Why aren’t white women included in the racism discussion?


Nov 25, 2015
No black women dont. White women have been successful at painting themselves as victims me when they’re really oppressors because black women have aided them. You see it now. Black women are trying to align themselves with white women and this “me too” bullshyt when black wome should be the main ones calling them out. Black woken are complicit and have been for the last 50 years.

You don’t even know the difference between their and they’re. Be quiet.

No. Black femenist are and have been aware of their struggle vs white women struggle (i.e Audre Lorde & Belle Hooks have made it known that their fight have never been the same).A black woman started the “me too” campaign, I’m not understanding where you going with that one and a lot of black women who are active on gender rights& equality don’t even get down with it cuz they recognize that it can be harmful to victims of sexual assualt that don’t want to relive their experiences.

Lmao it’s gotten to a point where nikkas are so emotional that they try to go in on they’re vs their :russ:.


Aug 6, 2015
White women should be viewed the same as White men when it comes to WS. I would think ( and hope) Black men would be the main ones to see this. I would also think and hope Black women view White man the same.

Historically, WW were holding down plantations, family farms and households where our ancestors were enslaved. They were viciously violent and dangerous to not only Black men, but Black women and Black children. They also were the ones who most of the time were in charge of the beatings/flogging of enslaved Black people -- they didn't always do the violent act -- but they told their husband, overseer, or driver to. Though, many "mistresses" did and they were even more violent and cruel than white men.

They are also keeping the legacy alive today.

They also front like they don't know their racist and help uphold the system -- claiming they are ignorant and didn't know. It's a lie. Look at any historical information -- from enslavement to Civil Rights --white women are front and center being hateful.


May 1, 2012
Duh, but who actually did the lynchings? Who made them legal? Not white women :mjgrin:.
White women supported the lynchings and their support was essential. What part of that don’t you understand? If white women were opposed to the lynchings and refused to support white men lynching blacks then white men wouldn’t have been able to lynch blacks. White men cant do shyt without the support of white women.

And if white men decided that black women were gonna be the beauty standard next week you think white women gonna change shyt:russ:. White men own the majority if not all of mass media in America, the only reason why nikkas like Becky in the first place is because of Mass Media.
If you took a minute to think logically instead of trying to argue, you’d realize how stupid what you’re saying is.

If white men had the power and desire to magically make black women the standard of beauty, then white supremacy would end almost instantly. Making black women the standard of beauty completely contradicts white supremacy. If black women were the standard of beauty then there would be no white supremacy. If the majority of white men started dating/marrying black women then how would white people be produced? The white men needs white women to create other white men/people. Black and and Asian women can’t consistently birth white people. The white woman cannot be replaced in reference to white men. They must maintain white women as the standard of beauty to maintain white supremacy. You don’t even understand white supremacy. You’re on some simple dumb shyt.

The reason why white women follow orders is because everything they get is from the white man and they know they can be cut off at anytime:yeshrug:. Like i said before white women are important to WS but not as much as white men which is why white men are going to be discussed more in convos about race.
You can repeat this dumb shyt a million times, it won’t make it valid. White women “follow orders” because it’s in their best interest. White benefit majorly from white supremacy and that’s why they support their men and assist them in maintaining it. Trying g to minimize or belittle their importance to creating and maintaining white supremacy just shows that you’re ignorant, you don’t really understand white supremacy. I’m not going to go the ad hominem route and you need to check yourself because you’re low key giving white women a pass. White women are just as complicit as white men, period.
No. Black femenist are and have been aware of their struggle vs white women struggle (i.e Audre Lorde & Belle Hooks have made it known that their fight have never been the same).A black woman started the “me too” campaign, I’m not understanding where you going with that one and a lot of black women who are active on gender rights& equality don’t even get down with it cuz they recognize that it can be harmful to victims of sexual assualt that don’t want to relive their experiences.

Lmao it’s gotten to a point where nikkas are so emotional that they try to go in on they’re vs their :russ:.
You even vouching for bell hooks invalidates you and your position.

Motherfukk a bell hooks. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s an agent too.

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
Most of these cats don't know what they are talking about, and have no idea how Western power is maintained.

White women need White men as much as White men need White women when it comes to Western power.

Wrong for the simple fact a man that has power is never limited to one woman.


Nov 25, 2015
You even vouching for bell hooks invalidates you and your position.

Motherfukk a bell hooks. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s an agent too.

I’m vouching for Bell Hooks cuz I mention her in a topic about black femenist:stopitslime:?


May 1, 2012
I’m vouching for Bell Hooks cuz I mention her in a topic about black femenist:stopitslime:?
The fukk you mention her for if you’re not vouching for her? You mentioned her in effort to make some “black feminists don’t align themselves with white women” point, proving that you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Nov 25, 2015
The fukk you mention her for if you’re not vouching for her? You mentioned her in effort to make some “black feminists don’t align themselves with white women” point, proving that you don’t know what you’re talking about.

:mjlol: You can’t be this slow. I mentioned her because she’s said the same thing. And black femenist don’t align themselves with white women

You smart dumb nikkas are a trip :russ:


Young Skull
Nov 17, 2016
Chicago, IL
White women supported the lynchings and their support was essential. What part of that don’t you understand? If white women were opposed to the lynchings and refused to support white men lynching blacks then white men wouldn’t have been able to lynch blacks. White men cant do shyt without the support of white women.

If you took a minute to think logically instead of trying to argue, you’d realize how stupid what you’re saying is.

If white men had the power and desire to magically make black women the standard of beauty, then white supremacy would end almost instantly. Making black women the standard of beauty completely contradicts white supremacy. If black women were the standard of beauty then there would be no white supremacy. If the majority of white men started dating/marrying black women then how would white people be produced? The white men needs white women to create other white men/people. Black and and Asian women can’t consistently birth white people. The white woman cannot be replaced in reference to white men. They must maintain white women as the standard of beauty to maintain white supremacy. You don’t even understand white supremacy. You’re on some simple dumb shyt.

You can repeat this dumb shyt a million times, it won’t make it valid. White women “follow orders” because it’s in their best interest. White benefit majorly from white supremacy and that’s why they support their men and assist them in maintaining it. Trying g to minimize or belittle their importance to creating and maintaining white supremacy just shows that you’re ignorant, you don’t really understand white supremacy. I’m not going to go the ad hominem route and you need to check yourself because you’re low key giving white women a pass. White women are just as complicit as white men, period.

You even vouching for bell hooks invalidates you and your position.

Motherfukk a bell hooks. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s an agent too.
Let's break down why everything you say is dumb and why you shouldn't post on the Coli anymore.
First you say white men couldn't lynch black men without white women. Um white men used to burn white women alive and Becky just started being able to vote a couple decades ago so i guess there goes that theory. You see how i'm giving real world examples faq boy, maybe your life wouldn't have been an embarrassment if you would follow my example. Next you talk about the support of white women which is funny because i said that white women have supported WS from the very beginning but you seemed like you were bored from being a failure and instead of apologizing to your parents for being yourself you want to start fights on the internet n shyt. Next notice how you keep saying "help" which has been my point the entire time that white women are helpers which means that while they do contribute to white supremacy white men still run the show fukking idiot please don't have kids we don't' need any more dumb fukks walking around thanks. Now at this point i'm like this nikka can't get any more dumb but guess what you proved me wrong just like you prove your existence is a waste every time you draw breath. You had the gall to say that white women follow orders because it's in their best interest but they still equal to white men. Depending on some else is never in your best interest moron, if white women were as important as white men they wouldn't allow themselves to play second fiddle. That's basic logic but logic doesn't seem to be your strong suit. Nothing really does well except being a retarded loser, then yea you got that in the bag no questions asked but i digress. You making it seem like i'm saying white women are less evil than white men which is not what the fukk i'm saying at all you piece of human waste go to your room and don't come out until i tell you. I didn't even get to the standards of beauty because i explained that in a earlier post


Jan 7, 2013
You're bugging. See how successful a man with kids would be if he didn't have a woman caring for his kids. Women do build and enforce. Half of you wouldn't have made it, if you relied solely on your father.

A better question is where would a successful women be without the infrastructure/technology men created ? :lolbron:

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
nikkas stay throwing themselves on grenades for white women. It's a point I highlighted in the thread about the bullied white boy. nikkas were happily shytting on this kid and saying you shouldn't trust or feel sorry for white people. Okay, fair point. Especially given that his mother, a white woman, orchestrated this whole mess.

But then I think back to the Hollywood witch hunt and how nikkas were angry for and so empathetic towards these white women who were allegedly raped and sexually assaulted. We don't give a fukk about what happens to white people on the Coli, remember? And since nikkas like to shoehorn Emmit Till into everything, let me show you how to make it work. A WHITE WOMAN accused Emmit Till of what you would consider today a form of sexual assault or harassment and he paid with his life. The WHITE WOMAN who falsely accused him was never prosecuted and she lived to be an old hag. He never even made it to 18. Life taken by a bunch white men based off the accusations of a WHITE WOMAN.

Given that history you'd think that we'd be a bit more, as another poster put it, strategically ambivalent on certain matters and let things play out before we go all in. And please, don't try to insert the one or two black women accusers into this narrative or make it about sexual assault as a whole because you clowns know exactly the point I'm making here so stay on topic.

The shielding of white women from these racial discussions is quite telling. They can be more pleasant to deal with than white men but time and time again we have seen the consequences of their manipulation and when it's mentioned the Juelzing starts. Like you nikkas love to say.......SAME ENERGY.
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