Whoa: Black Mizzou Football Players Have Boycotted Over Campus Racism (Updated:President Resigns)

Dr. Sebi Jr.

Trust Me
Mar 3, 2013
Not Technically a "Doctor"
Can brehs explain how this is all just CAC lies for me?:patrice:

For instance, all of the demands of the #ConcernedStudent1950 movement were already met with the exception of the resignation of the university president which they demanded because their other demands had supposedly not been met.

  • The installment of a diversity officer.
The University of Missouri already had not one but two full-time affirmative action officers.Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action | Human Resource Services | University of Missouri

  • An office to support students seeking resolution for racial discrimination and violence.
The University of Missouri already has an Equity Office (where students can go for "addressing discrimination and inequitable treatment") and a Multicultural Center for programming and advising, with the express goal of dealing with "systemic discrimination, diversity and inclusion" as well as "cross-cultural communication, cultural sensitivity, roommate conflict." MU Offices and Their Responsibilities | Get Help | MizzouDiversity Mizzou Diversity | University of Missourihttp://multiculturalcenter.missouri.edu

  • Mandatory diversity training for all freshman.
This was granted almost a month before the hunger strike even began.Mizzou will require diversity training after racist incident on campus : News

  • A sit-down discussion with the university president to discuss systemic racial discrimination.
This occurred on October 27, again before the hunger strike even began. They just didn't like that he didn't recant his entire worldview which involved a difference of agreement about equal opportunity at Missouri and in the United States. Timeline of Unrest: How Missouri Protests Caught Fire


Nov 20, 2014
What up Coli, as most of you know. I have some prolific views on race related issues. I rarely use terms like CAC because using it all Willy Nilly is just life throwing around the term ****** or maybe a little closer to he word "c00n". My point is, if I'm calling you a CAC? It's a valid attack. So, who wins the CAC award for his thread? This guy...
What CACs hide behind is shyt like this. He's assuming all these black people are overreacting and can't even prove anything happened :snoop: When people take these types of stands, they will always tell on themselves from what they say at a later time. His next post is all it took in this instance...

Quick to call black people bigots and idiots, but isn't convinced when it's a national story at MU? :usure:
Where did I say they were overreacting. I said it's wise to have all the facts before all parties assumed their stances. Jonathan Butler was pissed for the racists actions of unidentified individuals. Fact. He was pissed because planned parenthood lost their MU medical contract. Fact. He was pissed graduate insurance paid for by MU was cancelled by the IRS and the graduate housing was torn down due a firefighters death. Fact.

The president of a university cannot expel anyone for language deemed offensive if there is no suspect unless he wants to be sued by the aclu. Destruction of property via racism is the exception only when there has been a suspect apprehended and enough evidence brought forth to merit an expulsion. Otherwise he would have been sued, again. He made mandatory sensitivity training but he failed to adequately address and handle these issues instead of sticking his head in the sand. These are all facts.

As for your diatribe about me being a CAC. Yes I happen to be white, something I have zero control over. As for my statement about bigotry and idiocy lets put in the proper context contrary to what you have done.

Saturday at 10:46 PM

Payday23Well-Known Member

good boy, now say "all lives matter"

You gonna refute what I said with facts or are you just gonna bring the same bigotry and idiocy displayed at mizzou to this thread? Ironic

This post was aimed in a manner of bigotry and idiocy. Tap dancing and Good boy were terms used to degrade my pov with racist undertones.
I am not against protesting. I'm for protesting when the facts being protested about have been proven. Cases in point:

Occupy Wall Street
Malcolm X

Cases with zero merit:
Anything that involves supremacy of one or more races over another based on looks, religion, ethnic origin, sexuality, economic status, etc.

The popularity of a news story does not designate it's importance. How about unarmed people who are killed by cops but barely make the news. Are their murders okay because they didn't make the news? Are the murders and rapes of Palestinians, jews, African, American girls,Christians, Muslims etc only important when it makes the news?

The fact that a double standard exists that some how just because your skin color is a certain shade or you act a certain way that it is ok to be shown the same bigotry, racial and xenophobic hatred that is being denounced befuddles me. I would think that people would want to denouce all forms of racism in order to help society move forward, but I guess I am wrong.

A white person, usually ignorant and/or racist, for whom the racial slurcracker - while capturing the essence of the individual's personality - does not quite seem to fully capture the extent of the individual's ignorant and/or racist behavior without being used twice. The word "ass" is therefore used to break up the dual usage of the term cracker - not only to emphasize the insult by adding an expletive (for example the way "punk bytch" is enhanced: "punk ass bytch"), but also because using the same word twice in a row doesn't sound right.

Rainman negged you for your post in the thread Whoa: Black Mizzou Football Players Have Boycotted Over Campus Racism (Updated:President Resigns). With the following comment: another cac in the red, thank goodness you filthy white b*stard.

#1 pick negged you for your post in the thread Whoa: Black Mizzou Football Players Have Boycotted Over Campus Racism (Updated:President Resigns). With the following comment: cac

DillaTUDE negged you for your post in the thread Whoa: Black Mizzou Football Players Have Boycotted Over Campus Racism (Updated:President Resigns). With the following comment: fukking cac

What makes these terms or any other racist terms used different than the ones dropped by the KKK or any other racist organization? Do they not carry the same amount of anger, hate and disgust towards people based upon their skin color, religion, etc? It's crazy for me to see the same hatred denounced by one group be used by that same group against people based on their skin color because they disagree with your pov or do not do or say what you deem acceptable.

For instance, explain the derogatory references made towards other black people because they choose to date interracially or work certain jobs. Why do you think they owe you ,me, or anyone else anything? Are people supposed to drop their search for the best life possible because it doesn't fit the narrative segments of society want them to play? It makes zero sense to me. It reminds me of the white people who get disgusted and point out the bible says don't mix races when IR dating is brought up. Yet God created all man in his image. So tell me should I show you or anyone else respect based upon how I assume them to be or how they actually treat me?
Because after all I am a CAC.
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Where the hell is Diamond?!
Aug 12, 2013
Last Frontier
Someone really asked if Obama commented on this. :laff:
yes, i did. i think he should make a comment and acknowledge that he is aware of what's going on and support it. might not seem shyt to u but it is something he should address.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Where did I say they were overreacting. I said it's wise to have all the facts before all parties assumed their stances. Jonathan Butler was pissed for the racists actions of unidentified individuals. Fact. He was pissed because planned parenthood lost their MU medical contract. Fact. He was pissed graduate insurance paid for by MU was cancelled by the IRS and the graduate housing was torn down due a firefighters death. Fact.

The president of a university cannot expel anyone for language deemed offensive if there is no suspect unless he wants to be sued by the aclu. Destruction of property via racism is the exception only when there has been a suspect apprehended and enough evidence brought forth to merit an expulsion. Otherwise he would have been sued, again. He made mandatory sensitivity training but he failed to adequately address and handle these issues instead of sticking his head in the sand. These are all facts.

As for your diatribe about me being a CAC. Yes I happen to be white, something I have zero control over. As for my statement about bigotry and idiocy lets put in the proper context contrary to what you have done.

Saturday at 10:46 PM

Payday23Well-Known Member

good boy, now say "all lives matter"

You gonna refute what I said with facts or are you just gonna bring the same bigotry and idiocy displayed at mizzou to this thread? Ironic

This post was aimed in a manner of bigotry and idiocy. Tap dancing and Good boy were terms used to degrade my pov with racist undertones.
I am not against protesting. I'm for protesting when the facts being protested about have been proven. Cases in point:

Occupy Wall Street
Malcolm X

Cases with zero merit:
Anything that involves supremacy of one or more races over another based on looks, religion, ethnic origin, sexuality, economic status, etc.

The popularity of a news story does not designate it's importance. How about unarmed people who are killed by cops but barely make the news. Are their murders okay because they didn't make the news? Are the murders and rapes of Palestinians, jews, African, American girls,Christians, Muslims etc only important when it makes the news?

The fact that a double standard exists that some how just because your skin color is a certain shade or you act a certain way that it is ok to be shown the same bigotry, racial and xenophobic hatred that is being denounced befuddles me. I would think that people would want to denouce all forms of racism in order to help society move forward, but I guess I am wrong.

A white person, usually ignorant and/or racist, for whom the racial slurcracker - while capturing the essence of the individual's personality - does not quite seem to fully capture the extent of the individual's ignorant and/or racist behavior without being used twice. The word "ass" is therefore used to break up the dual usage of the term cracker - not only to emphasize the insult by adding an expletive (for example the way "punk bytch" is enhanced: "punk ass bytch"), but also because using the same word twice in a row doesn't sound right.

Rainman negged you for your post in the thread Whoa: Black Mizzou Football Players Have Boycotted Over Campus Racism (Updated:President Resigns). With the following comment: another cac in the red, thank goodness you filthy white b*stard.

#1 pick negged you for your post in the thread Whoa: Black Mizzou Football Players Have Boycotted Over Campus Racism (Updated:President Resigns). With the following comment: cac

DillaTUDE negged you for your post in the thread Whoa: Black Mizzou Football Players Have Boycotted Over Campus Racism (Updated:President Resigns). With the following comment: fukking cac

What makes these terms or any other racist terms used different than the ones dropped by the KKK or any other racist organization? Do they not carry the same amount of anger, hate and disgust towards people based upon their skin color, religion, etc? It's crazy for me to see the same hatred denounced by one group be used by that same group against people based on their skin color because they disagree with your pov or do not do or say what you deem acceptable.

For instance, explain the derogatory references made towards other black people because they choose to date interracially or work certain jobs. Why do you think they owe you ,me, or anyone else anything? Are people supposed to drop their search for the best life possible because it doesn't fit the narrative segments of society want them to play? It makes zero sense to me. It reminds me of the white people who get disgusted and point out the bible says don't mix races when IR dating is brought up. Yet God created all man in his image. So tell me should I show you or anyone else respect based upon how I assume them to be or how they actually treat me?
Because after all I am a CAC.
Bruh, you are cac'ing it up real proper like :manny:
You are running off the ASSUMPTION there is no evidence. A movement this large does't grow that big off of hearsay :stopitslime:
You want video evidence of people getting callled nikka, you not gonna get that. WHat goes down on that campus is bigger than the handful of stories you learned about in the last couple of days bruh. As for calling people "cac" well... there is a time and place for that. If you are trying to lead a group of people astray? CAC. MU is nothing. We need MU to happen all over the country. People of color have been subjected to heavy racism since when? What you don't seem to understand is that its stil prevalent. Its still happening blatantly. Its not just some dumbass kid, or some KKK member. Its your police, your judges, your congressman. This shyt is happening everyday all around the country, go to any courthouse in America bruh. You could see it for yourself. But you'll ignore like the fired president did. What he did was normal, what we did about it wasn't :umad:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Dog, you were a rabid supporter of Rand Paul and Ron Paul. Two old white men with known white supremacist ties. You can front for nikkas on The Coliseum, but you and I and everybody on HL know whats going on. You bytch you.
Nah, Ron Paul is a white dude who calls out white people White people hate Ron Paul and attacked his character by saying he was racist. Then having other c00ns c/s so he doesn't have the push he would of had

Its funny how you devils will be quick to say such things about Ronny P, always referring to some newsletter from100yrs ago that he claims he didn't write. Thinking that would stop people from watching the actual videos of him breaking down the real racist in ways that would make Malcolm X proud (Tru Story)

I challenge anyone and everyone here to peep Ron Paul youtube video. The proof is right there for anyone to see :salute:


Nov 20, 2014
Uh no. I'm fully aware of racism in America for all people. Whites are racists towards blacks and as this thread has shown the feeling seems to be mutual from part of the black community. Just because you're white doesn't mean you're "my" people. What ignorance. You do realize that you are assuming that I support the cops, judges, government, etc. Why don't overthrow the system? what are your solutions? MineI'm only accountable for my actions towards you and anyone else. How can I tear down an institution when more people believe in government then God himself? What has me being white done to you? Me not the MU president, not the cops but me? Nothing but disagree with your opinion but that makes me a CAC, filthy white devil. Likewise, you have done nothing but disagree. We agree that racism is bad, so two wrongs do not make a right. I see your hate and pain that is justified toward a system that targets minorities, but it should not be directed at me. conversations about race will never make progress so long as both whites and blacks share equal hate for each other. So again I ask what are WE to about this?


May 6, 2012
Mizzou is a joke of a school

lmao at letting a football team making threats


Mar 13, 2014
Uh no. I'm fully aware of racism in America for all people. Whites are racists towards blacks and as this thread has shown the feeling seems to be mutual from part of the black community. Just because you're white doesn't mean you're "my" people. What ignorance. You do realize that you are assuming that I support the cops, judges, government, etc. Why don't overthrow the system? what are your solutions? MineI'm only accountable for my actions towards you and anyone else. How can I tear down an institution when more people believe in government then God himself? What has me being white done to you? Me not the MU president, not the cops but me? Nothing but disagree with your opinion but that makes me a CAC, filthy white devil. Likewise, you have done nothing but disagree. We agree that racism is bad, so two wrongs do not make a right. I see your hate and pain that is justified toward a system that targets minorities, but it should not be directed at me. conversations about race will never make progress so long as both whites and blacks share equal hate for each other. So again I ask what are WE to about this?

this post is why I'm rarely in the sports section of this site. Way too many idiotic cacs that love to play the victim and are utterly clueless about race relations in america.