Whoa: Black Mizzou Football Players Have Boycotted Over Campus Racism (Updated:President Resigns)


No nikkas!
May 2, 2012
Something that Bomani lightly touched on that I find fascinating about this is how bad must have it been for the football players to even get involved in the first place when:
A) because of adoration and isolation, these issues typically don't affect them
B) football players notoriously fit the "dumb jock" monnicker bestowed on athletes (black ones in particular)

I read that they met with Butler, but I'm curious about what that conversation was truly like... How much convincing did it really take? My theory is that the events after Ferguson really woke up a lot of black people (myself included, at 27 years old) just like Katrina woke up a lot of people who are in their thirties now...
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Sep 2, 2014
man after all the shyt these cacs revealed about themselves because their precious football game was gonna be taken from them on saturday. i'd still refuse to play. fukk entertaining those openly racist fukks who don't see you as anything other than entertainment. especially when you're doing it for free.

facts bruh.

Rakim Allah

May 26, 2012
Los Angeles
Trust me, I've been a member on "certain" forums before. I know the deal, when stuff gets real.

I feel like

when I'm on these boards with white supremacists.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Uh no. I'm fully aware of racism in America for all people. Whites are racists towards blacks and as this thread has shown the feeling seems to be mutual from part of the black community. Just because you're white doesn't mean you're "my" people. What ignorance. You do realize that you are assuming that I support the cops, judges, government, etc. Why don't overthrow the system? what are your solutions? MineI'm only accountable for my actions towards you and anyone else. How can I tear down an institution when more people believe in government then God himself? What has me being white done to you? Me not the MU president, not the cops but me? Nothing but disagree with your opinion but that makes me a CAC, filthy white devil. Likewise, you have done nothing but disagree. We agree that racism is bad, so two wrongs do not make a right. I see your hate and pain that is justified toward a system that targets minorities, but it should not be directed at me. conversations about race will never make progress so long as both whites and blacks share equal hate for each other. So again I ask what are WE to about this?
Others have already replied to you, basically telling you to :camby:
I'll be a little nicer. You see bruh, you are not black. I didn't need to see a picture or the type of evidence you are asking for from MU to know this. The issues at MU are very real, and most people of color can relate. You sir cannot. The things you say cement this fact. You cant speak like you are leading, when you are clueless. There is no "what we can do" because you are not even on the same page as this movement. So what you can do is stop acting like you are pro-society because that is what this movement is all about. We cant have a pro society if you can't even address issues of white supremacy. You just playing dumb and you want us to follow you down the cluelss path. You mentioned Martin Luther King, well Malcolm X said Martin was a c00n. Said he just said things to please the white man. He meant well, but what white supremacy wants is for black people to be non violent and just accept being a lower class citizen. Have meaningless protest, then to go back home and continue the status quo. (Al Sharpton)

The correct answer is in the middle. The MU situation was handled in a MLK way. That doesn't mean what Malcolm X had to say is wrong. Malcolm believed that since the entire system is racist, the MLK way would never bring true equality to the people. As of 2015 that is accurate. Now racism on the highest levels are covert. Donald Sterling was a known racist, but it was accepted by everyone until a tape came out. Rachel Dozal who loves the blacks.. well the NAACP was about to give Donald an award the very month the tape came out. Do you see how deep this shyt goes bruh? When you try to downplay what is going on, you become a "CAC" because only a CAC would say its not that serious. I have white friends I have grown up with, one in particular lives the hood lifestyle. Guess what, he's a CAC. I say this because he said black people bring it on themselves. He is currently in jail for selling crack/H but he did say that. His view of the situation revolves around the fact he only surrounded himself with other criminals. I wasn't doing all that, so I tell him what about me bruh? I get fukked with the police all the time, more than you (him) and I'm not doing shyt outchea. What you gotta say about that? He changed the subject instantly and didn't wanna go back

Cacity Cac, Don't talk back :manny:
who said anyone wants to discuss race with your cac ass though breh? your privilege is betraying you and exposing you here. no one gives a fukk about you or your opinion on issues regarding race. no one wants to have a dialogue with you because your opinion on the matter isn't relevant. you're not important. your opinion is meaningless. leave this thread and stick to posting about whatever cac shyt you usually post about.
Hey Hey, Hey now. What you said was about 97% correct. But I will say this. I can see thru homie, but not all homies have ill intent. What they don't understand is their ignorance on the issues is not welcomed here. Its like going to a spelling bee and then asking for help. If you gotta ask for help, then stay your ass in the audience... you fukkin up the spelling bee son :birdman:

:whoo::whoo: Whoa!!!! I need to listen to this shyt right now
Dis nikka here mang :shaq2: