You're an idiot dude
In most marriages a man makes way more than a woman...
A woman doesnt have to sit home all day without working to receive alimony
When i was 20 i dated a chick whose pops was a truck driver pulling around 70k or so..his wife made around 30-40k
When they divorced..he ended up paying alimony on top of child support
Prenups help lotta men dodge alimony..maybe thats where u fools getting that 15% from
link it up, regardless of what you stated though. The premise of this thread still stands.
let's take the situation you just posted(and projected unto the entire population) and use it as an example
The wife was living off of at least 100k a year.
The wife is not going to be living know off of a 100k a year after they get a divorce
Even if he has to pay alimony ,which in most cases he won't be paying it. she will not be living off the money she was living off of during marriage
She won't be able to afford any of the luxuries she had living off of that 100k. On the high end she would be making what with her salary plus "alimony"?
She will say that "fathers don't want their children" and thus they don't fight for custody. A fallacy.
She will then say that the system is rigged against women, in that they earn lesser wages for the same work and thus "the system" owes them a recompense for the divergence. Understandable, and partially-true, although influenced by emotion rather than logic.
In the end tho, she will make excuses which benefits her point of view, like all of us.
Bottom line is, the facts are simple. Marriage is a bad idea for well-earning men.
I thought I made it clear that this thread is only about normal people