Why do so many blacks care about Arab causes like Palestine when most Arabs think we aint shyt?

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
Well, I lived in Bethlehem, Beit Sahour and Beit Jala (three connecting city/villages). They get Western volunteers all the time to work on human rights issues, so they were familiar with the organizations and where they were from. Now that the average person on the street either assumed I was British, French, African or possibly Ethiopian (most blacks on the Israeli side in Jerusalem are Ethiopian). They can tell you're Western though simply by the way that you carry yourself and the organization that you're working with.

I spoke some Arabic because I was actually taking classes there at the time, but a lot of them are educated in English enough to have some conversation in it so for the sake of convenience it had a tendency to really slow down my advancement of the language.

As for blacks--in the West Bank I never saw any, as a matter of fact, for a lot of the younger generation, I was the first black that they ever saw in person outside of TV (soccer games and the news). There is a Wall there where many of them are not allowed outside of the west bank (you can google the wall)...most people of a certain age have never been past it onto the Israeli side so they hadn't been exposed to much. I went all over the West Bank (except for the north in places like Nazareth simply because the Israeli military were bombing areas around Syria trying to knock back Hezbollah...this is back in 2006) and I never saw any. Now on the Israeli side past the Wall in places like Jerusalem or further out in Tel Aviv, there are black people. There's a city south of Jerusalem called Dimona (I think that's the spelling) which was founded by Black Americans a few decades ago. But actually in the West Bank? I never saw a single one.
Right Dimona was settled by Black americas hebrews and recently had full Israeli citizenship. Thanks for the breakdown tho :salute:


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
black people are getting fukked by all peoples.
if its not being enslaved and indoctrinated by the white man (still shackled down by the white man's religion, christianity), they're being recruited by Islamists to further some random shyt in the middle east that no one cares about.

Go back to your roots, africa got hundreds of religions and beliefs - each and every one more true than the inventions of the middle-east and europe. we're talking age old stuff that was passed down for thousands of years. the OG shyt.
Name a particular african religion that would be good for black people right now?

Are you speaking on dead or nearly dead ideas?

Only a dead people with no future attempt to hold onto dead concepts :francis:


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
From what i've observed, Arabs supremacy is real. A lot of cats sack ride for arabs even though arabs don't fukk with the rest of the ummah. The koran being in Arabic elevates arab supremacy. Palestinians treat Africans like crap in the territories :mjcry: Those "Free Palestine" cats on twitter are very anti-black as well. In Gaza, if you're dark skinned (basically every SSA), they'll call out to you and say "Hey Chocolate"or " “Hey, cappuccino". shyt, weird. It makes me very apathetic to their causes :yeshrug:

Is an afro asiatic language. .. the first people to speak it were black.

What's sad is how we allow white people to jack out culture, styles, and lingo and make it their own. That's what happened with certain music genres, that's what happened with arab culture.... to the point that we hate what we originally invented


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
No its not you idiot. Every scientist in modern anthropology and the field of genetics will laugh you out of the building for such pseudo talk. Genetics actually DEFLATES the concept of race. Even so I still consider myself black and use race in everyday social settings.
Genetics does not deflate the concept of race.
That's something that a liberal fakkit , new black, multiculturalist, or clueless man would say.
Analysis of genomes from around the world establishes that there is a biological basis for race, despite the official statements to the contrary of leading social science organizations. An illustration of the point is the fact that with mixed race populations, such as African Americans, geneticists can now track along an individual’s genome, and assign each segment to an African or European ancestor, an exercise that would be impossible if race did not have some basis in biological reality.

Racism and discrimination are wrong as a matter of principle, not of science. That said, it is hard to see anything in the new understanding of race that gives ammunition to racists. The reverse is the case. Exploration of the genome has shown that all humans, whatever their race, share the same set of genes. Each gene exists in a variety of alternative forms known as alleles, so one might suppose that races have distinguishing alleles, but even this is not the case.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Genetics does not deflate the concept of race.
That's something that a liberal fakkit , new black, multiculturalist, or clueless man would say.
Analysis of genomes from around the world establishes that there is a biological basis for race, despite the official statements to the contrary of leading social science organizations. An illustration of the point is the fact that with mixed race populations, such as African Americans, geneticists can now track along an individual’s genome, and assign each segment to an African or European ancestor, an exercise that would be impossible if race did not have some basis in biological reality.

Racism and discrimination are wrong as a matter of principle, not of science. That said, it is hard to see anything in the new understanding of race that gives ammunition to racists. The reverse is the case. Exploration of the genome has shown that all humans, whatever their race, share the same set of genes. Each gene exists in a variety of alternative forms known as alleles, so one might suppose that races have distinguishing alleles, but even this is not the case.

None of this refutes anything I said and why are you replying to an old post???

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
You told the poster he would be laughed at, which it wouldn't be.
You also said genetics deflates the concept of race, which it doesn't

Then explain why EVERY modern human shares a common ancestor from Africa and that all humans are connected via "haplogroups." If race does in fact exist in a deep biological sense.

This should be VERY interesting. And these differences you note are also seen between East and West Africa since Africa is genetically the most diverse continent. According to you certain INDIGENOUS Africans are their own race...

And yes that character would be laughed out the building. And yes genetics deflates race in a DEEP biological sense...


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
Then explain why EVERY modern human shares a common ancestor from Africa and that all humans are connected via "haplogroups." If race does in fact exist in a deep biological sense.

This should be VERY interesting. And these differences you note are also seen between East and West Africa since Africa is genetically the most diverse continent. According to you certain INDIGENOUS Africans are their own race...

And yes that character would be laughed out the building. And yes genetics deflates race in a DEEP biological sense...
NYT Science Editor: Race Is Real

And in reality genetics and culture play a huge.. (the only) roles in race.

The concept of race is reality.

And everyone shares common ancestors because humans originated in The land we call africa.
Other man like sub species that mixed with other humanoid groups.... were recently made. Humans (black people ) , plants and animals are a product of creation and the universe.
Europeans were made. Very recent genetic mutations caused their making.
Also, within a couple thousand years it's predicted they will be gone. Their ability to naturally survive on Earth is a fact in the biological sense.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
NYT Science Editor: Race Is Real

And in reality genetics and culture play a huge.. (the only) roles in race.

The concept of race is reality.

And everyone shares common ancestors because humans originated in The land we call africa.
Other man like sub species that mixed with other humanoid groups.... were recently made. Humans (black people ) , plants and animals are a product of creation and the universe.
Europeans were made. Very recent genetic mutations caused their making.
Also, within a couple thousand years it's predicted they will be gone. Their ability to naturally survive on Earth is a fact in the biological sense.

This article is barely even scientific but semi-psuedo science and the differences it notes are due to environmental adaptation.

And WHAT sub species are they talking about??? You and the article still have not addressed how all humans are connected via haplogroups and how all groups on this Earth share a RECENT ancestor.

Anyways here is an ACTUAL scientific study by ncbi:
Races may exist in humans in a cultural sense, but biological concepts of race are needed to access their reality in a non-species-specific manner and to see if cultural categories correspond to biological categories within humans. Modern biological concepts of race can be implemented objectively with molecular genetic data through hypothesis-testing. Genetic data sets are used to see if biological races exist in humans and in our closest evolutionary relative, the chimpanzee. Using the two most commonly used biological concepts of race, chimpanzees are indeed subdivided into races but humans are not. Adaptive traits, such as skin color, have frequently been used to define races in humans, but such adaptive traits reflect the underlying environmental factor to which they are adaptive and not overall genetic differentiation, and different adaptive traits define discordant groups. There are no objective criteria for choosing one adaptive trait over another to define race. As a consequence, adaptive traits do not define races in humans. Much of the recent scientific literature on human evolution portrays human populations as separate branches on an evolutionary tree. A tree-like structure among humans has been falsified whenever tested, so this practice is scientifically indefensible. It is also socially irresponsible as these pictorial representations of human evolution have more impact on the general public than nuanced phrases in the text of a scientific paper. Humans have much genetic diversity, but the vast majority of this diversity reflects individual uniqueness and not race.
Biological races in humans. - PubMed - NCBI

And what do you mean Europeans were "made" and are youaor the article aware that Europeans had black skin before?


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
This article is barely even scientific but semi-psuedo science and the differences it notes are due to environmental adaptation.

And WHAT sub species are they talking about??? You and the article still have not addressed how all humans are connected via haplogroups and how all groups on this Earth share a RECENT ancestor.

Anyways here is an ACTUAL scientific study by ncbi:

Biological races in humans. - PubMed - NCBI

And what do you mean Europeans were "made" and are youaor the article aware that Europeans had black skin before?
I'm aware that, white people have only been here roughly 6k years, and that they aren't original people of any land.

And the article I posted addressed articles like yours that ignore the biological realities of race, simply to pretend that race is purely a social construct.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
I'm aware that, white people have only been here roughly 6k years, and that they aren't original people of any land.

And the article I posted addressed articles like yours that ignore the biological realities of race, simply to pretend that race is purely a social construct.
WHAT biological realities of race? My article doesnt ignore anything but addresses everything we said.

More importantly your article source comes from a book and NOT a scientific study done by scientists. Also you forgot that your silly article states this at the end...
The rise of the West, too, is unlikely to have been just some cultural accident. As European populations became adapted to the geographic and military conditions of their particular ecological habitat, they produced societies that have turned out to be more innovative and productive than others, at least under present circumstances."

This is not only psuedo-science but low key Eurocentricism...Europeans were hardly if ever innovative throughout history.

Get this garbage out of here.