I would like to see some black filmmakers dive into animation as well...We need some black science fiction
This.Aside from the dope attack the block, I'd assume it's probably because we as an audience (in general) aren't interested. But I hate saying that. It seems like the black directors aren't interested in telling those stories and as long as that's the case it will forever be like that. We kinda limit ourselves based on what we assume the audience will want to see.
I'm a huge horror fan and it's frustrating that black filmmakers don't explore this genre even a fraction.
I've come to believe that there isn't that big of an audience amongst us that would be interested enough to see ourselves in something like this.
And you can give it up depending on white viewers supporting an all black cast no matter how dope AND ORIGINAL the antagonist/scenario may turn out to be; they'd just cop the idea and use it with people who look like them at a bigger budget.
I wish this wasn't the case because the potential to venture down that path could open up a whole new aspect for black cinema. Same with black sci-fi.
Or show any sign of sophistication for that matter. Seems like Black Americans have a phobia of deviating from the normIt's like it's wrong to be a black adult and have any sort of imagination or even delve into your imagination. They're taking "real" and "authentic" too literal.
Yes and no.It's also because we help pigeon hole what a black movie has to be
The one guy who I could see really headlining a Sci-Fi flick or a horror flick and having a good black cast around him and getting the movie green lit in a nanosecond would be the artist formally known as Rocky Maivia. Homie is one of the hottest most powerful actors in hollywood right now and he's a geek too
Anyway, I've been thinking about writing a screenplay called 'They Come For You' about a hard working blue collar black man who witnesses (amongst a crowd of people) the arrest of a young black male by the police, who's later shown on the news as having died in custody. Soon however he finds police officers stalking him and asking his neighbors and coworkers about him, and sees them alienating themselves as they keep insisting he must've done something to have the police investigate him. Unable to convince the people around him that the police is actively stalking him, he's driven into a corner by paranoia and fear with possibly deadly consequences. So basically it's just like real life, except the police officers would move and act unnatural/unhuman like a Terminator or the agents from The Matrix.
But.....GI Joe 2 sucked, pain and gain meh, and im sure his hercules didnt do well......I'm talking now breh, not in 2005 when he wasn't sure of what he wanted to do or even who he wanted to be. Now he's fully entrenched in his persona and he's a brand now. The man made San Andreas a hit
But.....GI Joe 2 sucked, pain and gain meh, and im sure his hercules didnt do well......
BLACK TO THE FUTURE.It's hard to make a horror movie these days, sci fi could work, a black back to the future???