Why do so many black guys chase after women of different races that DO NOT WANT THEM?


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Again, you're from Socal, so you probably don't see it as much as someone from the south/midwest sees it. There girls are brainwashed into seeing blacks as second class, and that's where the "ew blacks are gross" mainly comes from. Go live a year in a small town in the south and you won't think I'm full of shyt.
So you live in a small town in the south?

Me too. :manny:


May 1, 2012
Again, you're from Socal, so you probably don't see it as much as someone from the south/midwest sees it. There girls are brainwashed into seeing blacks as second class, and that's where the "ew blacks are gross" mainly comes from. Go live a year in a small town in the south and you won't think I'm full of shyt.

That's what a lot of people think though. Like the British established the lighter Indians as being "better" than the darker ones or some shyt. Regardless of the Caste shyt, light skin = social status in India. It's why all the Bollywood people are light skinned.

Hell, the fact that you said people bleach for "aesthetic" purposes tells me that they view dark skin as less attractive than lighter skin. If they find dark Indian skin unaesthetic, how much more will they find blacks unaesthetic?

People think a lot of things, it doesn't make it fact. You shouldn't speak about shyt you have no clue about.

the british? dog, the caste system is thousands of years old, what the fukk are you even talking about? You don't tell an Indians caste by their complexion/color, you tell it by their last name and/or occupation.

light skin is favored in India for the same reason it's favored all over the planet - colonialism and european domination. People are bleaching their skin and even their lips in Africa, aint nothing special about India in particular :camby:
Dec 30, 2013
I don't know where this idea came from that black guys are some prized acquisition of females of different races, but let me tell you guys that this isn't based in reality. It seems like a lot of brothers gas up "anything but black girls" when talking about fine girls, you'll gas up a girl like this

Let me set it straight for a lot of you guys right now. Most non-black women DO NOT WANT YOU. In the same way that most non-black men don't want to mess with sisters, most non-black women don't want to mess with brothers. This sentiment isn't just from cacs either. Thanks to white supremacy, pretty much every ethnicity and nationality has a bad opinion of black people. Even if she was attracted to black guys, her friends and family would give her so much shyt for dating him that it wouldn't even be worth it.

Now, I'm not saying that no non-black woman will go for a black dude, and you'll notice that some of those girls even mess with brothers. I'm just saying that if you do want to date out of your race, that you'll be facing a major uphill battle. You better have more to offer than guys from her own race to get her to take you seriously. Most women stick to their own and the ones that "date out" date mainly white guys 90% of the time, since most women consider white guys "more desirable". Plus, let's be real, we all have to admit that there is usually something "trashy" about a non-black girl that exclusively dates black guys. She either considers herself black or wants to piss off daddy (cause daddy is usually racist).

I'm not saying that you should ONLY look at black girls and disregard non-black girls, but some of you c00ns need to put your own women as #1 like pretty much every other race, and STOP putting other races on a pedestal.

That was my first post of this thread. I'm still trying to figure out what's so outlandish and ridiculous about this post that got everyone in here negging me and calling me a troll. It's best to praise the women that you have the best shot at fukking, simple. It's why guys prefer "cute" girls over "hot" girls, cause they know they don't have a chance at a "hot" girl, but think they could get a cute one.

So you live in a small town in the south?

Me too. :manny:

Sucks doesn't it? I keep trying to leave but my folks keep guilting me to staying close. I really hate it in the south, and the few times I visited the north I had fun, but my parents think that liberal states are too demonic or some shyt.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Again, you're from Socal, so you probably don't see it as much as someone from the south/midwest sees it. There girls are brainwashed into seeing blacks as second class, and that's where the "ew blacks are gross" mainly comes from. Go live a year in a small town in the south and you won't think I'm full of shyt.

Ive been to almost every continent on the planet, haven't had a problem. In fact, the places that I get the most attraction, tend to be european countries with no blacks. For example, in Germany, the first thing my german friends tell me "man, you're going to get all the chicks, cause you're black" I guess I am seen as 'exotic'. Sure enough, that's exactly what happened at the clubs, even dudes that I thought could be on gap posters were getting over looked, all because I was black. These girls were flawless, even I was like wtf. There's a novelty. Same shyt happens in asia.

There is no box, things arent fukking cut and dry, humans are very complex creatures, it's typically bigots that try to categorize us in a box, when we're the most complex beings on the planet. You may have a girl that has never thought about, cared about, or even looked at a black, indian guy, turkish guy, but then falls in love with 1.

There are entire nations built off interracial unions. Mexico, Brazil, Cuba etc. You could say, well no one likes black women, yet 56% of Dominic Republic are mulatto, and it wasn't the slaves that made them. I've been to Brazil, over 50% of their country are mixed for a reason. Humans all over the planet have admixtures for a reason. The only reason there might be segregation, is due to social and economic segregation as well as social pressures, but for the most part, humans will fukk humans. If you blur social and economic lines and suppress social taboos, people will just fukk, just open your eyes and you see the physical evidence all throughout the planet since no one is 'pure'.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Sucks doesn't it? I keep trying to leave but my folks keep guilting me to staying close. I really hate it in the south, and the few times I visited the north I had fun, but my parents think that liberal states are too demonic or some shyt.
Texas got a descent economy right now.

Why don't you try to move to the big cities like Houston or Austin or something?
Dec 30, 2013
People think a lot of things, it doesn't make it fact. You shouldn't speak about shyt you have no clue about.

the british? dog, the caste system is thousands of years old, what the fukk are you even talking about? You don't tell an Indians caste by their complexion/color, you tell it by their last name and/or occupation.

light skin is favored in India for the same reason it's favored all over the planet - colonialism and european domination. People are bleaching their skin and even their lips in Africa, aint nothing special about India in particular :camby:

Calm down. I'm just saying that those that are lighter are seen as having "higher status", even you're agreeing with me on that. We are disagreeing about the Caste system being correlated with color, and I concede, I just took some shyt someone told me without fact-checking.

At the same time, if light skin > Dark skin in most of the world, why wouldn't a female want to go after a light skinned man over a dark skinned one (black guy)? Again, not saying it's impossible, just saying, if you want to DATE, you have to bring more to the table.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Calm down. I'm just saying that those that are lighter are seen as having "higher status", even you're agreeing with me on that. We are disagreeing about the Caste system being correlated with color, and I concede, I just took some shyt someone told me without fact-checking.

At the same time, if light skin > Dark skin in most of the world, why wouldn't a female want to go after a light skinned man over a dark skinned one (black guy)? Again, not saying it's impossible, just saying, if you want to DATE, you have to bring more to the table.
do you date based off the shade of someones skin? what are you a nazi? so you would pick a pale icelandic girl over a tan italian? no one gives a shyt about tones. there is no such thing as light > dark, that's just in your mind. Women are never happy with their complexion, they're always trying to change it, whether it be with bleaching cream, or foundation. one is just more taboo cause it uses chemicals and actually effects the skin, but most women use foundation to tone up or tone down their skin. :snoop: the reason there is more toning up, is because the majority of the planet is brown. :heh:

as for men, women don't give a shyt about a shade lighter or darker, that's when men don't have to bleach or use foundation. :heh:

women care about status, or masculinity, feeling secure. some financial, some physically. and even then, it matters what kind of woman, a mature professional woman doesn't need either. she might just want a boy toy. for the 60th time. humans are too complex to go around lumping them in boxes. everything is on an individual level, even if you're in a group socializing otherwise.
Dec 30, 2013
Ive been to almost every continent on the planet, haven't had a problem. In fact, the places that I get the most attraction, tend to be european countries with no blacks. For example, in Germany, the first thing my german friends tell me "man, you're going to get all the chicks, cause you're black" I guess I am seen as 'exotic'. Sure enough, that's exactly what happened at the clubs, even dudes that I thought could be on gap posters were getting over looked, all because I was black. These girls were flawless, even I was like wtf. There's a novelty. Same shyt happens in asia.

There is no box, things arent fukking cut and dry, humans are very complex creatures, it's typically bigots that try to categorize us in a box, when we're the most complex beings on the planet. You may have a girl that has never thought about, cared about, or even looked at a black, indian guy, turkish guy, but then falls in love with 1.

There are entire nations built off interracial unions. Mexico, Brazil, Cuba etc. You could say, well no one likes black women, yet 56% of Dominic Republic are mulatto, and it wasn't the slaves that made them. I've been to Brazil, over 50% of their country are mixed for a reason. Humans all over the planet have admixtures for a reason. The only reason there might be segregation, is due to social and economic segregation as well as social pressures, but for the most part, humans will fukk humans. If you blur social and economic lines and suppress social taboos, people will just fukk, just open your eyes and you see the physical evidence all throughout the planet since no one is 'pure'.

Hm, you make a valid point. People do like fukking others, and it is all about variety. In the south where there are blacks everywhere it's probably seen as nbd. In places where you're the only nikka, girls get curious. America, especially the south, has some really fukked racial relations, where you still can't show a black guy and white woman as a happy couple without that being the entire plot.

Sadly, the social and economic segregation is a very real thing, which is why the attitude about blacks exists. LMS is what women find attractive, so as black men, we have to compensate for our "perceived" lower status.


Just Wild
Jun 16, 2013
West Virginia
no you clown. have you ever had a facial? ( double no homo). ideally you want your face to be the same color, and have the same smoothness as the skin on your back arm. that's the goal one tries to achieve. its 'new skin' not the damaged skin from the sun which causes blemishes and discoloration. That's what those cream achieve.
You know damn well thats not why people bleach. Indian women bleach because they wanna look as white as possible and black women want to look mixed and exotic. Plain and simple. Stop being delusional

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Hm, you make a valid point. People do like fukking others, and it is all about variety. In the south where there are blacks everywhere it's probably seen as nbd. In places where you're the only nikka, girls get curious. America, especially the south, has some really fukked racial relations, where you still can't show a black guy and white woman as a happy couple without that being the entire plot.

Sadly, the social and economic segregation is a very real thing, which is why the attitude about blacks exists. LMS is what women find attractive, so as black men, we have to compensate for our "perceived" lower status.
wait wtf, you're black? why were you posting white men? :why:

All you have to do, is look at Brazil who did not have Jim Crow laws and had been mixing since the first Portuguese went there in the 1500s. Portuguese got off the boat and the first thing they did was marry the locals. Even when brazil tried to 'lighten' up their country during the dictatorship, it didn't work because the only thing that happened was the white people started breeding with the mixed whites. :heh:

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
You know damn well thats not why people bleach. Indian women bleach because they wanna look as white as possible and black women want to look mixed and exotic. Plain and simple. Stop being delusional
So is that why white women tan? to look dark as possible?

you can't have it one way, so think long and hard before you answer that.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
I don't know dude, I'm just going by what I see in the real world and my interactions with others, and the interactions my friends have had. Again, it may be different in other parts of the country, but from where I'm at, women aren't even looking at brothers unless they're the type that only likes black men. Some women have a "type", and for a lot of women, that isn't black guys. Like at my college, I don't even see black guys talking to non-black women. I've "hit on" and tried to date women of all races, but the only ones that even returned my texts were black girls (okay, a couple of white girls, but all the Indian/Middle Eastern/Latina/Asian women gave me the :mjpls:) It isn't just me either, I don't know a single one of my black friends that was able to date out (one dated a black Hispanic). If a see a pretty girl of a different race, 9 times out of 10 she's with a cac, and he's usually some goofy looking dude with pink shorts or some shyt :why:

IDK, maybe living in smallish towns in the south for most of my life has fukked with my thinking.
Well hey like I said when it comes to dating out there are many who won't fukk with blacks because their parents and friends won't approve so I agreed with you there. Just making that clear.

Its just that there is a difference between dating and fukking and fukking wise they will make an exception if the right black guy comes around.

I guess it could be like you said your area and your inability to jump into the underground scene of fukking chicks of difference races is why you haven't seen it yourself.

But I also know about the small town in Texas areas and I know black guys who were able to fukk on the low.:manny:

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
They sure aint tanning to look black or indian :bryan: tanning can be achieved naturally theyre going for the California girl look or Italian look
there is nothing natural about tanning nikka if you live in boston or a cold region.

I lke how when it comes to tanning, its not to look black, but when it comes to bleaching, its to look white. Surely you see how your argument doesnt hold up.

tanning is quick and easy, bleaching however......sure.... these indian and black women can stay out the sun and wait 4 months, but that takes awhile. these cremes speed the process up. again, bleaching cream is to give you your original skin color which is your back arm skin tone. do you know of anyone bleaching their skin so much that it surpasses the tone of their back? that's when shyt gets dangerous and those are extreme cases. kind of like jersery shore tanning into orange, people have addictions, but I think I know what bleaching creams are for....because Ive already asked asians why they use them, in asia. its to remove the 'tan'. just like tanning is to give them the 'tan'.

they are the exact same thing, but 2 different skin colors.