why do black Americans dominate professional football and basketball?


  • culture

    Votes: 33 53.2%
  • genetics

    Votes: 29 46.8%

  • Total voters

Kublai Khan

Apr 15, 2014
Saying you can inherit athleticism but can't inherit intelligience doesn't makes sense to me :ld:

I'm saying if you procreated 2 geniuses, you'll probably get a bright kid.

Same as procreating 2 athletically gifted people, you'll get a kid with sports potential.

Mr. Pink

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
Saying you can inherit athleticism but can't inherit intelligience doesn't makes sense to me :ld:
That's because it isn't true.

Take a look at Ashkenazi Jews. By just about every metric they are over-represented in matters pertaining to intelligence, and under-represented in matters pertaining to athleticism. Everyone one knows (anectodally) Jews are smart. They have a mean IQ of 115, the highest of any racial subgroup. And a significant percentage of scientific contributions both mundane(i.e: run of the mill doctors and scientists, programmers etc.) and extraordinary (Einstein, Oppenheimer) belong to Jews. Again, over-represented.

On the flip-side, they are not good at athletics or warfare.

The races are what they are, and individuals are what they are. Self-deception doesn't do any good.


Jun 4, 2012
Saying you can inherit athleticism but can't inherit intelligience doesn't makes sense to me :ld:

I'm saying if you procreated 2 geniuses, you'll probably get a bright kid.

Same as procreating 2 athletically gifted people, you'll get a kid with sports potential.
This isnt true.

My sons are mathematical geniuses.. I can barely spell or do math.(regardless of all As in school).. they have different mothers... with varying educational levels. They excel over cac kids in their class and the oldest is number two at his school. Home life is the largest factor. Every experience even as a baby is the factor for intelligence.

But with athletics... all of my siblings are athletic... I have a 10th grade brother... hes the last... hes maddd soft. His mom is half cac, and not athletic. Obviously genetics play a role when all of his other brothers were beast and hes wack as hell at sports. nikka is embarrassing.

Thats anecdotal. But really ijs the mind is different than the body.


Jun 4, 2012
That's because it isn't true.

Take a look at Ashkenazi Jews. By just about every metric they are over-represented in matters pertaining to intelligence, and under-represented in matters pertaining to athleticism. Everyone one knows (anectodally) Jews are smart. They have a mean IQ of 115, the highest of any racial subgroup. And a significant percentage of scientific contributions both mundane(i.e: run of the mill doctors and scientists, programmers etc.) and extraordinary (Einstein, Oppenheimer) belong to Jews. Again, over-represented.

On the flip-side, they are not good at athletics or warfare.

The races are what they are, and individuals are what they are. Self-deception doesn't do any good.
well idk if this is true.. sure some groups are good in certain areas... but iq test and why people are good depend on..... motivation, persistence, familiarity with the questions and task, home life, cultures awareness and children adult interaction (believe it or not), performance pressure (applies to mostly asian and ash jew groups), acculturations (mostly applied to black kids as a group, especially in places like america), and the rational thinking and way language is presented while the adult or teen was a toddler.... etc


Jul 17, 2013
But the question is about athleticism
I'm willing to bet that if you took the least athletic least coordinated member from every "race" the "black" individual would still be the most athletic coordinated among them
culturally (and environmentally) black ppl's coordination still comes from how they live, culturally. white ppl leave in cold weather and during the cold season don't do much. black ppl work year round and are physical.
black ppl are "culturally wired" to be physical.


May 3, 2012
These Internet Streetz
honestly America isn't great at soccer because no one really cares about it. And by that I mean "our athletes" tend to focus on things like football, basketball, baseball and track. The only kids who grow up playing soccer are the ones who couldn't really hack it with the big boys. In that regards soccer is a cultural thing. The question though by the OP is why do blacks dominate nfl and nba. While culture does play a roll in some regards genetics, at least in my opinion, is the larger answer to that particular question.
whites can play both football and basketball more than they are at the moment, and they were doing so in the past, so genes limited the pool to primarily white and black people, but among the two, blacks are culturally more active in these two sports. there was a time where jews were some of the best basketball players in the country, now i can only think of a couple jewish pros, and one is amare stoudemire, LOL


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
culturally (and environmentally) black ppl's coordination still comes from how they live, culturally. white ppl leave in cold weather and during the cold season don't do much. black ppl work year round and are physical.
black ppl are "culturally wired" to be physical.

Mmmm yeah in a way you are right
Those cultural and environmental differences over a long span of time is what led to the genetic differences in the first place(along with genetic recombination that happens with reproduction) at least that is what makes the most sense to me

Whose to say what genetic traits will emerge and become dominant in the future

But currently the athletic ace card is with the "blacks"/Africans//////


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
whites can play both football and basketball more than they are at the moment, and they were doing so in the past, so genes limited the pool to primarily white and black people, but among the two, blacks are culturally more active in these two sports. there was a time where jews were some of the best basketball players in the country, now i can only think of a couple jewish pros, and one is amare stoudemire, LOL
Yeah but the only reason Jews were some of the best is because AA weren't really allowed to play the game with white people. If you had a way back machine and took it to right after slavery ended and picked up (after feeding and letting the various malefaction perpetrated on slaves heal up) 5 average jews and 5 average slave hands then let them play ball someone's getting skunked.

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Jul 17, 2013
Mmmm yeah in a way you are right
Those cultural and environmental differences over a long span of time is what led to the genetic differences in the first place(along with genetic recombination that happens with reproduction) at least that is what makes the most sense to me

Whose to say what genetic traits will emerge and become dominant in the future

But currently the athletic ace card is with the "blacks"/Africans//////
athletism isn't everything in sport. decision making is key too and negros sometimes just do the most dumbest shyt. i swear when i used to watch sports i got angry a lot just lookin at some of the dumb shyt ppl do.
i'm not saying white ppl are smarter. they make dumb ass decisions too. white folks understand their handicap and understand they're dealing with better athletes than them and often come out on top. so pure athleticism doesn't mean shyt.
look at the nba/nfl they're owned and run by short jews who make and are worth billions while those athletes mostly end up broke. jews are the least athletic cacs [culturally].


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
I voted culture & its simply the belief that they can excel in it. Plus, we are encouraged & nurtured to become those things, we aren't held back & told 'this isn't for you'. Much support is given...from the parents and the community. The reward is tangible & lauded as well....so it is something a young mind can see & aim for.


May 3, 2012
These Internet Streetz
Yeah but the only reason Jews were some of the best is because AA weren't really allowed to play the game with white people. If you had a way back machine and took it to right after slavery ended and picked up (after feeding and letting the various malefaction perpetrated on slaves heal up) 5 average jews and 5 average slave hands then let them play ball someone's getting skunked.

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the culture of racism definitely kept the pool of the best basketball players artificially white, but i think certain ethnic groups have given up on pursuing certain sports with the same effort, especially as their fortunes in america have changed.

across the board, lots of "ethnic" whites have given up on sports, even in sports where blacks are not as heavily present like the non-heavyweight boxing divisions. american immigrants of european descent and their first and second generation children used to be great non-heavyweight boxers. now those ranks are becoming mostly latino and eastern eruopean non-immigrant. the same may be happening to jewish/italian/irish american participation in the rest of the sports, including basketball where increasingly the white dudes you see are non-immigrant europeans. a lot of native white people simply dont push themselves at a young age for these sports. they dont need to.

i think american sports participation tells you something about how the american ethnic group feels about his opportunities in the economy. the white elite have a pretty broad split among business, academic, politics, and entertainment in regard to how they got their money. as "ethnic" whites became more white to the native whites here, they have joined their ranks as people who can pursue something outside entertainment with a realistic chance of it paying off, especially jews who are now disproportionately present in finance and as executives throughout the economy. blacks seem to have carved out a long lasting niche as an ethnic group with an elite that is disproportionately coming from entertainment. latinos seem to be on the path of european immigrants which is a bunch of small businesses that cater to ethnic enclaves, and focusing on less glamorous sports like boxing. asian elites seem to have skipped sports altogether for either small businesses, tech start ups, or highly skilled labor (doctor, engineer, etc.). the glass ceiling on asians seems to be in politics, sports, and the C-level executive suite.

given black people's narrow niche, i just think that culturally, we are going harder on a few things, heavily entertainment related, and in terms of sports, basketball and football since those are higher profile right now. a lot of black football players could have been heavyweight boxers, and the sorry state of american boxing is probably a result of our focus on a few higher profile money makers. boxing is not seen as glamorous. boxing is almost like agricultural work to a black teen who has to decide to devote his formative years on becoming great at something. my own mother used to pick crops as a kid with her whole family because that is all they had, her mom used to be a maid, today i cant imagine many black people doing that no matter how poor we get, however latinos are picking crops and being maids right now. it's like black people are trying to be on that same track that other immigrants have been on, and since we have been in this country for centuries, it makes sense that we have started to view certain jobs as "beneath" us, but we also have a heavy ceiling above us.

ball players are far more famous than boxers now, so black kids are going to focus there. basketball is a very urban game, the shoes are actually fashion, and the game allows for individuality, it's very cheap to play and almost every school, no matter how underfunded, has a basketball team. football requires more resources to play, but the sheer size of a football team means dozens of black dudes at every single college in america are getting a free education, and the super bowl is a cultural event with no equal in america, so i think black kids are going to congregate there as well for cultural reasons. with less of a presence in executive leadership, entrepreneurship, silicon valley, etc., the epitome of "making it" to a large portion of black people is NBA or NFL, unfortunately.


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
athletism isn't everything in sport. decision making is key too and negros sometimes just do the most dumbest shyt. i swear when i used to watch sports i got angry a lot just lookin at some of the dumb shyt ppl do.
i'm not saying white ppl are smarter. they make dumb ass decisions too. white folks understand their handicap and understand they're dealing with better athletes than them and often come out on top. so pure athleticism doesn't mean shyt.
look at the nba/nfl they're owned and run by short jews who make and are worth billions while those athletes mostly end up broke. jews are the least athletic cacs [culturally].

As far as decision making goes that comes down to elite level coaching
Often times "whites"(and financially affluent )start at the earliest levels with highly regimented coaching and training

Where "blacks"(minorities and the financially destitute ) are self taught they play a more wild and improvised game until maybe they are scouted recruited and properly coached///by that time playing style had set in so the most you can do is temper it///also "blacks" are known for their flair

Compare "blacks" to the sports car fast powerful flashy
Compare "whites" to the smart car economic controlled precise

But in the sports Americans care about it's all about shock and awe and that's why athleticism is at a premium over skill(even though a blend of both is necessary)//////

As far as the owners and operators of various athletic leagues(and pretty much every institution)
Yeah they are mostly of the paler complexion and that's to be expected the last great empire and effort for world colonialism was lead by a bunch of "white" dudes and they decided to run things amongst those who were like them in appearance and everything else

The answer is to sharpen the intellect of the "black" population primarily the YOUTH
Hopefully in the future individuals of varied appearances will hold more important office positions
Also former and current players really need to understand that THEY ARE THE INDUSTRY
The athletes provide employment for the offices etc. they need to be more invested and aware of the money trail and litigations and all that shyt happening in THEIR BUSINESS because ain't nobody coming to watch a bunch of old ass fakkits hold board meetings and those fukkers can't play any sports so they better know those players could flip your whole ship quick//////

BK Breh

Wave Goddess
Aug 13, 2014
...You had to know what majority of people would say here. Genetics.

"White Men Can't Jump"

*Drops Mic*