Kendrick is the safe "conscious" rapper that a lot of white people can pat on the back and endorse without him overly offending them or saying anything that crosses that line that in their view goes too far. There's certain rappers that are hated for their views because they are stronger that won't get that that a lot of preduice white people will immediately find offensive and hate. Can't forget Kendrick also stated he has an Eminem obsession. That struck me as odd also as if Kendrick was so pro black surely he wouldn't think so highly of and publically fawn over a known publically exposed racist, but again playing the political game because of the label issues etc. They're certain artists that are about it and I don't believe would do that. Ultimately personally speaking I don't hate Kendrick, I also don't think he's a terrible rapper, I think he's overrated though , he has potential but people gass him up ridiculously and I feel like it goes to his head and stunts his development. As a man I don't know him like that so I don't judge him too harshly, all I know is it doesn't feel sincere to me or amazing, there's something about him that feels a bit manufactured to me. 1 thing I will say is I think mainstream wise Kendrick is 1 of the better artists in this sea of bullshyt, I'd much prefer a Kendrick on top of the game than a Drake or Young Thug, I think Kendrick is on a different level to them and is much better so I'm not too harsh on him. I actually hope he can do and be better and grow for the sake of Hip Hop, I hope he stays on top ahead of some of the other complete trash that is around. I just don't feel he's the best thing since sliced bread nor do I feel huge conviction the way it should be in the political content of his music (regardless of this situation). I hope he can continue to grow though and I wish him well. I hope he could be more bold in the future and take a more non compromising attitude because someone needs to do it on that level. Have to use these platforms and voices to make a statement, it's not like you can't, even Marlon Brando tried to do some shyt at an awards show in the past.