why do people assume its not pro black to date Light Skinned/Mixed people ?


May 1, 2012
that's exactly what you're doing though. how do you love the fruit, but hate the tree that bared it?
By that logic then you can't love a full blooded black person who was raised by a c00n. People are individuals and though parents are often major influences a child isn't their parents. People classified as black react to white racism in different ways dependent on the individual. Again, a person's mindset is more important than their skin tone or specific genetic makeup. You keep saying that white's created the one drop rule to maintain their exclusiveness but you ignore all the evidence to the contrary. Whites aren't exclusive, they are inclusive when it suits their agenda. You know this.
well if we're talking about the one drop rule, here's some cons:

- misrepresentation in media and politics
- jobs and opportunities going towards half whites or rachel dolezals of the world
- opening up the gates towards breeding your bloodline out
- wealth accumulated also going towards whites
- promoting unobtainable beauty standards for black girls
- creating and claiming a group that will continuously ride the fence of blackness when convenient
Now name one country that recognizes a difference between mixed and black that doesn't have these problems. Those issues are actually worse in countries that pretend mixed blacks are a different group than the darker blacks.


Jun 22, 2014
bruh, you claim cacs that may have had a black great grandparent.

there are white americans with black ancestors but it's part of a hidden history/cover up. They're "white" because they look it and don't acknowledge their black roots

your definition of recent is bullshyt

no it's not


Whites’ Skin Tone as Function of Admixture

The combination of narrow phenotype variation (skin tone) along with a wide range of inter-population (Afro-European) admixture variation among White Americans shows that a selection process has taken place. Few human populations display such a clear mark of selection. Narrow phenotype variation alone does not necessarily indicate selection. Northern Europeans display little skin tone variation, but they lack a wide range of African admixture. Broad genotype variation alone does not necessarily indicate selection. Puerto Ricans average 50-50 Afro-European admixture, but they also display a wide range of skin tones. The late Stephen J. Gould, Harvard biology professor and columnist for Natural History magazine, used to explain this principle with a baseball analogy. Plot a scatter diagram of the batting averages of a thousand amateur or minor-league players and you will find a very large range of variation. A few such players are very bad, a few are very good, and most spread across the entire range of batting averages in-between. Now plot the batting averages of professional athletes in the major leagues. All are very good indeed. More importantly, the range of batting averages among them is tiny. The difference between an outstanding star of the game and a rookie is a matter of mere hundredths of a percentage point. The reason, of course, is because you cannot get into the majors unless you are very good at it. Similarly, wild cows vary greatly in the amount of milk that they produce. The cows in a dairy farm produce more milk on average but, more importantly, their milk production varies very little among themselves (compared to wild cows). The reason? Those cows who do not make the cut become hamburger.

And so, why do few if any White Americans display a strongly African appearance (have a high melanin index) despite having detectable African admixture? Because those Americans who “look Black” are assigned involuntarily to the Black endogamous group, whatever their genetic admixture. The scatter diagrams of the two endogamous U.S. groups are not symmetrical because the selection process acts only upon the White group. As revealed in court records, discussed elsewhere, a person of mixed ancestry who “looks European” (like Dr. Shriver or his maternal grandfather) in practice has the option of either adopting a White self-identity, thus joining the White endogamous group or a Black self-identity, thus joining the other group. But a person of mixed ancestry who “looks African” lacks such a choice. U.S. society assigns such a person to membership in the Black endogamous group, like it or not.25

In conclusion, U.S. society has unwittingly applied selection pressure to the color line. The only American families accepted into the White endogamous group have been those whose African admixture just happened not to include the half-dozen alleles for dark skin (or the other physical traits associated with “race”). Since those particular alleles were sifted out of the portion of the White population that originated in biracial families, the relative percentage of the remaining, invisible, African alleles in this population cannot affect skin color. That skin-color does not vary with African genetic admixture among American Whites, despite their measureably recent African admixture, demonstrates and confirms that physical appearance has been an important endogamous group membership criterion throughout U.S. history. It has resulted in genetic selection of the White U.S. population for a European “racial” appearance, regardless of their underlying continent-of-ancestry admixture ratio."


Jun 22, 2014
well if we're talking about the one drop rule, here's some cons:

- misrepresentation in media and politics
- jobs and opportunities going towards half whites or rachel dolezals of the world
- opening up the gates towards breeding your bloodline out
- wealth accumulated also going towards whites
- promoting unobtainable beauty standards for black girls
- creating and claiming a group that will continuously ride the fence of blackness when convenient

By that logic then you can't love a full blooded black person who was raised by a c00n. People are individuals and though parents are often major influences a child isn't their parents. People classified as black react to white racism in different ways dependent on the individual. Again, a person's mindset is more important than their skin tone or specific genetic makeup. You keep saying that white's created the one drop rule to maintain their exclusiveness but you ignore all the evidence to the contrary. Whites aren't exclusive, they are inclusive when it suits their agenda. You know this.
Now name one country that recognizes a difference between mixed and black that doesn't have these problems. Those issues are actually worse in countries that pretend mixed blacks are a different group than the darker blacks.



May 2, 2012
but were not talking about the one drop rule. i said that in my post. Thats a completely different topic.
we are talking about lightskinned blacks and blacks without African features.

reading your cons i want to know which of those would actually be better for "real Black people" [according to some posters in this thread] if you seperate any lightskinned Black or Black without African features[ that are decided by some arbitrary super Black panel apparently] and make them a seperate group?

wake up tommorow and boom
every biracial [no matter the look] every MGM person [no matter the look] and every lightskinned person or person thats lighter than the "approved Black shade"
is gone, cant refer to themselves as Black, arent considered Black,

where does that help The Black people that are left?

well are we talking about the one drop rule or skin complexion? your hypothetical means nothing if blacks still think it's possible to create blackness with non-black partners.


Auntie Mozelle
Jul 26, 2015
well are we talking about the one drop rule or skin complexion? your hypothetical means nothing if blacks still think it's possible to create blackness with non-black partners.

Im not sure how many times i can explain this.
in my post i am talking about excluding Lightskinned black people [regardless of heritage] from the Black category.
excluding blacks "lacking African features" from the Black category.
this has been offered up repeatedly in this thread.

i am not , nor was I ever talking about the one drop rule.
I am not saying anything about it being possible to create blackness with non black partners.

why quote me if you arent going respond to what i actually posted?


Jun 22, 2014
mixed and biracial people have been a part of the AA dynamic since the beginning of our history. They are in fact AA
AA to many = BLACK and Black=AA. Thus in the context of the AA, biracials are classified as black

Cats from places outside the USA, in africa,from the caribbean etc might see things completely different

They have ass backwards caste systems for afrodescendants outside the USA:mjlol:


May 2, 2012
By that logic then you can't love a full blooded black person who was raised by a c00n. People are individuals and though parents are often major influences a child isn't their parents. People classified as black react to white racism in different ways dependent on the individual. Again, a person's mindset is more important than their skin tone or specific genetic makeup. You keep saying that white's created the one drop rule to maintain their exclusiveness but you ignore all the evidence to the contrary. Whites aren't exclusive, they are inclusive when it suits their agenda. You know this.

if whites aren't maintaining exclusivity, why aren't they the ones one drop ruling everything to death? especially considering they have the numbers in this country to swallow any other racial group.

Now name one country that recognizes a difference between mixed and black that doesn't have these problems. Those issues are actually worse in countries that pretend mixed blacks are a different group than the darker blacks.

how is classifying mixed folk as mixed "pretending"?

and i'm not in other countries to speak on the mindset of blacks living there. but i'm pretty sure the whole breeding their way into white supremacy is a global problem. which is why black people in america have to acknowledge the game for how it's being played. if it's agreed that the one drop isn't beneficial, fostering a culture where procreating outside the race and claiming biracials is frowned upon has to be the first step.

the same way you believe cooons need to be ostracized, is the same way those who procreate out need to be treated.


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
You know whats funny if these nikkas went to Louisiana(and my Louisiana brehs know this) and told a bunch lightskin folk they aint black they would get chased all the way out of there. So is a person black if one parent is black and the other is light skin? These fake ass wannabe fukk ass geneticist. Im dark brown but got family on both sides that are light skin. They my family and my blood. My great grandparents were mulatoos.


May 2, 2012
so if 2 c00ns have a child their child cant be accepted as problack?
if a c00n has 2 black parents hes worth more than a truely problack biracial or mgm person?

if someone has 2 c00n parents, odds are their offspring with also be a c00n.

but either way, this is about who we are as a people. even if you don't like the "c00n" black person, he is still black. if it's the most militant pro-black biracial, he's still biracial.


May 2, 2012
dudes always position the biracials as some malcolm x, and the black guy as a tommy sotomayor :dead: y'all need to spend more time around half breeds, many of them only claim blackness when it's time to get a token position