I just fukked3 different white girls in one week thread debunked lol
This thread full of bytch ass white boys
This thread full of bytch ass white boys
I've been with far more women of other races than black. Never had a problem. In my opinion, a lot of these nikkas out here don't know how to talk to women outside of their race. Their social skills are limited as fukk.![]()
The truth is black needs to be, if they are not.I don't know where this idea came from that black guys are some prized acquisition of females of different races, but let me tell you guys that this isn't based in reality. It seems like a lot of brothers gas up "anything but black girls" when talking about fine girls, you'll gas up a girl like this
or this
or this
and especially this
But don't show nearly the same love and appreciation for women that look like this
Let me set it straight for a lot of you guys right now. Most non-black women DO NOT WANT YOU. In the same way that most non-black men don't want to mess with sisters, most non-black women don't want to mess with brothers. This sentiment isn't just from cacs either. Thanks to white supremacy, pretty much every ethnicity and nationality has a bad opinion of black people. Even if she was attracted to black guys, her friends and family would give her so much shyt for dating him that it wouldn't even be worth it.
Now, I'm not saying that no non-black woman will go for a black dude, and you'll notice that some of those girls even mess with brothers. I'm just saying that if you do want to date out of your race, that you'll be facing a major uphill battle. You better have more to offer than guys from her own race to get her to take you seriously. Most women stick to their own and the ones that "date out" date mainly white guys 90% of the time, since most women consider white guys "more desirable". Plus, let's be real, we all have to admit that there is usually something "trashy" about a non-black girl that exclusively dates black guys. She either considers herself black or wants to piss off daddy (cause daddy is usually racist).
I'm not saying that you should ONLY look at black girls and disregard non-black girls, but some of you c00ns need to put your own women as #1 like pretty much every other race, and STOP putting other races on a pedestal.
talk about thisBlack woman observations:
1.) Lets stop pretending that white women aren't the easiest race of women in the world to get with. Put that shyt to rest. I've seen white chicks literally cut other women's throats and AGGRESSIVELY pursue some of what many would consider bottom tier blk dudes. Why? Sexual fetishization, and thug chasin...(even if dude isn't a thug he's perceived as one b/c he's blk). Also racial validation. White women are the most insecure race of women in the world as well and nothing makes a white chick's day like a c00n feeding her nonsense, allowing her to say the n-word, and feeling worshipped by a man from an ethnic group her forefathers have systematically oppressed since their discovery of Africa.
2.) c00ns are a loud and vocal minority in our race that do not represent the majority of us. The Internet amplifies their ignorance and makes them seem more ubiquitous than in reality. c00ns are an endless source of pride and entertainment for insecure whites who are obsessed by them because whites constantly need validation. Most blks could care less about dating white men and women. But you come to "blk" sites like this one, assume most posters are blk, see multiple threads talking about non-white women and all of a sudden, we have an "issue". Problem is white males will literally impersonate blk males and blk females online because it is imperative to them that this myth remain intact. The placement of their women on a pedestal is a cornerstone of the myth of white supremacy, along with the idea that allegedly inferior races will abandon and denigrate their own women to get them which leads to number 3...
3.) Unfortunately there are some c00ning brothers out there who do this. But honestly it isn't because they believe that deep down inside whites are better. It's because they have been rejected by our community in some shape, form or fashion. Whether it's because they were deemed too weird or isolated themselves or liked something different from what they grew up around or they may have been rejected or ignored by blk women while ignoring other blk women as well. Regardless of that, they are easy pickings for the IR dating perpetuation of white supremacy machine, because their isolation from our community has caused such a huge amount of bitterness within that they are willing to pretend that whites are better just to spite the community they never felt apart of.
So yeah this isn't reality. Whites would love to think that most of us desire them but we don't. The minority that do only do so because they are trying to strike back at a community that can be unforgiving to those who are different within it, which is something we need to work on.
But what I'm most interested in is how desperate whites are for validation. I've seen the same thing on Asian forums, Latino forums, Blk forums...a bunch of whites that come in and imitate other races and pretend to worship themselves. How pathetic do you have to be?! Lmao! shyt is fascinating. I think whites are painfully aware of their inferiorities and know they have to keep this machine going in order to stay on top. More on this later.
Black woman observations:
1.) Lets stop pretending that white women aren't the easiest race of women in the world to get with. Put that shyt to rest. I've seen white chicks literally cut other women's throats and AGGRESSIVELY pursue some of what many would consider bottom tier blk dudes. Why? Sexual fetishization, and thug chasin...(even if dude isn't a thug he's perceived as one b/c he's blk). Also racial validation. White women are the most insecure race of women in the world as well and nothing makes a white chick's day like a c00n feeding her nonsense, allowing her to say the n-word, and feeling worshipped by a man from an ethnic group her forefathers have systematically oppressed since their discovery of Africa.
2.) c00ns are a loud and vocal minority in our race that do not represent the majority of us. The Internet amplifies their ignorance and makes them seem more ubiquitous than in reality. c00ns are an endless source of pride and entertainment for insecure whites who are obsessed by them because whites constantly need validation. Most blks could care less about dating white men and women. But you come to "blk" sites like this one, assume most posters are blk, see multiple threads talking about non-white women and all of a sudden, we have an "issue". Problem is white males will literally impersonate blk males and blk females online because it is imperative to them that this myth remain intact. The placement of their women on a pedestal is a cornerstone of the myth of white supremacy, along with the idea that allegedly inferior races will abandon and denigrate their own women to get them which leads to number 3...
3.) Unfortunately there are some c00ning brothers out there who do this. But honestly it isn't because they believe that deep down inside whites are better. It's because they have been rejected by our community in some shape, form or fashion. Whether it's because they were deemed too weird or isolated themselves or liked something different from what they grew up around or they may have been rejected or ignored by blk women while ignoring other blk women as well. Regardless of that, they are easy pickings for the IR dating perpetuation of white supremacy machine, because their isolation from our community has caused such a huge amount of bitterness within that they are willing to pretend that whites are better just to spite the community they never felt apart of.
So yeah this isn't reality. Whites would love to think that most of us desire them but we don't. The minority that do only do so because they are trying to strike back at a community that can be unforgiving to those who are different within it, which is something we need to work on.
But what I'm most interested in is how desperate whites are for validation. I've seen the same thing on Asian forums, Latino forums, Blk forums...a bunch of whites that come in and imitate other races and pretend to worship themselves. How pathetic do you have to be?! Lmao! shyt is fascinating. I think whites are painfully aware of their inferiorities and know they have to keep this machine going in order to stay on top. More on this later.
3.) Unfortunately there are some c00ning brothers out there who do this. But honestly it isn't because they believe that deep down inside whites are better. It's because they have been rejected by our community in some shape, form or fashion. Whether it's because they were deemed too weird or isolated themselves or liked something different from what they grew up around or they may have been rejected or ignored by blk women while ignoring other blk women as well. Regardless of that, they are easy pickings for the IR dating perpetuation of white supremacy machine, because their isolation from our community has caused such a huge amount of bitterness within that they are willing to pretend that whites are better just to spite the community they never felt apart of.
ReppedBlack woman observations:
1.) Lets stop pretending that white women aren't the easiest race of women in the world to get with. Put that shyt to rest. I've seen white chicks literally cut other women's throats and AGGRESSIVELY pursue some of what many would consider bottom tier blk dudes. Why? Sexual fetishization, and thug chasin...(even if dude isn't a thug he's perceived as one b/c he's blk). Also racial validation. White women are the most insecure race of women in the world as well and nothing makes a white chick's day like a c00n feeding her nonsense, allowing her to say the n-word, and feeling worshipped by a man from an ethnic group her forefathers have systematically oppressed since their discovery of Africa.
2.) c00ns are a loud and vocal minority in our race that do not represent the majority of us. The Internet amplifies their ignorance and makes them seem more ubiquitous than in reality. c00ns are an endless source of pride and entertainment for insecure whites who are obsessed by them because whites constantly need validation. Most blks could care less about dating white men and women. But you come to "blk" sites like this one, assume most posters are blk, see multiple threads talking about non-white women and all of a sudden, we have an "issue". Problem is white males will literally impersonate blk males and blk females online because it is imperative to them that this myth remain intact. The placement of their women on a pedestal is a cornerstone of the myth of white supremacy, along with the idea that allegedly inferior races will abandon and denigrate their own women to get them which leads to number 3...
3.) Unfortunately there are some c00ning brothers out there who do this. But honestly it isn't because they believe that deep down inside whites are better. It's because they have been rejected by our community in some shape, form or fashion. Whether it's because they were deemed too weird or isolated themselves or liked something different from what they grew up around or they may have been rejected or ignored by blk women while ignoring other blk women as well. Regardless of that, they are easy pickings for the IR dating perpetuation of white supremacy machine, because their isolation from our community has caused such a huge amount of bitterness within that they are willing to pretend that whites are better just to spite the community they never felt apart of.
So yeah this isn't reality. Whites would love to think that most of us desire them but we don't. The minority that do only do so because they are trying to strike back at a community that can be unforgiving to those who are different within it, which is something we need to work on.
But what I'm most interested in is how desperate whites are for validation. I've seen the same thing on Asian forums, Latino forums, Blk forums...a bunch of whites that come in and imitate other races and pretend to worship themselves. How pathetic do you have to be?! Lmao! shyt is fascinating. I think whites are painfully aware of their inferiorities and know they have to keep this machine going in order to stay on top. More on this later.
White male posting on a blk male forum trying to convince blks that most blk men want white women in order to get some racial validation.LMAO negros won't admit it but T/S is right..
Black men foam at the mouth for everyother race of women except their own..
The negro is so brainwashed, they are convinced that having a 'white woman' or the red bone, that's mixed with chinese, french and albanian is some sort of badge of honour..
Look at the number of sambo's in this thread, beating their chest and shouting 'I fukked Becky last week, Becky love me' lmao
Uh huh. Some c00ns adopt the stereotypes and lies created by whites in the past to justify their preferences. I used to be shocked by this but now that I'm hip to the game I just mentally eject these brothas from my community and keep it movin. I will never trust a blk man who fukks white women and tries to diss those that look just like him to justify dating a group of women whose fathers are still painting the streets red with ur blood as soon as you put on a hoodie. c00ns are just as bad as white racists to me.Because black seems threatening huh?