rest assured he was gonna blow them both up at the end but in the pocess he blew up a hospital, watched as his own crew killed themselves for that paper till he was the last one standing, toppled an all black mob by cutting off its head then made whoever was left stick themselves, mutilated and drove the D.A insane even handed him a loaded gun and basically told him fire away then talked him into doing his dirty work, had an entire city out to kill one dude for spoiling his fun, blew up a judge and tricked a comissioner into drinking acid, willfully put himself in jail only to blow that sh1t up and escape, had an entire armory at his disposal while he plucked off a hellicopter and squad cars and vans one by one, Shot a cop point blank in the face with a shotgun

killed batmans woman, dressed himself some goons and arkham inmates up as cops to cause a ruckus downtown, Posed hostages in villain attire with his goons dressed as hostages, got thrown off the side of the building laughing all the way down even batman himself couldnt bring himself to kill him