
Responding to the red points.

Race is where you hail from not necessarily the color of your skin or where you congregate per se, but that's a murky water.

Race is defined by genetics, characteristics, etc. Skin color is only a part of it. You can measure someone's race by looking at their DNA. Accordingly, Arabs are Near Eastern people and not blacks or close to blacks.

No they aren't as a whole, it depends on the people you deal with. I have seen people that are ok with it to indifference and some racism, but in most cases their attitude is not as hostile as whites in America (which I'm assuming is your frame of reference). It is cultural/xenophobic, not religous, as the Arabs I have done business and dealt with come from all religious backgrounds. Muslims, Christians and some pagans (majority Muslim, I'll admit.)

Actually their struggles are deeper than ours. The Palestine/Israel battle has gone on in some some way or another for 1400 plus years (3 Crusades), so yes their struggles have been longer, not saying ours is unimportant or anything but from a pure time standpoint, it has been going on longer and even if you take the original fights out of the equation. Palestinians have been fighting for their land and their rights to live for a long time.

Arabs are racist against blacks in general. They are either neutral or positive to whites in general, and more negative to blacks'. This has been the case since inception, not only here but in Africa as well. At best they are a nuisance and at worst a hangnail on black people. If they were to disappear tommorow, parts of Africa would be free from their nefarious influence and invader peopling.

As for the Palestinians, their battle is irrelevant to me. They're a bunch of ragtag Arabs whom would scoff at blacks if they had anything to their name, which they don't. The fewer the Arabs, the better for blacks.

As to your 3rd point, not all Arabs are white. A lot of Arabs have a decent amount of African blood in them if not considerable. Palestine, Jordan, Egypt as well as a lot of North Easter African, claim Arab as well as African. A lot of beefs are tribal and that's something to keep an eye on.

If you want to paint people with a broad brush, that is your right, I was just trying to open eyes. Again I am pointing to the younger generation that has more access than the parents had when I mentioned the internet.

I won't post pictures of myself or the fam I stayed with, in my time there. If you don't take me at my word, I understand.

Again, I'm not trying to sat all Arabs are cool, far from it, but should the opportunities arise for you take a trip out there and share good bad or otherwise.


It's funny you say Arabs are not white, yet genetic analyses on Arabs says they closer to whites in general than blacks. The average Arab Egyptian in Egypt is not closer to black than white. Arabs in general are closer to cac in general, and more racist to blacks than any other. This is simply the genetic case and undeniable as such. Are there mixed Arabs? Yes, but the general case is the general case.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Race is defined by genetics, characteristics, etc. Skin color is only a part of it.
No its not you idiot. Every scientist in modern anthropology and the field of genetics will laugh you out of the building for such pseudo talk. Genetics actually DEFLATES the concept of race. Even so I still consider myself black and use race in everyday social settings.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
No its not you idiot. Every scientist in modern anthropology and the field of genetics will laugh you out of the building for such pseudo talk. Genetics actually DEFLATES the concept of race. Even so I still consider myself black and use race in everyday social settings.

Any reputable scientists would say the exact opposite of what you allege, but in their absence, we can use logic and studies to determine if genes indeed "deflate" race. If genes aren't determined by race nor are different according to race, then logically it should be impossible able to tell a person's race by their genes. Evidence, however, says otherwise:

"We have analyzed genetic data for 326 microsatellite markers that were typed uniformly in a large multiethnic population-based sample of individuals as part of a study of the genetics of hypertension (Family Blood Pressure Program). Subjects identified themselves as belonging to one of four major racial/ethnic groups (white, African American, East Asian, and Hispanic) and were recruited from 15 different geographic locales within the United States and Taiwan. Genetic cluster analysis of the microsatellite markers produced four major clusters, which showed near-perfect correspondence with the four self-reported race/ethnicity categories. Of 3,636 subjects of varying race/ethnicity, only 5 (0.14%) showed genetic cluster membership different from their self-identified race/ethnicity. On the other hand, we detected only modest genetic differentiation between different current geographic locales within each race/ethnicity group. Thus, ancient geographic ancestry, which is highly correlated with self-identified race/ethnicity—as opposed to current residence—is the major determinant of genetic structure in the U.S. population. Implications of this genetic structure for case-control association studies are discussed."

In the above study, a genetic analysis produced four distinct racial clusters for which people matched up perfectly according to their racial identification. In other words, race determines a person's genes and a person's genes determines their race. All people have their own specific group and if a person does not fit that in that group, they are not part of it (so they are not white, or black, or Arab -- or vice versa). Accordingly, one can tell if an Arab is black.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
This is such utter nonsense man... I'm East African... Should I not care about my. african american brothers because the least educated among them say mean things about east africans?

There is a difference between bigotry and racism. The former doesn't involve structural hatred or disdain (bigotry) while the latter (racism) does. It is commonplace for Arabs to think themselves superior to blacks and to form a structural form of hatred and disdain around that nation. This tendency extends beyond merely poor people and into Arab society as a whole. African Americans should definitely care that Arabs have an anti-black racist structure in their societies and beyond. Whites also have this racist structure and hierarchy, after all, and it is the aforementioned racist structure which underlines the institutional and personal racism blacks face in the West. This Arab writer explains the nature of Arab structural racism here:


"With this in mind, the observation of anti-Black racism amongst Arab-Americans should be viewed through a lense that reaches far beyond the lowest tier, that of social interactions; the language employed, including the use of dehumanizing terms like “abed” (singular) and “abeed” (plural), this reprehensible branding of Black persons as slaves, signifies an alarming reinforcement of racist frameworks - before we challenge these frameworks we must first admit that we are complicit in the demoralization and subjugation of Black persons and communities, and that the extensive exploitation of these communities is oftentimes denied or outright justified."

Dawud Walid, the Executive Director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MI), has been one of many African-Americans bringing attention to pervasive anti-Blackness both online and on the ground, demanding that the use of the word “abeed” end and challenging Arab-Americans to do more than endlessly call for dialogue. “This issue has been dealt with too passively for many years,” writes Walid. He goes on to note that Arab-Americans should take “a more aggressive stands against anti-Black racism.”


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
You are a fakkit in general.


OK, but what about what I said about Arabs hating blacks? :heh:

Various Arab writers address and admit there is a historical and structural anti-black racism problem, propped up by feelings of superiority, within their countries and communities. But you, an ignorant African American, says other wise. :wtf:

Keep caping, :duck:


right around the ACC
Jun 9, 2013
OK, but what about what I said about Arabs hating blacks? :heh:

Various Arab writers address and admit there is a historical and structural anti-black racism problem, propped up by feelings of superiority, within their countries and communities. But you, an ignorant African American, says other wise. :wtf:

Keep caping, :duck:


I don't give a shyt about Arabs clown.

You're a pseudo intellectual bum.

fukk outta here.


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013

I don't give a shyt about Arabs clown.

You're a pseudo intellectual bum.

fukk outta here.

You gave enough of a shyt to post in this thread. And if I'm not psuedo intellectual, it should be easy to disprove what I say and expose me of such. How come you haven't done it yet?

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
this is a bit of a misleading idea.

I lived in Palestine for a while as a student in the West Bank and I can say with confidence that Palestinians are some of the least racist people out there--I'd hesitate to even say that they have an ounce of racism against blacks, because I certainly didn't see any signs of it. I can guarantee you that ANY of you could walk in any Palestine city and be treated as a brother or a sister by a stranger.

Also keep in mind that not all Arabs are the same ethnically. You can't say that Arabs in places like Saudi Arabia and Palestine have the same history and views on politics simply because the west has used a broad stroke to call them "Arabs."

And also keep in mind that Palestinians are considered the lowest rung of Arabs in the Mid East. They are disliked and ignored by ALL other Arab groups and they are somewhat considered the "Hatians" of their people.
Did you automatically appeared as a Westerner and a Muslim? Or are you a Christian? :patrice:

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
A black American who religiously identified as Christian
So they automatically assumed you were from the West? Do you speak Arabic or did they speak English? Did you see a lot of black Palestinians? :feedme:


This account was for entertainment purposes only.
Jun 16, 2013
Race is defined by genetics, characteristics, etc. Skin color is only a part of it. You can measure someone's race by looking at their DNA. Accordingly, Arabs are Near Eastern people and not blacks or close to blacks.

Arabs are racist against blacks in general. They are either neutral or positive to whites in general, and more negative to blacks'. This has been the case since inception, not only here but in Africa as well. At best they are a nuisance and at worst a hangnail on black people. If they were to disappear tommorow, parts of Africa would be free from their nefarious influence and invader peopling.

As for the Palestinians, their battle is irrelevant to me. They're a bunch of ragtag Arabs whom would scoff at blacks if they had anything to their name, which they don't. The fewer the Arabs, the better for blacks.

It's funny you say Arabs are not white, yet genetic analyses on Arabs says they closer to whites in general than blacks. The average Arab Egyptian in Egypt is not closer to black than white. Arabs in general are closer to cac in general, and more racist to blacks than any other. This is simply the genetic case and undeniable as such. Are there mixed Arabs? Yes, but the general case is the general case.

Awesome post.


Jun 21, 2012
So they automatically assumed you were from the West? Do you speak Arabic or did they speak English? Did you see a lot of black Palestinians? :feedme:
Well, I lived in Bethlehem, Beit Sahour and Beit Jala (three connecting city/villages). They get Western volunteers all the time to work on human rights issues, so they were familiar with the organizations and where they were from. Now that the average person on the street either assumed I was British, French, African or possibly Ethiopian (most blacks on the Israeli side in Jerusalem are Ethiopian). They can tell you're Western though simply by the way that you carry yourself and the organization that you're working with.

I spoke some Arabic because I was actually taking classes there at the time, but a lot of them are educated in English enough to have some conversation in it so for the sake of convenience it had a tendency to really slow down my advancement of the language.

As for blacks--in the West Bank I never saw any, as a matter of fact, for a lot of the younger generation, I was the first black that they ever saw in person outside of TV (soccer games and the news). There is a Wall there where many of them are not allowed outside of the west bank (you can google the wall)...most people of a certain age have never been past it onto the Israeli side so they hadn't been exposed to much. I went all over the West Bank (except for the north in places like Nazareth simply because the Israeli military were bombing areas around Syria trying to knock back Hezbollah...this is back in 2006) and I never saw any. Now on the Israeli side past the Wall in places like Jerusalem or further out in Tel Aviv, there are black people. There's a city south of Jerusalem called Dimona (I think that's the spelling) which was founded by Black Americans a few decades ago. But actually in the West Bank? I never saw a single one.