Whoa: Black Mizzou Football Players Have Boycotted Over Campus Racism (Updated:President Resigns)

The War Report

Apr 30, 2012
The Empire State
I'm not sure how many of you know about this as a national movement, but the corporatization of the public University is a very real and dangerous mission/movement. University presidents with little to no knowledge of academia are being plucked from the business sector and tasked with the mandate to strip schools of "liberal thinking" while focusing more on the vocational aspects of education. In other words, to remove critical thought and encourage a worker-bee mentality. Departments are being gutted, job security is being scaled back, and unscrupulous practices that increase school revenue while decreasing the quality of education for students are being trumpeted as practical and visionary. The concern for basic issues like access, broadening perspectives, critically challenging systems of power, examining the arts, and discussion of race, gender, etc. is actively being discouraged. Corporate giants are in cahoots with government officials, who are dictating to the regents who to hire.

Which is all to say these protests from people like football players are incredibly significant. Because they are the fuel that makes the engine run on the economic vehicles that bring 30-90 million dollars into these college towns. They might be some exploited ass nikkas who aren't necessarily qualified for enrollment, and don't go to classes.... but they have way more power than the smartest kid on any of these campuses, because money talks.

I'm always hearing how universities are becoming way too PC.

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
I was talking about this with someone earlier. The LGBT groups have basically made it into a crime to say anything homophobic. There aren't any laws that do this, in fact there have been laws passed in Arkansas and Indiana to allow bigots to do it. But the pressure the LGBT groups put on them financially and in the media is so strong they can't.

This is the policy that need to be taken. Any behavior that can be clearly linked to racial injustice needs to have tangible and costly repercussions. That is exactly what the students at Missouri did and it is a model that needs to continue.

Wouldn't say it's a crime, but there's a price for saying ignorant shyt in many cases. But that fight isn't over. Most states don't even allow gay people to visit their partners in the hospital. I'd hope even those who "disagree" with homosexuality can at least agree that's fukked up.

But yea, ultimately the only thing the powerful understand is money. Which is why BLM is so lost IMO. Interrupting presidential speeches doesn't do shyt. If you start boycotting brands and companies effectively, if you stop shopping in local stores run by people who don't hire black people, etc...you create change.

Likewise if you VOTE in local elections. I always point to Baltimore v Ferguson, ie Freddie Gray v Michael Brown. Baltimore elected a fierce, tireless pro black prosecutor. Ferguson elected a prosecutor who is on the police's payroll. Gay people understand that local elections matter. Asians in California understand it. Arabs in Hamtramack understand it. Yet many black people still out here ignoring local elections or voting for whoever your crooked pastor tells you to vote for.


Honolulu Blue Ski Mask Way
Jun 11, 2012
Lombardi Trophies in Allen Park
I'm not sure how many of you know about this as a national movement, but the corporatization of the public University is a very real and dangerous mission/movement. University presidents with little to no knowledge of academia are being plucked from the business sector and tasked with the mandate to strip schools of "liberal thinking" while focusing more on the vocational aspects of education. In other words, to remove critical thought and encourage a worker-bee mentality. Departments are being gutted, job security is being scaled back, and unscrupulous practices that increase school revenue while decreasing the quality of education for students are being trumpeted as practical and visionary. The concern for basic issues like access, broadening perspectives, critically challenging systems of power, examining the arts, and discussion of race, gender, etc. is actively being discouraged. Corporate giants are in cahoots with government officials, who are dictating to the regents who to hire.

Which is all to say these protests from people like football players are incredibly significant. Because they are the fuel that makes the engine run on the economic vehicles that bring 30-90 million dollars into these college towns. They might be some exploited ass nikkas who aren't necessarily qualified for enrollment, and don't go to classes.... but they have way more power than the smartest kid on any of these campuses, because money talks.

Oh, I know. It's how Mitch Daniels can cut 150 million from higher education as governor of Indiana yet become chancellor of Purdue University. That makes no fukking sense.

Guest column: Why we reject Daniels as Purdue's president

Daniels has no experience in university administration. Instead he has overseen more than $150 million in cuts to higher education in Indiana as governor, driving up tuition at Purdue and other Indiana universities to maximum levels. At the same time he ordered a $300 million annual funding cut to public education in Indiana and has attacked teachers unions.

Beyond this, public positions Daniels has taken send a very bad signal to potential students and employees of Purdue. These include:

• Daniels opposes affirmative action in college admissions. Purdue currently ranks near the bottom of the Big Ten in key minority admissions. Hiring Daniels sends a signal to black, Asian, Latino and international students that they are not wanted.

There is more at the link.
Oct 16, 2015
You still haven't offered a solution of your own. What are some of these "better ways"?

Corporations care about about money. If you threaten to reduce their money they will respond. This isn't the 1950's, we don't have to worry about getting lynched for holding the elected leader of a corporation accountable for doing a negligent job.

You're a c00n with a slave mentality, if you're white(which you strongly sound like) You just want a bunch of docile blacks who have no self esteem and take abuse with no problem.

And history will also testify to the fact that if you don't fight back, a bully will keep fukking with you because there is no consequence. Harriet Tubman said herself "i've freed many slaves, but I could have freed so many more if they only knew they were slaves". Sounds like you'd be one of them slaves snitching on the others seeking freedom.

C00n? Ain't that a derogatory term for a black person?


KPJ Gonna Save Us
Mar 31, 2015
Wouldn't say it's a crime, but there's a price for saying ignorant shyt in many cases. But that fight isn't over. Most states don't even allow gay people to visit their partners in the hospital. I'd hope even those who "disagree" with homosexuality can at least agree that's fukked up.

But yea, ultimately the only thing the powerful understand is money. Which is why BLM is so lost IMO. Interrupting presidential speeches doesn't do shyt. If you start boycotting brands and companies effectively, if you stop shopping in local stores run by people who don't hire black people, etc...you create change.

Likewise if you VOTE in local elections. I always point to Baltimore v Ferguson, ie Freddie Gray v Michael Brown. Baltimore elected a fierce, tireless pro black prosecutor. Ferguson elected a prosecutor who is on the police's payroll. Gay people understand that local elections matter. Asians in California understand it. Arabs in Hamtramack understand it. Yet many black people still out here ignoring local elections or voting for whoever your crooked pastor tells you to vote for.


Brilliance right there in that post. Simple brilliance.


Aug 29, 2012
Look at God! :blessed:

But seriously, see what happens when black folks actually stick together for something. Attacking the pockets is the ONLY thing they respect. White folks gameplan on breaking a few Uncle Toms down and planting the seeds for division. Thankfully that team didn't have any outspoken c00ns undermining their goals.


Oct 8, 2015
Wolfe resigned:krs::krs:

I cant front im a little :to:right now. Im so proud that these young black men (and the women who were protesting with them) realizing that they have power to do this. A young breh put his body/life on the line for this. I hope this is only the beginning that more brehs become more vocal and stop letting the bullshyt slide.

Imagine this going down at somewhere like Bama:wow::wow:

ETA: Oh yea, fukk the clippers:pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:. These young men showed more heart than grown rich men. All those clippers will always be fukkboys in my eyes:birdman:
Wolfe resigned:krs::krs:

I cant front im a little :to:right now. Im so proud that these young black men (and the women who were protesting with them) realizing that they have power to do this. A young breh put his body/life on the line for this. I hope this is only the beginning that more brehs become more vocal and stop letting the bullshyt slide.

Imagine this going down at somewhere like Bama:wow::wow:

ETA: Oh yea, fukk the clippers:pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:. These young men showed more heart than grown rich men. All those clippers will always be fukkboys in my eyes:birdman:
Good point, Cock Rivers and his fukk boys should be ashamed