Why aren’t white women included in the racism discussion?


May 1, 2012
So because she’s hugging one white woman (Gloria Steinem) , that means black femenist align themselves with white women?:why:

You a trip, breh :mjlol:
Yes, that pic represents how black feminists align themselves with white feminists. I didn’t say that it was the only evidence of how black feminists align themselves with feminists. The pic shuts you the fukk up tho, because you claimed that they don’t align themselves with white feminists. Explain the pic/appearance together since you’re implying that it wasn’t about unity/suppprt. You’re a clown “breh”.

You said that white women had the power to stop lynchings if they wanted too and i gave you proof the they couldn't because....... they have no fukking army you idiot.
You're dumbing my position down because you’re too stupid to fully comprehend it. My point was that without the support of white women, white men wouldn’t have had the capacity to oppress us so severely. I wasn’t saying that white women literally had the might/force to fight white men off of black people. I’m saying that if the white community was divided and not united, they wouldn’t have been anywhere near as strong.

The white men who got lynched had no army backing them up you get that now? White men (collective) control the army white women don't so how are they on the same level? White women can't enforce policies, beliefs, customs, etc on white men because they don't have power over them. White men do that to them because guess fukking what the dude with the army runs shyt its not that hard to wrap your head around even for someone as dumb as you.
If you took one minute to think logically you’d realize how stupid you sound. The same army that backs up white men backs up white women. White men are never going to be able to use that army against white women, so your point there is nonsensical and irrelevant.

“White women don’t have the power to enforce policies, beliefs, customs to white men”......what world do you live in dummy? Obviously you’re not paying attention. The feminization of this society has been led by white women and it started during the time of the civil rights movement when white men had to concede power to white women in order to keep them in line and on team white supremacy.

When white women started rebelling in the 60s-70s with that wave of feminism, it forced white men to concede some power to them in order to keep the white community intact/united, and they’ve been conceding power little by little ever since. So for the last 50 years you’ve seen white women enforce all kinds of policies, beliefs, and customs. You’ve seen a huge shift in societal beliefs when it comes to issues like that feel are important to them like sexuality and how men and women interact with each other. Just look at how far this society has shifted as far as it’s view on homosexuality. That’s been led and enforced mainly by women. You’re seeing women shift/change society right now with this “me too” sexual harassment shyt. I can’t even keep up with how many white men have been fired or forced to step down due how to sexual harassment allegations. That’s a major shift in beliefs in customs and the shift in policy is certain to come behind. You’re going to see laws changed behind this “me too” movement. Wake you your stupid ass up and pay attention to what’s going on.

I know you lonely because people can't stand the sight of you and lets not get started on your goofy ass opinions but lets go back a lil bit. I have already stated over and over again that white women are important to white supremacy you dumb shyt my problem is when people pretend that they are on the same level
:snooze: it s never fails. Whenever I check one of you geeks you get all on your feelings like a scorned bytch. I’ve literally gotten 100s of daps from your fakkit ass. The ONLY reason I even recognize your site name is because you’ve been in my notifications so much giving daps and probably reps too. I want you and the rest to get something thru your heads. Giving me daps-props will never stop me from checking you when you’re wrong. I can tell that posters who dap my shyt get extra hurt when I call them out on something and y’all are going to have to get over that. It’s not personal I just stand on principle.

You’re wrong on principle. Nobody is confused about what you’re saying, you’re just wrong. White men and women are on the same level. They’re partners in establishing and maintaining white supremacy.


Feb 12, 2015
Those examples sound like outliers themselves. The mirrored images of "Blakistan" bullshyt

There are many more men out here who have and will go above and beyond for us. It's a shame you used a common dehumanization tactic in the passage of yours.
You mean "they" use a common dehumanization tactic. I was merely repeating some of the justifications I've heard others say in their quest to let white chicks off the hook. Its always some variation of the same ole argument from these types: they not as bad as white men, so they alright.

No. They not.

The crazy thing is, and I've said this before, I actually don't think c00ning is at the real root of this. I also don't think this is just a black male phenomenon. Other races of men are the same. Biologically, ur dikk is feeding you lies to justify fukking as many different women as possible.

Men cant and wont fathom women as a threat until its too late b/c ur dikk is whispering in your ear lots of hubris about how if you just put him in the game coach, he can change her. Sex drive is so important that it outweighs the risks associated with fukking the women of your races' former oppressors. Dudes legit thinking they can put a dent in white supremacy with their dikks. You wanna talk about power...nothing can rally white supremacy more than a white woman in danger from a non-white man.

Technically, there are very few actual c00ns in our race. Black men and black women are dealing with white men and women not primarily out of self-hate, but out of this mistaken idea that they can somehow control or "use" whites while operating in the system they created.
Black female c00ns get with white men thinking they're gonna use them financially or get a soft dude.
Black male c00ns get with white chicks thinking they gonna "use" them sexually to make whites mad.

The black female c00ns end up getting burned by one of the most dangerous sociopaths in existence.
The black male gets fetishized and emasculated by white females who hold more value than black males in our society.


Young Skull
Nov 17, 2016
Chicago, IL
Yes, that pic represents how black feminists align themselves with white feminists. I didn’t say that it was the only evidence of how black feminists align themselves with feminists. The pic shuts you the fukk up tho, because you claimed that they don’t align themselves with white feminists. Explain the pic/appearance together since you’re implying that it wasn’t about unity/suppprt. You’re a clown “breh”.

You're dumbing my position down because you’re too stupid to fully comprehend it. My point was that without the support of white women, white men wouldn’t have had the capacity to oppress us so severely. I wasn’t saying that white women literally had the might/force to fight white men off of black people. I’m saying that if the white community was divided and not united, they wouldn’t have been anywhere near as strong.

If you took one minute to think logically you’d realize how stupid you sound. The same army that backs up white men backs up white women. White men are never going to be able to use that army against white women, so your point there is nonsensical and irrelevant.

“White women don’t have the power to enforce policies, beliefs, customs to white men”......what world do you live in dummy? Obviously you’re not paying attention. The feminization of this society has been led by white women and it started during the time of the civil rights movement when white men had to concede power to white women in order to keep them in line and on team white supremacy.

When white women started rebelling in the 60s-70s with that wave of feminism, it forced white men to concede some power to them in order to keep the white community intact/united, and they’ve been conceding power little by little ever since. So for the last 50 years you’ve seen white women enforce all kinds of policies, beliefs, and customs. You’ve seen a huge shift in societal beliefs when it comes to issues like that feel are important to them like sexuality and how men and women interact with each other. Just look at how far this society has shifted as far as it’s view on homosexuality. That’s been led and enforced mainly by women. You’re seeing women shift/change society right now with this “me too” sexual harassment shyt. I can’t even keep up with how many white men have been fired or forced to step down due how to sexual harassment allegations. That’s a major shift in beliefs in customs and the shift in policy is certain to come behind. You’re going to see laws changed behind this “me too” movement. Wake you your stupid ass up and pay attention to what’s going on.

:snooze: it s never fails. Whenever I check one of you geeks you get all on your feelings like a scorned bytch. I’ve literally gotten 100s of daps from your fakkit ass. The ONLY reason I even recognize your site name is because you’ve been in my notifications so much giving daps and probably reps too. I want you and the rest to get something thru your heads. Giving me daps-props will never stop me from checking you when you’re wrong. I can tell that posters who dap my shyt get extra hurt when I call them out on something and y’all are going to have to get over that. It’s not personal I just stand on principle.

You’re wrong on principle. Nobody is confused about what you’re saying, you’re just wrong. White men and women are on the same level. They’re partners in establishing and maintaining white supremacy.
Feminization of society LMAO!!!! fukkING DUMB fukk WE HAVE A PRESIDENT WHO BRAGS ABOUT GRABBING WOMEN BY THE p*ssy LMAO!!! You checking daps now faq boy? You more lonely then i thought lol. You say the army backs up white women but yet they are controlled by white men and solely by white men until you give me prof other wise, so their goes your logic you lil brain waste of space creature. How are white men not gonna use thier army agains't white women, what army do white women have???? Wonder Women in this bytch dumb fukk?


Young Skull
Nov 17, 2016
Chicago, IL
I think that the point that you're missing is that white women and white men work together in order to maintain white supremacy one could not maintain it without the other. Therefore, they are both conspiring to uphold that system so one is not at a greater level than the other. It's not a video game or any other analogy used in this thread. You're looking at white supremacy from the standpoint that an army is more "powerful" than say a teacher in a classroom who forces black students into special ed or out of school all together. One isn't more powerful than the other because they are both maintaining a system that was created in order to benefit both white men/women and couldn't do it without the other. To state that white supremacy would continue without white women is to also say that they aren't white supremacists but rather just victims similar to how non white people are victims of it but follow suit in order to receive advancements in life.
Lol which is more effective for white white supremacy an army for enslaving a group of people or a racist teacher? Your proving my point which was that white men are more important to white supremacy than white women are. They work together but like Batman and Robin who work together too, they not equals.


Living dead
Mar 2, 2015
Theres this one thick Katy Perry looking chick in my area and I know she's a racist.
She never interacts with anyone of color...ever...not even initiating a hello.
Trust no cac female giving off all the signs!!


May 1, 2012
So society hasn’t been feminized over the last 50 years because trump got elected?

Trump’s rise is about race. White women supported trump because they’re loyal to white patriarchy and white supremacy. That doesn’t refute the fact that society has been feminized tho. You’re a fukking idiot. You sound like you’re about 12.

You checking daps now faq boy? You more lonely then i thought lol.
Its not about checking daps bytch. It’s about you looking stupid trying to discredit my opinions and me as a poster when you’ve previously been a fan of my opinions and posts. Get out your feelings fakkit.

You say the army backs up white women but yet they are controlled by white men and solely by white men until you give me prof other wise, so their goes your logic you lil brain waste of space creature. How are white men not gonna use thier army agains't white women, what army do white women have???? Wonder Women in this bytch dumb fukk?
Yea, you’re just some little kid still living with his momma :mjlol:You’re not even a real adult. Go play somewhere lil boy.


Young Skull
Nov 17, 2016
Chicago, IL
So society hasn’t been feminized over the last 50 years because trump got elected?

Trump’s rise is about race. White women supported trump because they’re loyal to white patriarchy and white supremacy. That doesn’t refute the fact that society has been feminized tho. You’re a fukking idiot. You sound like you’re about 12.

Its not about checking daps bytch. It’s about you looking stupid trying to discredit my opinions and me as a poster when you’ve previously been a fan of my opinions and posts. Get out your feelings fakkit.

Yea, you’re just some little kid still living with his momma :mjlol:You’re not even a real adult. Go play somewhere lil boy.
I like how you never back up any of your claims just make blanket statements like "white women could have stopped lynchings if they wanted too" god your so fukking stupid then you wonder why mom and dad hate your guts. And so what if society has been feminized white are still in control because they OWN the means to maintain white supremacy. White women have stake in it but are not equals, equality doesn't exist people are always going to have a hierarchy in any system, fukk is wrong with you brain dead idiot. The fact that white women are loyal to white supremacy and not feminism proves my fukking point idiot. If white women were equal in power with white men they would all be feminist but they not because then the white man would cut them off and replace them. Your dumb as fukk


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
The system is mostly patriarchal which is why males -- White males specifically -- tend to dominate in certain fields such as military and technology, and females tend to be more pronounced in the social fields such as education and healthcare. But to suggest that White females are less of a problem than White males just exemplifies a persons lack of militaristic understanding of "how-to" dominate a group of people. When I look at the problem of White supremacy (or the caustic, more tribalistic version of Wester power), I don't separate White women from White men in these sorts of discussions. Reason being is I observed, studied, and experienced enough in life to say that the two work together as a united force. Saying one is more of a threat than the other is pure ignorance and not insightful at all.

If White men act as bad cop, White women act as good cop. White men are seen as aggressive, White women are seen as soft. Black people are always falling into traps, and this one is the most common trap.

War is tough business, and because of that many generals and think-tank strategists have looked to old ways of propaganda (or social engineering) and devised new forms of propaganda (social engineering). When looking to war, the best war is one that is bombastic and short is ideal. Drawn out wars are not ideal because it wastes resources and allows for the enemy to plan, and if your enemy isn't completely wiped out, then that war was a waste of time and manpower. Resources could have been directed elsewhere. So smarter forms of warfare are needed in-order to subdue an enemy and maintain power.

So, I will look at one tactic called, "OODA Loop". This loop is based on: Observation, Orientation, Decision, Action

The original design of it was to try to make jet fighters more accurate and precise in their combat roles. But this is, and has been, applied to various facets of life.

(1) Observation: This is collecting data. How the enemy thinks, how the enemy operates, etc... White women are perfect for this role. They came in as missionaries, as lovers, as educators to help understand the enemy.
(2) Orientation: This is the analysis of the data, and White men and women conduct this job well.
(3) Decision: Both White men and women throughout history have decided on how best to go about the situation
(4) Action: White men generally acted on 1-3 in the past in the form of war, or taking out specific targets, etc... But without 1-3 to which White women were exceptional in, White men wouldn't have done as well.

The enemy utilizes the same tactics to some degree as well, and the objective of a superior power is keep the enemy within the "observation" stage. The enemy is never able to analyze the data it received based on the simple fact that it never gets out of the observation stage. And so far, Black people have been in this stage for 500 years at this point. And this thread exemplifies why we are continuously in the observation stage and never really get to the analysis stage or the decision stage.

This brings me to my next point, there are 3 stages/ways/types of war: Moral, Mental, Physical. The physical aspect is what most superior powers want to avoid because sometimes when bombing enemies, the enemy becomes less passive and more hostile and therefore requires an even greater amount of effort to deal with, so it's best to avoid physical if you can. However, if the moral and mental stages are done correctly, the physical aspect of war can be sort of a breeze. You just walk in, kill, and be done.

(1) Moral: weaken your enemy's will to combat you (I can already see several ways how this is utilized today, can you?)
(2) Mental: distort your enemy's reality (This thread is a great example of distorted realities; but there are other obvious examples)
(3) Physical: attack the enemy's main strength (usually the males will make up the main fighting force, so you want to attack them first if you make good headway in 1-2)

Eh, I don't want to get into much more of it for my own reasons, so I will just end this post saying that you should never separate White man and White woman when it comes to maintaining the caustic, destructive, and immoral aspect of Western Power (a.k.a White Supremacy). They both work together; sure they have their specific roles, but any competent and smart individual knows that just because one is more powerful in certain ways than the other, that doesn't mean that "other" is not more powerful in it's own ways. Hopefully that made sense.


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
These are outliers. Black women been schooling white chicks from the start. The creation of womanism has its origins in black women literally telling white chicks "wait a minute" feminism is great but bout that motherfukking racism.

Black women overwhelming mistrust, dislike, call out, and isolate white women to an extent many black men are unwilling to do because they dikks compromise their judgement. Crazy part is, when black women DO take white women to task, do you know some black men try to insult black women for doing so?

"Dem blk chicks mad over cultural appropriation?"
"They insecure!"
"They jealous!"

Lol! How does an oppressed group of men get bamboozled into trying to protect the most protected group in America? I dunno.
But...PAWG on.

"Lemme PAWG in peace!"
"-B-b-but the weaves..."
"Gimme that Becky"
"White women support us more than black women do!"
"They freaks!"
"They not as bad as white men!"

Racial politics and personal preferences clash within black men. We want women who are not fat, or with a bad attitude, or lacking femininity and grace. It's really that simple. And let's be reality white women have a lower rate of obesity. That combined with the fact that there are numerically more white women available means lots of black men have few options but to pawg. 99% of us would prefer to be with a decent black chick.

I live in California where it is damn near impossible not to pawg. The supply and selection of black women here is awful. Sorry but it's true. :yeshrug:

Don't complain, just find us a solution. We want to take it.


All Star
Aug 12, 2017
Racial politics and personal preferences clash within black men. We want women who are not fat, or with a bad attitude, or lacking femininity and grace. It's really that simple. And let's be reality white women have a lower rate of obesity. That combined with the fact that there are numerically more white women available means lots of black men have few options but to pawg. 99% of us would prefer to be with a decent black chick.

I live in California where it is damn near impossible not to pawg. The supply and selection of black women here is awful. Sorry but it's true. :yeshrug:

Don't complain, just find us a solution. We want to take it.


Just be wise. :ufdup:


May 1, 2012
I like how you never back up any of your claims just make blanket statements like "white women could have stopped lynchings if they wanted too" god your so fukking stupid then you wonder why mom and dad hate your guts. And so what if society has been feminized white are still in control because they OWN the means to maintain white supremacy. White women have stake in it but are not equals, equality doesn't exist people are always going to have a hierarchy in any system, fukk is wrong with you brain dead idiot. The fact that white women are loyal to white supremacy and not feminism proves my fukking point idiot. If white women were equal in power with white men they would all be feminist but they not because then the white man would cut them off and replace them. Your dumb as fukk
:scust:The sucker that didn’t bother sticking around to raise and school your fakkit ass should be kicked in his back.


All Star
Mar 16, 2014
Lol which is more effective for white white supremacy an army for enslaving a group of people or a racist teacher? Your proving my point which was that white men are more important to white supremacy than white women are. They work together but like Batman and Robin who work together too, they not equals.
One isn't any more powerful than the other, you don't understand white supremacy. A lot of people's concept of power is based on action flicks and war video games. One isn't more important than the other. They DEPEND on the other.


Young Skull
Nov 17, 2016
Chicago, IL
One isn't any more powerful than the other, you don't understand white supremacy. A lot of people's concept of power is based on action flicks and war video games. One isn't more important than the other. They DEPEND on the other.
So how did Africans get enslaved in the first place through armies or teachers (whom get their ideology from the doctrine the white man created). You seem upset about the reality that men are more powerful than women which i don't know what to tell you except that the whole "We can do whatever yall can" is can is false :mjlol:. Does being a teacher and unfairly discipline black children help with white supremacy of course. But the only reason why those black children are in the classroom in the first place is because their ancestors lost the war :yeshrug:

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Black women overwhelming mistrust, dislike, call out, and isolate white women to an extent many black men are unwilling to do because they dikks compromise their judgement. Crazy part is, when black women DO take white women to task, do you know some black men try to insult black women for doing so?

One, there is no overwhelmingly because white women are you all's partner of choice on this intersectionality bullshyt. Two, the reason you distrust and isolate these women is for the same petty reason black men can't seem to see them for what they really are; the black man's attraction to them. The average black woman doesn't have any better insight on the white woman's contribution to white supremacy than the black male does. If so, this stupid partnership you all have going on wouldn't be bringing these poisoned feminist ideals back from those rallies where your issues are pushed to the back-burner. A lot of it is just simple female jealousy. I'm not about to let you all off the hook just because I can see that black men like to :whoa::whoa::whoa: when the heat is brought to Becky. Y'all aren't much better.

Maybe now that they voted in a racist and sexual abuser and overwhelmingly attempted to vote in a peadophile, racist and sexual abuser y'all will give them the credit they deserve for their contributions and stop acting like they are just passengers along for the ride or passive aggressive competition for your black men.