This is facts.
Short story.
This gym I used to go to years ago had this BAD ass white girl. I'm talking BAD. Her pictures don't do her enough justice if you seen her in person.
Anyways I found out her Instagram (wasn't exactly a secret), then found out her old Tumblr. I was never that into white girls before, but for her I would've made the exception and was thirsting low-key til I saw this...
But I want you :( is it because you still like black guys that you don't want me -_- lmfao!!!!! I do NOT like black
Mind you she has posts on her Tumblr thirsting for black guys and wanting to be like the Kardashians.
And she definitely does fukk with black guys. But regardless, c00ns will see this and think nothing of it.
And she also has posts like these
Quoting the N word and all, yet still not fukking with nikkas. These "pawgs" be just as conflicted.
So in other words, that white girl did what most women do.
She said one thing in public and something else behind closed doors, pun intended.
Your post actually disproved the post you quoted.
Never ever listen to women of any race when they say they wouldn’t fukk with a certain race of men.
Women are opportunists and will fukk a God damn alien if he looks good to her and makes her “feel” a certain way.

This is all anecdotal and maybe it depends on your region, but I don’t agree with this at all.I's hard to say because White women vary.
I'd say that The Rock in particular is viewed as a hunky sex symbol similar to Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 80's/early 90's but he's very racially ambiguous. There's tons of people who don't even know he's part Black on his father's side even after the announcement of his dad's death.
Russell Wilson appeals to Black women more than White women on average(both for looks and "relationship goals") but I'm sure some White women find him attractive too.
Overall, though, neither have as much pull with White women as the White male celebrities and stars I named.
Notice, too, how both dudes are Bi-Racial which reinforces the point in my last sentence. Bi-Racial men and Light Skinned Black men have the closest thing to "universal appeal" among Black men. Dark Skinned and Brown Skinned Black men have to either have exceptional looks/bodies or exceptional fame/status to have that same type of broad appeal(double entendre, don't ask me how) with Non-Black women.
This is coming from someone who is light skinned.
Typically mixed/light skinned brehs eat well with dark skin black women, Latinas, Mediterranean/eastern European and Persian/Arab women.
Brown and dark skinned brehs tend to eat well with light skinned/mixed black women, certain Hispanic women and blonde haired blue eyed white women.
Like, I have never in my life seen a dude my complexion with a blonde haired blue eyed white broad.
But I see it with darker brehs all the time.
I notice when lily white CACs (male and female) decide to date black, they tend to find and date the blackest brehs/brehettes they can find with natural hair and all.