We gotta make our own movies instead of waiting for CACs to do it for us. That simple.

We gotta make our own movies instead of waiting for CACs to do it for us. That simple.
What did they have to lose by casting a Black Oberyn Martell and the rest of House Martell as blacks as they are pretty much described in the books? GOT is mainstream, popular and profitable. Blacks watch GOT.
I can't argue with anything you've stated...Take any good horror script to a studio and say it centers around a black cast and it will get shut down or pushed forward on the condition that the cast be white. It's hard to justify a black cast unless it's intrigual to the plot. Horror flicks already have a niche audience, making the cast black may turn off alot of fans from an already small audience.
horror: BlaculaThere doesn't even need to be a big giant budget for these movies.
Saw was produced for $1.2 million...that's it.
The Purge was produced for $3 million.
Hostel was produced for $5 million.
American Psycho was produced for $8 million.
Napoleon Dynamite was produced for $400,000.
Chronicle (a sci-fi flick) was produced for a little bit more at $12 million.
To put this in comparison to Tyler Perry, most of his movies have budgets ranging from $5 million - $20 million
What's the excuse
Because they don't do well.
thats white propaganda
after earth did well not domestically but overseas tho
you see what happened with the nwa movie killed the competition
What do they have to lose? Who were the ones ridiculing and getting upset when Michael B. Jordan was chosen to be The Human Torch? It wasn't black folks....
They got pissed off at the thought of a Black Bond. There was even outcry over a Black Annie lmao.
What about when they found out that Rue of the Hunger Games was Black? We weren't the ones protesting. Or how about when they diminished Nicole Beharie's lead role in the supernatural themed television show Sleepy Hollow after the second season. And it wasnt like we werent watching it. It was a cult favorite and blew up on social media.
What did they have to lose by casting a Black Oberyn Martell and the rest of House Martell as blacks as they are pretty much described in the books? GOT is mainstream, popular and profitable. Blacks watch GOT.
Again, White people dont want to see anything that doesnt fit their narrative for us.
Most black people welcome the idea of having a variety of Black films in a variety of genres. Ask any Black movie enthusiast or causal film watcher and they'll tell you that their tired of the same ole same ole. Tired of the Slave films. Tired of the Madea flicks. Hell, both viewers and the actors are tired of the rom-coms which is why you see those same group of actors trying to get do more thriller films i.e. No Good Deed and The Perfect Guy.
I can't support the whole "we are the reason we cant get a variety of different films" thought because it just isnt true.
it's not white propaganda breh..the movie didn't do well in the country that produced it and that's really the main thing they cared about for that movie. It was basically rejected here for various reasons. Did well overseas, cool, but when one of the biggest movie stars on the planet can't get a big budget movie to turn a profit in this country? That's always going to be the story, bottom line
it's not white propaganda breh..the movie didn't do well in the country that produced it and that's really the main thing they cared about for that movie. It was basically rejected here for various reasons. Did well overseas, cool, but when one of the biggest movie stars on the planet can't get a big budget movie to turn a profit in this country? That's always going to be the story, bottom line
Yes and those are hit movies so what are you talking about? After Earth is not a hit movie breh. It didn't do well over here therefore it's considered a flop. If Terminator Genisys ends up doing well overseas, it's still going to be looked at as a flop. Same thing happened with Edge of Tomorrowmen in black
i am legend
after earth
matrix movies
enemy of state
deja vu
hancock i can go on and on
man shut up
Because WHITE PEOPLE dont want to see it. Period.
This whole "black people dont wanna see it" shyt is a myth. You gotta realize when movies like Tyler Perry or hell Straight Outta Compton do well at box office, a good 1/4 or hell many times 1/2 half of that weekend number is coming from WHITE DOLLARS.
White people dont want to see anything that doesnt fit their narrative for us.
a profit is a profit
will will bounce back
Yes and those are hit movies so what are you talking about? After Earth is not a hit movie breh. It didn't do well over here therefore it's considered a flop. If Terminator Genisys ends up doing well overseas, it's still going to be looked at as a flop. Same thing happened with Edge of Tomorrow