Why aren't there any Black horror/action/thriller/science-fiction movies?


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
Because WHITE PEOPLE dont want to see it. Period.

This whole "black people dont wanna see it" shyt is a myth. You gotta realize when movies like Tyler Perry or hell Straight Outta Compton do well at box office, a good 1/4 or hell many times 1/2 half of that weekend number is coming from WHITE DOLLARS.

White people dont want to see anything that doesnt fit their narrative for us.

Mainstream America will support ANYTHING that's popular; it doesn't matter what it is. As long as it's profitable, it will be promoted and marketed to bring in more money. What do they have to lose by there being black sci-fi films?

Most of us here fit into the geek/nerd category, but we are a minority amongst other blacks. Not only are we a minority, but we are also often ridiculed for it..not so much now as even 10 years ago, but it's still frowned upon. it starts there.


Jun 3, 2012
Mainstream America will support ANYTHING that's popular; it doesn't matter what it is. As long as it's profitable, it will be promoted and marketed to bring in more money. What do they have to lose by there being black sci-fi films?

Most of us here fit into the geek/nerd category, but we are a minority amongst other blacks. Not only are we a minority, but we are also often ridiculed for it..not so much now as even 10 years ago, but it's still frowned upon. it starts there.

What do they have to lose? Who were the ones ridiculing and getting upset when Michael B. Jordan was chosen to be The Human Torch? It wasn't black folks....

They got pissed off at the thought of a Black Bond. There was even outcry over a Black Annie lmao.

What about when they found out that Rue of the Hunger Games was Black? We weren't the ones protesting. Or how about when they diminished Nicole Beharie's lead role in the supernatural themed television show Sleepy Hollow after the second season. And it wasnt like we werent watching it. It was a cult favorite and blew up on social media.

What did they have to lose by casting a Black Oberyn Martell and the rest of House Martell as blacks as they are pretty much described in the books? GOT is mainstream, popular and profitable. Blacks watch GOT.

Again, White people dont want to see anything that doesnt fit their narrative for us.

Most black people welcome the idea of having a variety of Black films in a variety of genres. Ask any Black movie enthusiast or causal film watcher and they'll tell you that their tired of the same ole same ole. Tired of the Slave films. Tired of the Madea flicks. Hell, both viewers and the actors are tired of the rom-coms which is why you see those same group of actors trying to get do more thriller films i.e. No Good Deed and The Perfect Guy.

I can't support the whole "we are the reason we cant get a variety of different films" thought because it just isnt true.

Numero Deux

All Star
Nov 7, 2014
The Unapproachable East
Mainstream America will support ANYTHING that's popular; it doesn't matter what it is. As long as it's profitable, it will be promoted and marketed to bring in more money. What do they have to lose by there being black sci-fi films?

Most of us here fit into the geek/nerd category, but we are a minority amongst other blacks. Not only are we a minority, but we are also often ridiculed for it..not so much now as even 10 years ago, but it's still frowned upon. it starts there.

High concept, well done Sci-Fi/Fantasy flicks are expensive as hell, and these studios want guaranteed returns in order for them to even greenlight them. We are talking about budgets entering the triple digit millions mark.

The studios are focused are making the maximum amount of profit. They believe in order to do this, they must focus on drawing in the "general audience." (White people and people who are only comfortable with seeing white people on the screen. Or if you're Asian, you pretty much only want to see White people or Asians on the screen, and no one else. This is particularly true of the Chinese.)

Movie studios think that the only black men who can draw enough of the "general audience" to a movie as a lead are Will Smith and Denzel Washington, and to a much, much lesser extent Samuel L and Morgan Freeman (the latter two aren't likely to be leads as much as prominent cast members). There is also a general sentiment that black leads can't draw overseas, especially in their precious Chinese market. Hell, just look at how one executive viewed Denzel's draw potential overseas in the Sony leak:

Sony hack targets Denzel Washington and 'racist' overseas audiences

As I stated above, he and Will are considered the two black leads they can depend on as universal draws, and yet look at how he is viewed as an overseas draw!

They refuse to take a chance on black leads and black casts in general outside the established "race roles" because they want to make money. And as far as they are concerned a white lead male or female is guaranteed money with "general audiences", and a black lead is the exact opposite.

Dwayne McDuffie discusses the "Rule of Three": Where if three or more black characters are in a comic book series, it's considered a "black product" and thus many white readers, whom are the overwhelming majority of comic book buyers, ignore it. The thing is, this doesn't just extend to comic books, it extends to all media. And replace "white readers" with "non-black viewers."

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This is Where the Power Lies
May 14, 2012
the wayans have made a few horror movies:Cesaro:

and as far as action, michael jai white is the most prolific out ther, he writes,produces,directs,choreograph and stars in his movies and has been wukted as sating his goal is to be the tyler perry of action movies. netflix has some of his stuff i suggest watching them


Eterno Menino
Apr 30, 2012
Eu Sou O Segundo
Because WHITE PEOPLE dont want to see it. Period.

This whole "black people dont wanna see it" shyt is a myth. You gotta realize when movies like Tyler Perry or hell Straight Outta Compton do well at box office, a good 1/4 or hell many times 1/2 half of that weekend number is coming from WHITE DOLLARS.

White people dont want to see anything that doesnt fit their narrative for us.

Every posts you've made in this thread is 100 percent truth, but it doesn't fit the narrative of "black people only like hood stuff & won't support anything out of the norm" so people are going to ignore it.

It's sad that people on a website like this would rather denigrate their own people then actually looking at the bigger picture.


All Star
Jun 16, 2014
Yea or nay on this subject and yea I know the film is a pile of shyt.


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..

Enjoyed this as a kid on the hacked cable box in the 90s
The best one u gonna find out there honestly. I mean u can prolly count Candyman as well. Considering the setting and the main villain. Oh yea. If u wanna count Bones too. That was the most recent one in the theaters I can think of.


May 1, 2012
Lowkey, if you seen this PIFF:


...you'll understand when I say BLACKEXCELLENCE makes the cypher complete:blessed:

Remembers, the first time hearing Gravediggaz 1-800 Suicide on the Silver Screen: 90s Kid:ahh:
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Produced, Arranged, Composed and Performed by....
Oct 13, 2014

Couldn't fukk with this movie at all.

With the sheer amount of :mjpls:in the premise (Black kids from low income households are the only thing more savage than killer aliens from space).

If you want a breakdown of the motivations behind the movie, from the writer:

Joe Cornish on how a mugging inspired Attack the Block - BBC News
I always wondered why people think so highly of it, but to each their own :manny:

A Black horror movie in the Hollywood mould would essentially be

5 minutes long including opening and closing credits.


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
What do they have to lose? Who were the ones ridiculing and getting upset when Michael B. Jordan was chosen to be The Human Torch? It wasn't black folks....

They got pissed off at the thought of a Black Bond. There was even outcry over a Black Annie lmao.

What about when they found out that Rue of the Hunger Games was Black? We weren't the ones protesting. Or how about when they diminished Nicole Beharie's lead role in the supernatural themed television show Sleepy Hollow after the second season. And it wasnt like we werent watching it. It was a cult favorite and blew up on social media.

What did they have to lose by casting a Black Oberyn Martell and the rest of House Martell as blacks as they are pretty much described in the books? GOT is mainstream, popular and profitable. Blacks watch GOT.

Again, White people dont want to see anything that doesnt fit their narrative for us.

Most black people welcome the idea of having a variety of Black films in a variety of genres. Ask any Black movie enthusiast or causal film watcher and they'll tell you that their tired of the same ole same ole. Tired of the Slave films. Tired of the Madea flicks. Hell, both viewers and the actors are tired of the rom-coms which is why you see those same group of actors trying to get do more thriller films i.e. No Good Deed and The Perfect Guy.

I can't support the whole "we are the reason we cant get a variety of different films" thought because it just isnt true.

My only argument is that it's not just "Black" Bond/Annie/Torch. It's for any established properties. Look at all of the remakes backlash - the non-Robert England Freddy; that new RoboCop; Jem; GI Joe's; Tranformers; even Craig Bond received initial backlash. People in general don't want to see change from characters that are established and have familiarity with.

As for the sci-fi argument; I stand by that black people don't support it at all. Whether or not the studios will get behind it is irrelevant, because they will ride any wave. But if we show no interest, why experiment? Why take the chance on a property that will be a hefty amount in production, only has a very small market that is not being shown any interest? The studio took a chance with Will on ID4. It was an esemble, but he was top billed. That became a mega-hit and that's what lauched his career into the next stratosphere. He hasn't looked back since.

You can't deny that there is very little interest in sci-fi/fantasy as a genre amongst blacks in books, comics...any other medium. That's where it all started.


Dec 25, 2014
I think saying Black people do not watch or enjoy Sci-Fi/fantasy is a bit of a falsehood.

I think the problem is too many new black film makers see those films as below them so won't bother. They want to make 'worthy' message movies that get awards straight off the bat. And not in their minds stall their careers by doing more schlocky stuff.

This stretches as far as black directors not really making thrillers as well. These horror films are in terms of hollywood very cheap to make. Most budgeted under $13 million. Now if the movie hits big you could see it get back over 200 million + worldwide on a good premise. shyt, even a crappy premise does well.

I personally know black directors who are currently trying to get projects off the ground that are horror and sci-fi related. There is so much subtext you can mess around with if you're smart that can go over people's heads until they get it later. That way you can deliver a critique on something without it being too obvious.

For once I don't think this is a racist issue. More an issue of priority from directors of colour.
May 1, 2012
There was this horror movie short I saw years ago on (wshh :scusthov:) about a black family and the father molesting the boy and the boy being infatuated with his father or some shyt.

Was pretty trippy.

I would love to see a film about a black family and the father maybe being a fanatic of christinanity eventually driving him insane etc etc.

Or maybe a horror film about a kid joining a gang and have the film shot in first person so that you live thru some of the early trauma of his experiences. Like paranoia being around crazy people etc.

I always wonder what black cinema would have been like if will smith wasnt stupid and turned down the role of neo in The Matrix :snoop:


All Star
Feb 8, 2015
Native of the NYC, getting fed in the Big D!

I always wonder what black cinema would have been like if will smith wasnt stupid and turned down the role of neo in The Matrix :snoop:

If Will had taken the lead to this, it would've been nice I suppose. What would've made it nicer was if his potential love interest, Trinity, had been a sista seeing that's a narrative Hollywood loves to avoid.:francis: They love to discourage black unity. So they try to fool us with inclusion.
Then I would refer to that as black cinema and not just a black lead in a major film.
All of the protagonists in the film Blade, with the exception of Whistler, we're all black which at the time surprised me...
But Hollywood just had to stay on that :mjpls: by showing the lead female had an ex-boyfriend who was white. Even Blade's mother was thotin' with the main white villian.:stopitslime:

I just think black filmmakers should tell their own stories without outside influences. I know thats an uphill battle but if no one tries something, just complaining about what's wrong gets us nowhere.